boom! boom! boom!

Three heaven-shaking bangs, the colored arrows of the three arrows, shot into the Icebound World, terrifying’s strength instantly torn Icebound World into pieces, thundering, shooting the three 10,000 meters of ice The eye of refining.

boom! boom! boom!

Three huge explosions sounded, and the three 10,000-meter-long ice eyes in the sky exploded directly. Numerous ice crystals collapsed. Numerous cold and fierce attacks on the four sides, set off a huge cold wind.

Standing behind the parties on the war Sacred Beast, hurriedly launched the defensive hood and blocked the numerous cold and ice crystals.

However, some of the Alchemy soldiers around him suffered, the huge cold spread, and everything was frozen, and the solderiers were also killed by alive.

The cold face looked angry and issued an order for a full-scale attack.

Xiū xiū xiū ……

At this time, Alchemy soldiers projected a metal spear at a time, and the spears plunged into the void with strength.

Alchemy formation emerges one by one, and the Alchemy Power is constantly flowing in, and the Alchemy formation emits a strong radiance.

Shuā shuā shuā ……

A root arrow shot with a terrible force to the Daqin Soldiers, and the black pressure was one, and the number was unclear. It was terrible.

Daqin Soldiers also rushed to Shield Defence to resist the spear.

Alchemy soldiers also attacked the Great Qin City wall, and the two sides began to be close to each other, and they were extremely fierce. The battle was constant and the blood was flying.

An Alchemy soldier rushed to the wall, mechanized arm, and shattered a big Qinsoldiers’ head with a punch. An Alchemy soldier armed with a long gun, spurting a body, piercing the body of a large Qinsoldiers, an Alchemy soldier holding a sword, a sword Split the Daqinsoldiers into two halves.

A big Qin solediers struggled with a hammer and flew out an Alchemy soldiers. A big Qinsoldiers held a giant axe and forced the Alchemy soldiers to split in half. A Daqin Soldiers held a long knife. Take a knife and cut off an Alchemy soldiers’ head.

The battle is a little bit better, because there are 2.6 billion 2nd Order soldiers on the Great Qin City wall, and some Ice and Fire Wyverns are also helping out, spewing numerous cold spells and fires, and will be frozen for countless Alchemy soldiers.


Some hundred meters of Void Beast, directly in the big Alchemy army, madly attacked Alchemy soldiers, paws swept a myriad of Soldiers and flew out, the huge body hit and numerous Alchemy soldiers crashed out.

However, Void Beast has not attacked a few times, and countless attacks have slammed into Void Beast, making Void Beast hide back in the void.

I wanted to hide and continue to attack Alchemy soldiers, but I was injured by the numerous attack when I first appeared. Alchemy soldiers have been wary of them.

At this time, Di Moji and Morafi wanted to sneak past and start ASS aSS ination for those leaders.

But not close, the three 10,000-meter war Sacred Beast has already noticed that a terrifying beam of light is shot, making the two people unable to get closer, and the ASS aSS ination naturally fails.

boom! boom!

Suddenly two loud-shaking bangs broke out, and a terrifying destructive force spread instantly, and everything was destroyed. The ground constantly vibrated, and a shock wave spread out, and countless sands flew.

Two a thousand kilometers of large holes appeared in front of everyone, surrounded by a rock, the wall was collapsed, surrounded by various broken bodies, the bodies of the Daqin Soldiers, and the bodies of Alchemy soldiers.

Fire Ghost couldn’t help but laugh. He didn’t release the ruin ball this time. Instead, he sent two Alchemy strongmen to hide in the Alchemy army and find a suitable opportunity to show them again.

Now the two men found an opportunity to throw the devastating ball into a place where the Alchemy soldiers were few and directly slammed the Great Qin City wall on both sides.

Zhao Yan no expression, issued an order for full retreat.

With the Zhao Fu’s command, the Daqin Soldiers also quickly retreated backwards. The Ice and Fire Wyverns, which were fighting the Sacred Beast, flew into the sky, out of the battle, while the mechanical dragon on the other side stopped attacking and flew in the direction of Daqin. .

Many of the leaders of Alchemy did not think that Daqin actually retreated completely and the resistance was not resisted.

However, now the city walls have been blown up on two sides, even if Daqin wants to resist them, but has no ability, this time they are victorious.

The faces of everyone showed a happy color. They stopped the troops from cutting the Qin four times. Now they are going to kill Qin. This is very simple. People can’t help but be happy and excited.

The icy cold also showed a smile, loudly shouted, “killing the Great Qin’s people and killing them!”

“Kill Ah!”

The numerous Alchemy soldiers also looked excited and excited. They finally destroyed the Heaven Awaken force and shouted loudly. The momentum became more fierce and killed to the Daqin Soldiers. No one could resist their killing.

Both Ice Cold and Fire Ghost stared at Zhao Wei and directly let the three wars Sacred Beast gun barrel face Zhao Wei. They had already said that they would kill Zhao and continue to torture him. It is.

“You can’t run now! I will wait for the screams that I will listen to, I will let you understand as the end of my enemy.” Ice cold looked at Zhao Wei with a cruel smile.

Zhao Wei’s face is not afraid and nervous, sneered, “Is it?”

Ice cold and Fire Ghost noticed something wrong, because Zhao Wei faced them in a comprehensive attack on Daqin defense, and there was no trace of panic and fear. This is obviously a problem. They thought that they were in a tight heart.

Bang bang bang ……

A share of the momentum spread, one form suddenly emerged from the ground, densely covered with ground, numerous Alchemy soldiers have not reacted, the body was pulled away by a strength, disappeared in place.

“Quick withdrawal!”

Ice cold rushed loudly shouted, numerous Alchemy soldiers also worried that something was wrong, hurriedly stopped attacking Daqin, quickly back.

But the result is already late, and the number of Alchemy’s army is less than half, and the original fierce momentum is gone.

The numerous formation on the ground is naturally a teleportation formation. Zhao Wei said that he had given some lessons to the Alchemy army. This is not a lie.

The icy and numerous Alchemy leader is very ugly, originally their two billionsoldiers, the death of Alchemy soldiers is about 200 million, and the remaining sodiers are only about 500 million, that is, the 1.3 billion army disappeared.

This is really a heavy blow, which directly caused them to lose so much combat power. This Daqin is too terrible.

How do you fight 500 million troops now?

The numerous leaders did not hesitate to order a full retreat, otherwise they would not be able to escape.

Zhao Wei saw the retreating Alchemy army. After a heavy blow, it was estimated that he did not dare to attack Daqin in a short time.

Let’s chase a little bit, don’t go too far, and at the same time kill people to repair the city wall, and repair the walls that collapsed on both sides as soon as possible.

Zhao Wei went to a place alone.

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