In a short while, Tucker took Zhao Wei to the front of the City Lord Mansion.

Tucker spoke to several guards at the door. “The gods are coming, please come to the City Lord.”

At this point, Zhao Wei has hidden the breath and looks like an ordinary person.

The guards saw Tucker’s low-cost clothes, and Zhao Wei, an ordinary look, naturally can’t believe, coldly said, “Fast roll! This is not where you can come, and how noble is the gods.” Exist, what can you tarnish?”

Tucker was a little scared, because the guardian’s words were obviously offensive to the gods around him. He looked at Zhao Wei very nervously. He just wanted to explain clearly that Zhao Wei was a god.

But Zhao Wei spoke up and said their language. “Now let’s let go!”

Zhao Yan’s face was light and he walked forward.

Of course, several guards did not allow it, holding a weapon against Zhao Wei, a fierce one said, “When we go further, we will kill you in the same place.”

Zhao Wei a pair of eyes Looking at a few people, the eyes were lightly opened, a huge strength rushed out and directly flew the few guards out.

The guards slammed into the wall and spit out a large mouthful of blood.

Zhao Wei walked directly into the City Lord Mansion.

Tucker was a little scared, but thinking about his father, or keeping up with Zhao Wei, thinking that there is such a powerful god, he does not have to fear anything.

The change at the door immediately caused the City Lord Mansion to move. Several team guards looked at Zhao Wei who came in and started the past with Zhao Wei.

I saw them holding weapons one by one, and there was a murderous aura on his face. He had a strong breath on his body and rushed over to Zhao.

In the face of so many guards, Tucker has never seen this scene, scared pale, and his legs are soft.


Zhao Wei just waved his hand, and a huge strength waved out, and the countless rushedsoldiers flew out, and there were countless people lying on the ground.

Tucker was a little scared and looked at Zhao Wei, thinking that this god is really powerful.

At this time, a middle-aged man, dressed in an armor, walked out from inside with a numerous person. The doorway also came in to the numerous soldiers because they learned that someone dared to make trouble at the City Lord Mansion.

The two teams inside and outside surrounded Zhao Wei and Tucker. A pair of booth eyes stared at Zhao Wei.

Tucker was afraid, and Zhao’s face did not change.

The middle-aged man who looks in the ordinary should be the City Lord, started talking, “Who are you? Why are you in my City Lord Mansion?”

Zhao Yan’s mouth raised his smile and said with a bit of domineering. “This place is mine, let your God of Jade Stone come out to see you.”

at once!

There was a lot of people around, and it was too bully and strong. It was said that it was his own, and it was called the gods.

Everyone looked at Zhao Fu’s eyes, shocked, angry, and doubtful.

The shocked person is because Zhao Wei dared to say such a thing, the angry person is because this is tainting the gods they believe in, and the people who are skeptical because they feel that Zhao Wei wants other gods to make trouble.

Tucker also looked shocked at Zhao Wei. He didn’t even think about it. Zhao Wei was actually a place to come and rob the gods.

City Lord coldly snorted in anger, “You are looking for death!”


A powerful momentum broke out from the City Lord’s body. He took a long knife and rushed over to Zhao. He slammed it out with a knife, and a fierce knife smashed toward Zhao.

Zhao Wei stood still in the footsteps, with a trace of disdain on his face, clenched his fists, gathered a piece of strength, and struck hard.


A dull voice came out, a fierce punch hit, and the knife was broken. The City Lord was also punched out by the punch and hit the wall. The wall shattered directly and the City Lord spit out. A big mouthful of blood.

“City Lord!”

The solitiers around were shocked by screamed, and then an angry face rushed over to Zhao, a pair of people who wanted to unload Zhao.

Zhao Wei eyes a little murderous aura, “Look for death!”

Reaching out, a black-skinned sword appeared in the hands of Zhao Wei, the sword exudes a trace of black sword qi, with a very terrifying strength, surrounded by people only feel the hair erect.


Zhao Wei waved his sword in his hand, and a huge sword qi flew out in an instant, and nothing could resist it.

Pū pū pū ……

There were countless solitiers rushing around, all by the scary sword Qi Slash into a few pieces, blood and broken bodies flying to the ground, the ground was dyed red, a smell of blood filled, and many guards died so much.

Some people who survived looked at Zhao Wei with a look of fear.

Tucker looked at Zhao Wei with a look of horror. His body was shaking. He did not expect Zhao Wei to be so ferocious. What kind of god he brought was a fierce evil spirit.

The City Lord looked at Zhao Wei with hatred and killed so manysoldiers.

Zhao Wei said the City Lord with a sword finger, with a hint of murderous aura. “Now go find those God of Jade Stone. If it is late, I will not only kill you, but also kill all the people in this city. Exhausted.”

City Lord had a raging anger in his heart, and he wanted to rush to kill Zhao, but he understood that Zhao Fu’s was terrible, and he did not doubt what Zhao Wei said. With Zhao Fu’s fierce, it is really possible to kill all the cities. .

After thinking about it, the City Lord can only leave the City Lord Mansion with a look of anger and quickly tell the God of Jade Stone that they believe in.

Zhao Wei came here to get control here, because teleportation formation is teleportation here, so it must be owned by Daqin.

As for this power, there is God of Jade Stone, Zhao Wei does not have any fear, because it feels weak.

This power is about 30 cities, and each city has about 200,000 people, which is more than six million.

In the face of these six hundred people, if Zhao Wei wants to, they can kill them all.

In less than a moment, the sky radiated countless green lights, and a powerful spirit of the gods spread out, and a figure appeared in the sky.

The person who came was a woman, dressed in a green coat, full-bodied, beautiful face, smooth skin like jade, with a gentle temperament.

This is the God of Jade Stone!

The God of Jade Stone stared at Zhao Wei, his face was a bit serious, and he noticed that Zhao Wei was not simple. He asked, “Who are you?”

Zhao Wei now naturally does not reveal his identity. He smiles and says, “Who is who I am not important, you only need to understand that I am your master now, and your territory is owned by me.”

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