A few hours later, the silvery mechanical moon disappeared, and there were countless fires on the ground. Numerous rays illuminate the entire earth. A sun like a furnace rises slowly from the ground.

The temperature rose suddenly and the surrounding area became hot and dry, dispelling the coolness of the night.

However, this temperature is acceptable, without the temperature-like metamorphosis of Chaos World.

Now Zhao Wei has already explored some places and obtained some simple information. Except for the accidents found in the station, this time the exploration is basically completed, and then the troops can be sent.

boom! boom! boom!

It didn’t take long for Zhao Yi to move forward, and he heard a loud rumbling sound. It seemed that what was going on in the behemoth and felt a huge sense of oppression. It might be terrible.

The people carefully followed the direction of the voice.

I saw a tortoise with a size of 10,000 meters. It was slowly walking step by step. Every step fell on the ground. A huge mark was printed on the ground, and the ground was constantly shaking.

The 10,000-meter-tall turtle has been completely mechanized and does not see any biological features. Its head, limbs, and turtle shells on the back are all mechanically supported, a pair of eyes, like a pair of huge Green gemstones.

What surprised Zhao Wei was that the tortoise’s tortoise shell seemed to be artificially modified. There were two rows of things like gun barrel. Don’t have any doubts. It will definitely shoot terrifying things.

This huge mechanical tortoise can be said to be a huge war fortress. If applied to the battlefield, I don’t know how many people will die.

First of all, just because of its mechanized body, the 4th Order strongman broke out with full force attack, basically causing no damage to the mechanical turtle, because the fully mechanized body can only be described as metamorphosis.

There is also the turtle’s head position, standing about a dozen people, they look like ordinary people, but some have a mechanical eye, some have a mechanical arm, some heads are like mechanical, some are relatively normal, but Wearing a mechanical armor.

This time a Sven youth, happily said, “This time the interface war, we have Sacred Beast in hand, you can certainly striking down countless Heaven Awaken people, this time Alchemy masters the rewards can be very rich, I have a lot of heart!”

The cold-looking youth said, “The interface war is only the beginning. The Heaven Awaken people have not officially entered the battlefield. It is impossible to striking down too many Heaven Awaken people. When they enter, it is the moment of our slaughter. ”

Slim, with a feminine woman, glaring at the cold young man’s arm, said with a smile, “Now I am also very curious and looking forward, I really want to see what the people of Heaven Awaken look like.”

The obese young man said with a smirk, “I am also looking forward to the time when we catch a few princesses to play and wait for enough to kill.”

A graceful, beautiful face with a gloomy woman, coldly said, “I remind you first, what you like to do is not related to me, but do it in front of me, be careful that I kill you.”

That fat coldly snorted, “Is it? I want to see how you kill me!”

Gloomy woman’s eyes ice-cold, the left hand’s mechanical arm pops out cold light, a full-bodied woman with a gentle temperament, see this hurried started talking, “Okay! We are a small team, don’t be such a small thing fighting.”

A gentle young man also stood up. “Yes! Everyone is a little angry. Maybe they will meet Heaven Awaken when they wait. There is no need to fight.”

Sexy, with a charming woman, shy in the arms of a handsome man, “Song Gong! Wait for the Heaven Awaken people to appear, you have to protect me Oh!”

The handsome man smiled and said.

Next to an ugly young man, looking at the two secretly, his face was a little jealous, the charming woman, but he has always secretly loved, he also expressed his heart, but the charming woman could not see him.

There are also two strong-aged youths who stand on one side and say nothing.

Standing in the forefront is a mature woman with a calm temperament. She is the captain of this small team and has the simplest strength. It has the strength of World Realm.

She did not care about the conversation between the players behind her, but was alert to the dangers.


A huge tweet suddenly burst out of the mouth of the tortoise, which surprised everyone, because it was sure that Sacred Beast found the enemy.

Zhao Yi people emerged from the void, originally wanted to sneak a shot, did not expect to be discovered by the huge turtle.

Looking at the people in front of him, Zhao Wei understands that they are the original residents of Alchemy World. They can get very important information from their mouths. Zhao Wei wants to grab them all and then torture them.

The group of people saw Zhao Wei, and they understood that Zhao Wei was a Heaven Awaken person. Their face was a little disappointing. They took Sacred Beast, but they wanted to slaughter a large number of Heaven Awaken people. Now they have not scored a few points.

However, the numerous man looked at Di Moji around Zhao Wei, and couldn’t help but feel a little heart. Di Moji was the first beauty in the demon domain, and the beauty was even more beautiful than the average Fairy.

The obese young man laughed loudly. “Kids! Leave the woman next to you, and now you can live without it.”

Zhao Wei was chuckled and did not care about the young man who was about to die.

This 10,000-meter mechanical tortoise, strength has reached Absolute Heaven Realm, but because of its size, its destructive power is estimated to be much more terrible than the general Emperor Heaven Realm.

At this time, the woman who is the captain seems to be aware of the dangers of Zhao Wei, and immediately started talking, “Open the attack!”

The people around her, although they didn’t understand why, still obeyed the orders and stood in different corners. A formation emerged, emitting countless lights, and a terrifying momentum broke out.

The numerous gun barrel on the turtle shell quickly moved up and aligned with Zhao Wei. There were countless green rays in the gun barrel, and a terrible breath spread.

Bang bang bang ……

A powerful beam of light, with a terrifying strength, seems to penetrate everything, speed, and across the board, making a blast, set off a storm, the picture is very amazing.

With so many beams coming, Di Moji could somehow resist, but at this time the fish spirit, a hand extended, a silver energy cover, instantly wrapped up Zhao Zhao people, the next second Zhao Yi disappeared, directly Came to the head of the huge turtle.

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