The Alliance everyone was also surprised to see the golden color of the sky, and also felt the great and noble momentum.

“This momentum is too big! The big Qin is doing something terrible, and set off a terrible wave of stocks.”

“I heard that the Great Qin Emperor Palace is so beautiful, these Phoenix Qi are from those women, really a lot Ah!”

“Although the reputation is not good, I actually want to share the beauty of the world like the Emperor of the Great Qin. Every time I capture a force, I will grab the woman of that power, especially those queens and princesses, especially Attractive.”

“Da Qin suddenly issued such a huge wave of fluctuations. I am afraid that there is a big movement in Daqin recently. You said that if the cursed land disappears, can Daqin still resist the attack of two forces?”

“This is not clear, and I don’t know what Daqin has. Now it’s just that Daqin destiny is increasing rapidly and more stable. If you want to kill him, it is a bit difficult.”

“I want to know what will happen when the two forces break the cursed land, but Daqin is so excited at this crisis moment that it is so exciting.”

“This Daqin must be showing what kind of magic, as a woman, I actually have an idea to join Daqin and integrate into Phoenix Qi. Daqin, this bastard will only harm women, and such forces must not stay.”

“hahaha, I also admire the Emperor of the Great Qin, there are so many nephews.”

“Don’t say this, I feel that Daqin is getting more and more dangerous. After the curse is broken, look at it. If the two forces can’t kill Qin, I might join them to kill Qin.”

“I don’t feel it necessary to let them attack each other. We will finally pick up the spoils.”


Outside the hall, Feng Shensha is holding a beautiful woman, a pair of beautiful women looking to one side, surrounded by a dozen very handsome men, such as dogs, there is a dog chain around his neck.

The beautiful woman in her arms said with a chuckle, “Your Majesty! That Great Qin Empire. From the perspective of such a huge Phoenix Qi, the woman with the best looks is countless. If the majesty breaks Daqin, those women are left behind.”

“For example, Daqin is the most famous, female Knight King Arthur Tina, the Lord of Youkai Hanano Mai, Daqin female Li Muqing, four women, Demonic Spider Queen Silk, three Great Shang, Ba Qing, Xiao Yueyin, Su Yanran , female country teacher Xianru…”

Feng Shensha showed a domineering smile at the corner of his mouth. “These women I have already seen, they will be my day, but it is not the time to wait for a suitable opportunity.”

“Now I want to add a few emperors, and strengthen the Empire destiny of the second Fengshen. Unfortunately, although I am a female emperor, I can’t unscrupulously add a scorpion like Daqin.”

“At this time, watching Great Qin’s Phoenix Qi set off such huge fluctuations, as well as enhanced destiny, to stabilize the role of destiny, really envious, do not know how Daqin did.”

The beautiful woman heard Feng Shensha continue to add a few emperors, and her face was a little worried.

Feng Shensha smiled and whipped up her chin. “You don’t have to worry, you will always be my favorite queen.”

The beautiful woman suddenly showed a bright smile, her hands glared at Feng Shensha’s delicate body, and suddenly thought of something. “Your Majesty! I am a little curious. If the big Qin book seals a queen, the Phoenix Qi effect should be a bit stronger, but why Daqin has been No queen?”

Feng Shensha thought, asked with a smile, “I don’t know, who knows what the Emperor of the Great Qin thinks, has never been a queen.”

Beautiful woman snorted in the arms of Feng Shensha.

Feng Shensha said with a chuckle, “Now Qin Qin Qi has set off such a large fluctuation, maybe there will be a lot of action soon, maybe the crisis he faces will be lifted, we will do some preparation as soon as possible.”

The beautiful woman said with a smile, “I will also help you, our family can be very strong Oh!”

Feng Shensha smiled and nodded and promised to walk to the side with a beautiful woman.

A dozen handsome men around her, if the dog is generally crawling, behind Feng Shensha, a look of a smile, is a pet dog to please the owner.

Aoki Y and Jiu Xiaoyun, who are in the capital of Daqin, also looked at the huge golden phoenix in the sky with a look of surprise.

Feel the vast strength it carries, everyone in front of it is as small as an ant, without any resistance to strength.

This strength is even stronger than the usual Kingdom-level Nation Armament. It is a bit shocking. A Kingdom Nament Armament, there are ten world bleSS ing in the terrifying strength.

How does this phoenix have a stronger strength than the Kingdom-class Nation Armament, and it is not losing to the Kingdom-level Nation Armament at all.

Aoki Y and Jiu Xiaoyun also knew that the people around him said that Daqin was not simple, very dangerous and mysterious. Now he saw it with his own eyes and was really shocked by the Emperor Phoenix Statue.

This is the means of the Great Qin Empire. There is such a terrible strength. What kind of terrifying means does Daqin hide?

Thinking of this, Aoki Y and Jiu Xiaoyun also cleaned up the previous contempt, became serious and serious, and became more curious about Daqin. This absolute Daqin is not as simple as the surface.

At the same time, they are also fortunate enough to stay and not leave like other people, otherwise it is impossible to see such a shocking scene.

At this moment, the huge golden phoenix, graceful flying in the sky, the numerous and large birds in the sky followed, covered with the entire sky, making a crisp and sweet tweet.

Numerous golden glows are scattered on the ground. The first to benefit from the numerous women in the Great Qin Emperor Palace, a golden silk thread hangs from the sky and blends into their bodies.

The golden silk thread turns into a warm strength that spreads in their bodies. The numerous woman only feels that the body is undergoing metamorphosis, some impurities are eliminated, the appearance becomes younger, and the skin becomes smooth and supple.

And their qualifications have also been greatly improved, and now no woman is a low-qualified person.

The most important thing is that they also have a strength, which is called Phoenix Power, a high-order strength.

This strength not only makes them strong, but also makes them more beautiful and young. Even if this kind of strength is strong enough, they can also be born like real phoenix.

Emperor Phoenix Statue This ability is very powerful, not to enhance a few strengths, all of Zhao’s booked scorpions, all affected by the influence of Emperor Phoenix Statue, began to change, get Phoenix Power.

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