“You can’t think about it!”

Jade Stone GoddeSS heard this, a look of anger, directly started talking.

Zhao Wei chuckled, a powerful momentum broke out from the body, turned into a stream of light, rushed to the front of Jade Stone GoddeSS, a sword

With a sword light, Jade Stone GoddeSS smashed the past.

Jade Stone GoddeSS changed his face and hurriedly took out a jade sword and blocked it in front of him.


A dull voice came out, and Jade Stone GoddeSS flew out a few meters and his face became a bit ugly because she found out that it was not Zhao.

Awkward opponents.

Zhao Xiao said with a smile, “I understand now! You are not my opponent, and as long as you surrender to me, you will not be able to imagine.

The benefits and status. ”

Jade Stone GoddeSS coldly snorted in anger, “You don’t think about it, I can’t surrender to you.”

Zhao Wei with a smile, did not say anything, a more powerful momentum, broke out from the body, quickly to the jade woman

God rushed over, and a sword fiercely slammed into Jade Stone GoddeSS.

Jade Stone GoddeSS issued all his strength, injected into the jade sword, but only a sword can resist, unable to attack Zhao Wei



Zhao Wei used a sword, with a huge sword force, and with a strong sword wind, Jade Stone GoddeSS flew out. Mouth corner

A trace of blood.

Bang bang bang ……

The strongest of this force also rushed here, with a powerful momentum, turned into a violent wind.

After they appeared, watching Jade Stone GoddeSS in a bad situation, they attacked Zhao Zhao Zhao.

The number of these people is about a dozen, with a strong strength, from all directions to Zhao Hao rushed over.

But with their strength, how could it be Zhao Fu’s opponent, the sword in the hand with a terrible strength, a sword fiercely smashed out

A huge sword force will fly out countless people.

There are even a few that can’t be resisted at all, and the body is smashed into pieces, and the blood flies and falls to the ground.

They had blood on their lips and looked at Zhao Wei with an ugly look. The people in front of them were really terrible.

People, now they don’t dare to attack, look at Jade Stone GoddeSS.

At this time, only Jade Stone GoddeSS is somewhat resistant to strength. These people rushed up and are likely to die.

Jade Stone GoddeSS cold face, a powerful god strength broke out, reaching out a hand, facing Zhao Wei.

Numerous jade particles appear, condensed into a jade sword, the number reaches tens of thousands, each with a strong sword force, on

Wan Jian Yu Jian formed a terrifying sword.

Jade Stone GoddeSS stretched out his hand and pushed hard against Zhao Wei.

Clang clang clang ……

A spurt of the jade sword, with a strand of terrifying sword force, shot to the past, with a stream of light, momentum


Zhao Wei did not have any fear, and raised the Emperor Killing Sword in his hand, a huge strength, injected into the Emperor Killing Sword, and read, “Sword

the Lord! ”


A terrifying sword qi spewed out, forming a huge sword qi storm, raging around.

In the face of the jade sword that was shot, Zhao Wei used a sword to throw out a huge black sword light, with an amazing strength flying out, no

The jade sword slash that was shot in the past was broken, and the jade collapsed everywhere.

The four collapsed jade, with a strong force, is not something that ordinary people can resist, people standing around, have defended



Numerous jade hit the defensive hood with a strong bang, making a loud noise, some of which were directly broken and some fell to the ground.

Jade Stone GoddeSS’s face is not good-looking. She tried her best to attack. It was so easy to be dismissed by Zhao Wei.

What a terrible strength? How can it be inexplicable in her territory, but also to snatch her territory, and even do evil to do his

the host.

Zhao Wei a pair of eyes Looking at the jade woman, a golden eyelid in the left eye, suddenly and quickly rotated.

Clang clang clang ……

A chain of irons, with a force, shot from all directions, and shot at Jade Stone GoddeSS.

Jade Stone GoddeSS was shocked and waved the jade sword in his hand. He took out a few huge sword lights and smashed the chain into a myriad of segments.

But there are still a lot of chains shot in the past, and you tied Jade Stone GoddeSS in the air.

The strong face of the surrounding has also changed, with a strong momentum, directly rushed to Zhao Yu.

Zhao Wei waved his hand and waved a terrible strength to fly all the other people out.

And with a smile, Zhao Wei came to Jade Stone GoddeSS, who was tied in the air, and reached out to pick up her chin. “Now

Can you surrender to me? Otherwise I have to use other means. ”

Jade Stone GoddeSS also hesitated in the heart, do not surrender to the man in front of him, his strength is terrible, he is not right

Hand, if you don’t agree, you may die here.

“God of the gods!”

Those who are repulsed by the numerous strong, see the gods of the gods who are believed to be so thin, angry and rushed to Zhao Wei, want to smash Zhao


Zhao Wei turned to look at those who rushed, a pair of eyes with a strong killing intent, the voice is sloppy, like the ice, “you are moving forward

Step, I will kill you all. ”

at once!

Those who rushed past the body suddenly stiffened, felt a chill, and could not help but have some fear.

Zhao Wei’s eyes are turning to Jade Stone GoddeSS with a smile. “What are you thinking about now? If you still don’t agree, then I have to do it.

It is. ”

Jade Stone GoddeSS is still hesitating.

Zhao Wei extended a hand, six horrible magical rushes out, forming six magic balloons, a scent of evil spread.

Jade Stone GoddeSS felt a strong danger and made a decision in his heart, “Good! I promised to surrender to you.”

Zhao Wei showed a smile, but the hand with six magic balloons pressed hard on the abdomen of Jade Stone GoddeSS, six magical

The ball also poured into the body of Jade Stone GoddeSS.

Jade Stone GoddeSS only felt a hot heat spread out, some kind of reaction was strong, and a blushing pair of Zhao said, “You

Shameless! ”

Zhao Yan with a smile on his face, a strength emerges from the palm of his hand, enters the body of Jade Stone GoddeSS, and seals the strength of Six Desires Demon Qi.


Jade Stone GoddeSS felt that the hot strength disappeared, the body returned to normal, and the heart was relieved, but still somewhat angry

Said, “I have promised to surrender to you, why are you doing this to me?”

Zhao Xiao replied with a smile. “That is a ban, used to control you. If you are not obedient, I will let you experience this kind of strength.”

. “

Jade Stone GoddeSS looked at Zhao Wei angrily and understood that Zhao Wei does not believe her now.

Zhao Wei waved, the chains tied with Jade Stone GoddeSS also spread, Jade Stone GoddeSS also restored freedom, Zhao Wei took her back to the ground


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