Áooooo ……

The Alchemy army had just dissipated the defensive hood and had not reacted yet. A loud scream of screaming through the sky, a huge mechanical dragon appeared in the sky, shaking the huge mechanical wings and picking up one. Stocks are raging.

At this time, the leaders of the Alchemy army were in vain, watching the completely mechanized dragon in the sky. “How did Daqin have the war Sacred Beast? And the number reached 4,000. Their total forces add up, it is only seven thousand. ”

Seeing that Daqin released so many mechanical dragons, Alchemy’s army immediately felt bad and rushed to build defenses, but it was already late.

Bang bang bang ……

A mechanical dragon opened the dragon’s mouth and shot a terrible beam of light. The beam of light struck the war with Sastred Beast and illuminate the entire sky. It was terrifying.


The huge beam of light hit the Sacred Beast, and although the war Sacred Beast had an explosion, it released a defensive hood, but it was instantly penetrated by the beam, and a loud explosion sounded.

Numerous wars Sacred Beast’s body, some directly through a large hole, some directly burst, the loss reached more than 1,600.

Numerous Alchemy soldiers, who also feel painful, but they have been training Sacred Beast for countless years, but they have been destroyed more than 1,600.

They angered immediately ordered the numerous Sacred Beast to open the counterattack, a huge gun barrel aimed at the mechanical dragon in the sky.

Bang bang bang ……

A powerful beam of light, with a terrible strength, densely rushed, and the speed of the mechanical flying dragon in the sky shot.

The mechanical dragon also emits a defensive cover to wrap the body, and it is also dodging on one side. The beams are striking down on the defensive cover, which also causes some cracks in the defensive cover. However, because there are many flashes, the damage is not much.

Rooaaar ……

Numerous mechanical dragons roared in anger, and in the mouth they shot a huge beam of light, with the terrifying strength, and the amazing momentum, shot at the huge war Sacred Beast on the ground.

The wars on the ground, Sacred Beast, also immediately released a powerful defensive hood, flicking to one side, not being concentrated.


A huge beam of light hit the ground and smashed a 10,000-meter crater. Some hit the Sacred Beast defensive hood and shattered the defensive cover.

But because of the explosion of the entire defensive hood, it was very hard, and the beam shattered the defensive hood, causing only a little damage to the Sacred Beast, not as terrible as it was last time.

However, some strengths are a little weaker in the war Sacred Beast, and some are destroyed.

Bang bang bang ……

The Alchemy soldiers on the ground also looked angry and controlled the war Sacred Beast, a huge gun barrel, facing the mechanical dragon, the dense beam, and also shot some mechanical dragons from the air.

The battle was also very fierce, and a sound of explosions continued to sound, and a gust of wind blew, and the numerous sandstone collapsed.

Alchemy’s leader, his face was a bit dignified, and now he feels not fighting Human World, but fighting a mighty Alchemy family.

They don’t know how Daqin got so many wars, Sacred Beast, and it was terrible, action-free, and no one controlled. They didn’t know that it wasn’t the war Sacred Beast, it was just like the war Sacred Beast.

Ice is cold with a face, started talking, “Use the eyes of ice!”

Three people who spurred the strong Qi Qi took out a fist-sized mechanical eyeball and cut open their palms to let the blood flow out. The mechanical eyeballs constantly absorbed the blood and gave off intense ice.

The three mechanical eyeballs began to rise and flew into the sky, where a large amount of Alchemy Power was injected.

The metal eyeball absorbs a large amount of Alchemy Power, and the body shape continues to grow, eventually becoming a 10,000-meter eyeball.

The color of the eyeball is ice, the eyelids are silver, and the eyeballs are a circle of runes. With a terrifying chill, the temperature around the city drops rapidly, and even begins to freeze. The sky also condenses a cloud of ice.

The three raised a hand, a strong strength condensed in the palm of the hand, the palm of the hand radiated ice, the huge eye in the sky, a direct burst of cold. The eyes seemed to have a sense of consciousness, looking at the Great Qin City wall.

boom! boom! boom!

Numerous Alchemy Power keeps rushing into the eye, the eyeballs emit intense ice, and the circle of rune circles begins to turn, and an ice-cold to the extreme cold spreads.

The eyeballs emit countless ice, watching the Great Qin’s wall, the temperature suddenly drops, and it is very low. I saw that the Great Qin’s wall began to form thick ice quickly, and the Daqinsoldiers on the wall were also frozen.

Zhao Yan’s eyes were slightly stunned, with a chill, watching the cold.

There was a twilight smile on the face of the cold, and now the leaders of the parties are not only standing on the 10,000-meter Sacred Beast, but also surrounded by two 10,000-meter war Sacred Beast guards, absolutely not like the last time, Not only was the ice eye damaged, he was also killed by Zhao.

Zhao Wei also ordered the launch of the three-kilometer Dragon Piercing Ballista, which was too large and not placed on the wall, but on the ground behind the wall.

Hundreds of 100-meter-high Corpse Soul Guard, the effort will open the bowstring and place a one-meter-long arrow on it.

This kilometer long arrow is densely covered with runes and lines, and is also set with a Death Pearl, and a Legendary Level.

The last time I saw the horror of the ice-making eye, Zhao Wei could not prevent the ice from being used once, and the three ice-smelting eyes had already frozen a large wall and sealed the numeroussoldiers.

boom! boom! boom!

Three huge rumbling sounds, three huge arrows shot, a burst of power, and space fluctuations were torn out of the crack.

The three arrows of the countless runes illuminate, one by one, the Death Pearl and the Runestone radiate a strong radiance, and an annihilated strength spreads out.

The three arrows braved countless colors and turned them into three streams of glare. They crossed the sky and shot at the three ice eyes, as if they were penetrating the entire Heaven and Earth, with a strong wind. .

The three people who controlled the eyes of the ice smelt broke out all the strengths, ignited the ice flames, and the eyes of the three ice-melting eyes made a suction, and the huge Alchemy Power was injected into it.

The rune circle on the eye of the ice refining rotates rapidly, and the ice smelt emits intense ice, and its gaze carries a chill of extinction.

An invisible chill spreads forward, and the sky, the ground, the flowers, the trees, the stones, and even the bodies of some Alchemy soldiers are icy, like the frozen Heaven and Earth, and attacked Daqin.

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