Seven of the thirteen spiritual forces have gathered together and plan to attack Myriad Gods Temple together.

A man in a gray coat with a fierce fierce man said, “We still speed up the road! If the benefits are late, we will snatch some of the nearby forces. When we get busy, we will be busy.”

An old man next to him said with a smile, “Don’t worry so much, the Myriad Gods Temple is also composed of five spiritual forces. It has a little ability to let the two sides play for a while. We used to be cheap in the past.”

There was a fat man who looked wretched and said with a smile. “This is right, we should go slower, let them bite the dog, and finally come cheap, and I heard that Myriad Gods Temple is composed of five GoddeSS. It’s so beautiful, if you grab us to serve us, then.”

A sly Great Han said, “That’s for sure. I haven’t enjoyed a GoddeSS as a servant to serve me. Now I can enjoy the feeling of enjoying it.”

One of the seven gods, one by one, GoddeSS, frowned, and some did not like the look of this group of people.

If it’s not faster to gather together, and the loss is smaller, attack Myriad Gods Temple. She doesn’t want to attack Myriad Gods Temple with them. There are a few bad reputations here, not only the character is abnormal, but also want to play with various women. ,


Several guards ran over and yelled, “The gods are not good, big things.”

The words, the numerous gods look awkward, one of them asked, “What happened?”

A guard lined up, “According to the news we got, the five gods around Myriad Gods Temple have been destroyed, and even some forces have joined Myriad Gods Temple.”

Amazingly, the gods are shocked. Isn’t the numerous gods attacking Myriad Gods Temple? Myriad Gods Temple is in a weak position. They are strong and right. How can the five gods be destroyed?

“This is what’s the matter? You can make it clear.” The old man looked ugly and said to the guard in a hurry.

The guard also immediately replied, “There is a very terrible strong man. One person will destroy those gods, and some gods will be striked down by that person.”

Hearing this, the numerous god is dignified, and who is in the heart now, how can he have such terrible strength.

A god just wanted to say something.


A huge sword light, with a terrible momentum, flew from afar, the numerous god felt a huge danger, and rushed to use strength to resist.

Just resisting the attack, a figure came with a strong imposing manner. He was wearing a black cloak and holding a sword.

The gods were inspired by the momentum of the man, and his face became a bit ugly.

The identity of the person in front of you, do not have to think about it, who is sure, that is, the person who destroys the power of the numerous god.

A pair of eyes ice-cold looked at the seven gods, directly with a powerful momentum, rushed to the face of a god, a sword with a terrible strength.

The god was shocked and hurriedly blocked it with his weapon, but he was still flying out by Zhao Yiyi’s sword slash.

Other gods also used strong strength to attack Zhao Wei, a cold light with a terrible strength, and strength rushed to Zhao Wei.

A powerful black defensive hood emerged from the body around Zhao Wei. A series of attacks hit the defensive hood and made a loud noise. A strong wind spread and the attacking strength of several gods was not weak. The hood is now covered with cracks.


That a little wretched fat man, big shouts, holding a great hammer, with fierce momentum, rushed to Zhao Fu’s face, waving his great hammer, with a destructive force, hit Zhao Wei.


The great hammer hit the cracked defensive hood, crushing the defensive hood, and shooting innumerable four.

The wretched fat man’s face is bright, and a sniper breaks the defensive hood in front of him. The people in front of him are just like this. They don’t have to be too afraid of the people in front.

After shattering the energy cover, the wretched fat man wanted to swing the great hammer and beat Zhao.

Zhao Yan’s mouth rose, showing a sneer, kicking out with a terrible force on one foot, kicking the fat man’s abdomen directly, kicking the fat man out, squatting on the ground and pulling out a big one. pit.

Several gods seized the opportunity, jumped into the air, and jumped into the air with a terrible strength. They attacked Zhao Yu and were fierce.

Zhao Wei coldly snorted, “Immortal Mode …… open!”


A huge momentum broke out from Zhao’s body, and a seven-colored mist ignited from Zhao Fu’s body. A colorful rune circle emerged, and a strong pressure shrouded the square.

In the face of the numerous rushing gods, Zhao Yu extended a hand, the rune circle around the body, with the beginning of the rotation, a terrible strength exudes.

Zhao Hao’s extended hand pushed forward.


The colorful rune circle with an amazing strength spread out to the surrounding, and several of the rushing gods flew out directly, and the rune circle also dissipated.

Xiū xiū xiū ……

The solitary spirits led by the gods, the numerous gods lost, they also attacked Zhao Wei, the dense arrows shot, with an amazing power, shot to Zhao.

In the face of countless arrows, Zhao Hao stretched out a hand against the arrows, and a colored formation emerged in the palm of his hand.


An invisible and massive strength spread out, directly impinging numerous arrows that were shot in the middle of the sky, and the dense arrows were instantly imprisoned in the air. This scene was also extremely shocking.

Zhao Fu’s hand pushes forward.

Xiū xiū xiū ……

Countless arrows in the air, turning the arrow, with a force, flew past the countlesssoldiers.

Pū pū pū ……

The arrow slammed down like a heavy rain, shot through the body of a solediers, blood splashing, screaming constantly, and for a time did not know how many soldiers tens of thousands.


An embarrassed man broke out with a powerful momentum and rushed to Zhao Fu’s. A huge strength was injected into the big knife. The big knife exudes a strong knife, and the man with a big knife fiercely rushed to Zhao.

Zhao Yan colded a face, raised the sword in his hand, and a strength was injected into it. The sword became a seven-color, exuding an amazing strength.


Zhao Wei slammed the sword in his hand, a colored arc, and with a sharp strength, the big knife that the man came over was cut off, and the body was opened by the arc, and the blood splashed.

The gods present were shocked. Now they watched Zhao Wei striking down a god, and the body felt a chill, and the hair was erected.

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