After a while, the intelligence of all parties came. Now Daqin Soldiers has not only captured the entire territory of Mountain Demon Country, but also occupied the entire North. It has gained initial control. Now the North has been classified as Yellow Spring Country.

Zhao Wei showed a smile and waited for news from other directions. Soon the news came over and he had fully occupied those areas.

At this point, the end of this war can be declared.

Zhao Wei looked at the minister who was standing in the hall below with a smile, started talking. “Since you have surrendered to me, I will naturally not treat you badly, wait for the army to return to Yellow Spring Country.”

Numerous ministers also sighed with relief, and they all thanked Zhao Wei for not killing and giving praise to Zhao Fu’s.

Zhao Yu first let them retreat, and the life man brought the numerous royal family to a total of more than forty.

Three of the women are the most beautiful, a tall figure, beautiful beauty, a light green hair, a beautiful woman with a temperament, and a beautiful woman with a beautiful face.

The third figure is slim, with a cool face, long black hair and a white dress, very beautiful.

Now they are looking at Zhao Wei with hatred or fear.

Envoy next to Zhao Wei, said with a smile, “Adult! That is the most beautiful woman of our Mountain Demon Country, also our queen, the second is also a famous beauty, is the emperor of our country, the third It is the Crown PrinceSS of our country.”

“I didn’t say anything wrong with adults! They are really beautiful. The other princesses, the Princess of the Kings, are also good women.”

Zhao Wei also showed a smile, nodded, and did not say anything, ordered to return to Yellow Spring Country.

The Daqin Soldiers will search for the treasures and supplies from all over the world, as well as the beauty of the parties. They will also be on the carriage and transport to the Yellow Spring Country. The number is very large. The whole north is about half the size of the world, so it looks very Spectacular.

Back in the hall of Yellow Spring Country, Zhao Wei listened to the information from all parties and showed a satisfied smile.

Yellow Spring Country has attacked in three directions, each of which has received 10billion Population, which is a total of 30 billion. The original Yellow Spring Country already has 50billion Population. Now with these 30 billion, it is 80 billion. There are only 20 billion

In addition to this, there are countless treasures of materials, and it is not necessary to elaborate.

Attacking all forces in all three directions has also increased the territory of Yellow Spring Country, and now the territory of Yellow Spring Country is already as big as four worlds.

With so many Populations and territories, the next step is to digest.

After dealing with these things, Zhao Wei returned to Daqin and stood on a high platform. Under the high platform, there stood a woman, which was dense and unclear. These are the female women who have just brought back from the vaginal world.

Zhao Wei took a decree and looked calm. He said, “Today, you will be all enshrined.”

The sound just fell, the dark gold sacred in Zhao’s hand, turned into countless black streamers, shot into a beautiful woman body, countless golden Phoenix Qi, from their body, formed a golden sea, then Fierceness has flowed to somewhere.


A huge phoenix cry, resounding throughout the Great Qin Empire, on the high-powered Heaven Dancer Platform, a crystal stone phoenix absorbs countless Phoenix Qi, and a phoenix cry is heard in the sky.

Numerous golden glows spread out of the Heaven Prayer Platform, and a huge momentum spread out. The crystal stone phoenix radiated a strong golden light and turned into a 50,000-meter-large phoenix flying into the sky.

Heaven and Earth The sudden change of spiritual power, the aura quickly poured into the body of the golden phoenix, the huge phoenix exudes a strong momentum, and numerous golden glows spread out to fill the sky, slowly spilling over the entire Qin Dynasty.

Fiery Flame Kingdom, Monster Horn Empire, the Alliance, the Duplicate Wind God Empire, also felt this momentum, only to see the horizon turned into gold, a vast and noble atmosphere filled out.

Fiery Flame Kingdom’s location, Li Baiqing frowned, started talking, “What is this Daqin doing, making such a big move?”

Su Yan said with some seriousness, “That strength is Phoenix Qi, and I don’t know what method Daqin used. The use of Phoenix Qi caused such a large fluctuation. Now the destiny around the world is gathering with Daqin, and Great Qin’s destiny is increasing. ”

Li Baiqing’s expression is cold. If Daqin destiny continues to increase, the Great Qin Empire will be even stronger, and it will be harder to kill him.


Li Baiqing thinks of what, started talking, “The reason why Daqin has countless women’s income in the harem book is 妃, whose purpose is this?”

Su Yan said, “The Great Qin Empire has been arresting the numerous woman in the harem. It should be the use of those women’s Phoenix Qi to increase the Great Qin’s destiny. No wonder the Great Qin Empire destiny was so strong and stable.”

“Not everyone thinks that the Emperor of the Great Qin licentious and exceSS ive has collected the beauty of the world. Daqin has always been this. Now this Phoenix Qi is really too big, it has covered nine worlds, and I don’t know how many women There is such a huge Phoenix Qi in gathering.”

Li Baiqing has a cold face. Now Daqin is a method that he can’t copy because he is still under the fence and he doesn’t even control the real military power.

If he dares to betray the princess, it will die very badly.

Monster Horn Empire Yao Ming has a hint of twilight. “I can’t lose to Daqin. That big Qin has such a huge Phoenix Qi. The Monster Horn Empire must also have it. Let me order it and send all the women with Phoenix Qi. Go to the palace and seal it to you.”

Next to an old minister persuaded, “Your Majesty! This is not the same thing as you think. You see that Phoenix Qi has gathered together. Now the fluctuation is caused by this group Phoenix Qi. This is also the most crucial place.”

Yao Ming smiled and asked, “You talk in detail.”

The old minister explained, “Phoenix Qi is good for the country, it can stabilize the Empire destiny, and it can also strengthen the origin of Empire’s, but the quantity can’t be too much. If the number of cockroaches is too much, even though Phoenix Qi is more, they are backlash. Empire’s destiny, not only does not have any favorable things, but also makes Empire quickly decay and perish.”

“This Daqin doesn’t know what to do, immunizes this kind of backlash, gathers countless Phoenix Qi, and then sends out the current fluctuations. If there is no such method, you want to be like Daqin, which is very bad for Monster Horn Empire. Great harm.”

Yao Ming coldly snorted, “Then my Monster Horn Empire must find this method, and definitely can’t lag behind Daqin. This is left to you.”

The minister left without a command.

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