Zhao Wei went to look at the attributes of these bronze doors and found that their ability not only to release ghosts, but also to copy other strengths, but not to copy too advanced strength.

For example, just those ghosts have only a trace of Zhao Fu’s strength, and can’t really copy Zhao Fu’s strength.

Although it is impossible to copy the high-order strength, but the strength of the general strong can still be copied, and as long as the door is not destroyed, those ghosts can not be really killed, I feel that this ability is not bad.

Zhao Wei took all of it and waited to go back and refine it into his own thing.

Keep going!

Still did not meet anything, Zhao Wei came to a huge hole in front of the door, the front is darker, with a touch of pressure, and a spirit of the spirit.

Zhao Yan’s mouth was raised with a smile, and now it can be judged that there is a god in front.

Going into the hole and advancing along the passage for about a dozen minutes, Zhao Wei came to a big space at a time.

There are tens of thousands of meters in size, thousands of meters high, the ground is very empty, there is nothing, the center has a 100-meter-high platform, and there is a throne at the top, sitting on a woman.

Woman is graceful, wearing black armor, a long cyan hair, closed eyes, beautiful face, with a strong temperament, the momentum is also very powerful, exudes a strong sense of the gods.

There was a long bronze knife next to her, giving off a slight bluish light with a sharp breath.

Above the space is a fan-shaped bronze door. Each door is three meters high and three meters wide. It has a slight blue light, and there is an imposing manner. The number reaches tens of thousands, which is very spectacular.

Zhao Wei walked in.

The woman also slowly opened a pair of blue eyes, her eyes fell on Zhao Fu’s body, started talking, “Who are you? Dare to break into here.”

Zhao Wei showed a smile, started talking, “I am the Lord of the Great Qin Empire, the true master of Yellow Spring Country, and what kind of god you are.”

Woman brows slightly wrinkled, she found Zhao Wei very not simple, replied, “I am Ghost Gate Guardian God, you have disturbed me to sleep, please ask to leave.”

Zhao Yan said with a smile, “Go! But I want to take you with you. Now how do you surrender to me? I will give you everything you want.”

Woman somewhat angry, cold voice replied, “I am a god, how could it be you.”

Zhao Wei chuckled, his tone turned cold. “Then you can’t blame me!”

Clang clang clang ……

A chain of chains with a strong strength, shot from the ground where Zhao Wei is, quickly shot at the woman.

Woman’s face is cold, reaching out to grab the bronze long knife, a powerful god strength into the knife, rushing forward, force a glimpse, a huge knife light out, directly into the numerous chains Countless paragraphs.

Zhao Wei holding the Emperor Killing Sword, with a powerful momentum, turned into a stream of light, rushed to the woman, a sword with a sharp sword light, smashed the woman.

Woman lifted the knife and blocked the Zhao Fu’s sword.

Zhao Wei took the sword, and another sword with a terrible strength, and a fierce sword wind, smashed the woman.

Woman also puts a god strength into the long knife in his hand, and the long knife emits blue light and slams it hard.


The two weapons collided together, and the sound of steel intertwined, the sparks splashed, and a strong wind spread.

Woman stepped back a few steps, her face was a bit ugly, and she found that some were not Zhao Fu’s opponents.

Zhao Wei said with a sneer, “Now it is clear that the gap between our strengths is still surrendering as early as possible to avoid suffering.”

Woman coldly snorted in anger, raised a hand, a strength rushed out, the bronze door in the sky, emitting a blue light, with a strand of terrifying strength, came to Zhao.

Zhao Wei slammed the sword with a force, and smashed the numerous bronze door that came over, and countless pieces collapsed.

Woman’s outstretched hand, a turn, a fan of bronze doors in the air, from all directions with amazing strighth, Zhao smashed past.

Zhao Wei opened the Immortal Mode once, a colorful mist ignited from the body, and a colorful rune circle emerged. Zhao Wei also extended a hand, and a rune circle flew over Zhao Wei, exuding an amazing Strength, forming a circular energy shield.


The bronze door slammed on the circular energy cover, making a loud noise, forming a strong wind, but the circular energy cover blocked countless bronze doors.

Woman looked awkward, did not think that Zhao Wei was so easy, blocked countless bronze doors, then the woman rushed to Zhao Yu, a knife with an amazing strength, Zhao Zhao passed.

Zhao Wei disdainfully waved the sword in his hand, a colorful sword light with a terrible strength, flew the woman out directly, fell to the ground, spit out a blood.

Looking at the numerous bronze door that was blocking, Zhao Wei pushed hard, and the circular energy cover directly flew out the numerous bronze doors.

The woman climbed up from the ground and burst into a terrifying momentum, injecting a huge strength into the knife in her hand. The knife exudes a glare, giving a strong knife wind and spreading around.


Woman waved a force, a huge knife light, with a terrifying strength, as if everything was destroy, Zhao would pass.

Zhao Wei raised the Emperor Killing Sword in his hand, and a huge strength was injected into the Emperor Killing Sword. The Emperor Killing Sword ignited the colorful mist and formed a strong sword wind. Ferocious blowing around.


Zhao Wei took a hard look, a huge colorful sword light, with all the strength, and smashed the woman.


Two attacks collided together, a huge explosion occurred, and a powerful shock wave spread, and the ground was completely exhausted in an instant.

Zhao Wei’s body emits a colorful energy cover to block the shock wave.

The woman was shot and flew out to spit out a large amount of blood, and there was no strength to climb.

Zhao Yan’s mouth rose, with a smile, and walked over to the woman.

Woman pale and shouted. “You don’t come over!”

Zhao Xiao smiled and ignored her words directly, and continued to move forward to her.

Woman wants to stand up, but very divergent.

Zhao Wei walked directly in front of her, a strength forbidden her strength, then picked up her body and walked outside.

Woman struggling, yelling, “You bastard let me go!”

Zhao Wei did not care, taking her body and continuing to walk outside, intending to bring back to Daqin to accept her.

After a while, Zhao took the woman’s body and came out.

Huang Quanling has been waiting outside, watching Zhao come out with a woman and feeling the breath of the woman. It is a godly atmosphere, and my heart is a little surprised. The first time I saw someone doing this to the gods.

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