It didn’t take long for Zhao to come to a bronze facade. This bronze door stood in the middle of the space, ten meters high, with an ancient cold atmosphere, engraved with numerous armor and weapons. Evil Ghost.

Zhao Wei went to look at it and found that this is the root of Evil Ghost.

This door is called the Gate of Ghosts. In those days, Evil Ghost was the product of this door.

And this door is also a powerful treasure, not only has a strong defense, but also the ability to condense a large number of ghosts, and with a ghost field, the strength of people entering the field will be weakened.

Zhao’s newly cultivated base has been weakened and is also the role of this ghost gate.

It feels that the role of this ghost door is not bad. Zhao Yan’s face with a smile, waved the ghost door into the storage ring, and then proceeded.

Then Zhao Wei did not meet anything, and went to a facade. This door was the same as the door when he came in. Zhao Wei reached out and struck a strength and pulled the door back.

There is still a lot of space behind the door, but the scene is a bit weird, because there is a bronze door in the space.

These bronze doors are three meters high and about two meters wide. The door is also engraved with a fierce Evil Ghost. It looks a little different. Some are like a leopard. Some are like people, some are like cows, some are like men…

The number of bronze doors is about a thousand, standing on the ground, emitting a cold and strange atmosphere.

Zhao Wei is also careful, here is obviously not simple, with a strange.

Thinking for a while in the same place, Zhao Wei walked to the corner of the inside. Those doors were standing in the middle, and there was no door in the corner area. If they were around, they could bypass these bronze doors.

However, everything is different from that of Zhao Wei. Zhao Wei has just stepped into it. Those doors have faintly ignited their own movements, and they have also lined up in a row, one by one, and they have emerged from the powerful ghosts.

The strength of these ghosts is very strong, and each one has the strength of Saint Realm. Zhao Wei now loses the suppression of the Ghost Gate and his strength is restored to Earth Realm.

In the face of these powerful ghosts, Zhao Wei did not have too much fear, holding the Emperor Killing Sword, and went to those strong ghosts.

Those ghosts a pair of eyes ice-cold cruelly looked at Zhao Wei, the body moved, rushed over to Zhao, they were very fast, and in less than a moment, they had already rushed to Zhao Fu’s.


Zhao Wei directly broke out all the strengths, and a terrifying momentum broke out, setting off a huge wind, with a huge force, directly rushing out the monsters that rushed past.

Those ghosts were ten meters away from Zhao Wei, surrounded by Zhao Wei, and their faces became dignified. I understood that Zhao Fu’s was terrible.

A humanoid ghost snorted and couldn’t help but rushed over to Zhao, and soon rushed to Zhao Wei. A ghost with a huge strength, grabbed Zhao Yu, as if to tear Zhao Wei .

But Zhao Wei holds the Emperor Killing Sword, a powerful strength is injected into it, and there is a strong sword light above the Emperor Killing Sword. With a wave of effort, a fierce sword light smashed out and smashed the ghost into two halves.

Shuā shuā shuā ……

A few ghosts also quickly rushed to Zhao Wei, with a strong strength, launched an attack on Zhao Wei Zhao Wei.

A ghost like Fierce Tiger fluttered to Zhao Wei. Zhao Wei kicked it out with a kick. A snake-like ghost shot like a lightning bolt. Zhao Wei went to the side to hide. hit.

A humanoid ghost hit a fierce fist to Zhao Wei, and Zhao Yi took a sword light and smashed his head. A wolf-like ghost, from the back to Zhao Wei launched an attack, Zhao Wei turned a sword, the ghost in two.

More than a dozen monsters from all directions, with a strong momentum, the body jumped, jumped into the air, attacked Zhao Yu.

Zhao Wei holds the Emperor Killing Sword, a powerful strength is injected into the sword, Emperor Killing Sword emits countless sword light, and a forceful glimpse, a crescent with an amazing strength, flying around.

Pū pū pū ……

The monster that jumped into the air was directly pulled out of the two by the sword light, and the blood was spilled on the ground.

Rooaaar ……

At this time, countless ghosts made a scream, with fierce momentum, the body jumped, jumped into the air, and rushed to Zhao.

In the face of countless ghosts, Zhao Yi binocular ice-cold, lightly shouted, “Immortal Mode …… open!”

A momentum like Immortal broke out from the body of Zhao Wei, a colorful mist ignited, Zhao Xiaomei’s heart floated out of color formation, his eyes overflowed with colorful light, and a colorful rune circle emerged.

Zhao Wei looked at the countless ghosts, with a cruel smile, reaching out to the ghosts, and then a strong strength gathered in the palm of his hand, making the palms emit a strong colorful light, pushing hard.

I saw the colorful rune circle around Zhao’s body, and issued a terrifying strength, first rotating a few laps, and then directly with an amazing strength, and then expanded outward.

Pū pū pū ……

The countless rushing ghosts, the body was directly split into two halves by the colorful light halo. No one resisted the strength, the corpse and the blood were like rain, and the ground was covered. It looked very bloody and cruel.

However, these smashed bodies turned into countless gray breaths and re-infused into those bronze doors.

Bang bang bang ……

The door of the door exudes a powerful momentum, emitting a strong ghost light, and one ghost comes out of it at a time.

Zhao 甫both eyes 眯, this is the same as the previous bronze door, those ghosts can not be killed, need to find the body.

Shuā shuā shuā ……

Those terrible ghosts, with fierce momentum, rushed over to Zhao, who had some differences from the previous one, as if with a trace of the same strength as Zhao Wei.

But there is only one trace, because Zhao’s body’s strength is not something that can be copied.

Seeing the ghosts that rushed, Zhao Wei was half-squatting on the ground, one hand was pressed on the ground, a huge colorful strength was injected into the ground, a colorful formation emerged, and the golden eyelids of Zhao Wei’s left eye quickly turned.

Clang clang clang ……

A colorful chain with a strong force, very fast to shoot out those ghosts, the body of a ghost is penetrated by the chain, making a scream.

Those colorful chains that passed through countless ghosts did not stop, but instead shot at the bronze door behind them, and soon tied a bronze door.

Numerous bronze doors emit a terrible strength, radiating a strong radiance, trying to break away from the numerous colorful chains, and countless chains exude a powerful seal strength, slowly sealing those bronze doors.

Those bronze doors did not move a little, and countless ghosts disappeared.

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