Half an hour later, Zhao Wei went to a flat land, and there was no movement. A group of monsters rushed out.

This group of monsters has a beast-like body, some resembling canine creatures, with pale skin and no hair. The head is like a human skull. A pair of eyes is black, a sharp tooth with a mouth, and a mechanical tail.

There are a lot of monsters rushing, at least tens of thousands, the strength is almost 5th Order, and very fierce.

In the face of so many monsters, Zhao Wei still did not shoot, because the strongest at this time, is not Zhao Wei.

Di Moji held out a hand and a black energy cover emerged, wrapping the body of everyone.


The one monster with a strong strength hit the black energy hood and made a dull sound.

With the cultivation base of Di Moji Emperor Heaven Realm, the energy cover that is displayed is definitely not something that this group of monsters can break.

Countless monsters can’t break the defensive hood, but they don’t give up, surrounded by the defensive hood, a pair of eyes cruelly watching Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei also continued to observe that the Alchemy Power in these organisms is a terrible strength, but it is not the same as the strength in Chaos Chaotic World. The strength of Chaos Chaotic World can restrain Heaven Awaken World. It will be very bad.

There is no such congenital restraint now, at least on the same level of strength, or on the same line.

Zhao Wei observes this group of monsters. Although the strength is 5th Order, Intelligence is still very low. Just like the basic beast, only the hunting instinct, and in Heaven Awaken World, the 5th Order creature is actually not weak. wisdom.


Some monsters couldn’t help but rush to the front, use their teeth or claws to attack the defensive hood, want to destroy the defensive cover, and eat Zhao Wei.

After Zhao Wei observed it, he also had no interest in a group of monsters. His eyes turned to the biggest monster. The size of the ordinary monster was about two meters. The monster was four meters long and should be the monster leader.

As the leader, its wisdom is stronger than the ordinary monster. Zhao Wei reaches out and hooks up to make a provocative action.


The monster leader roared and burst into a powerful momentum, and the body jumped to Zhao Wei and everyone rushed over.

Zhao can’t help but chuckled, “Intelligence is still very low!”

In the face of this monster leader, Zhao Wei took out the Torturing Sword directly, with a wave of blood, a bloody sword light, with a strong strength, and the monster leader who flew past, felt the terrible strength, exposed The expression of fear, the body wants to dodge, but it is already late.


The head of the monster was opened by the bloody sword light in the air, and countless blood spilled out, and the body of the monster leader fell back to the ground.

At this moment, those ordinary monsters went crazy, but instead of attacking Zhao Yi, they rushed to the body of the monster leader, even at the expense of killing each other, as if the leader’s body was more important to them than life.

Zhao Wei saw this strange, watching the monsters that have bitten each other, but Zhao Wei did not stop, did not participate in it, but interested to see what changes will happen?

The monsters are fiercely biting, flesh and blood, the picture is scary, and very bloody. Some of the monsters that want to eat the leader’s body at the forefront have been besieged by other monsters and died. The body is torn into pieces and the ground is red. .

Zhao Wei looked at this scene and thought about it. What they want most is the Sage Stone in the leader monster. This kind of Sage Stone makes them have a maddening nature.


At this time, I saw a monster swallowing the leader’s Sage Stone, making a roar, and the surrounding monsters were scared back.

The monster’s body emits a lot of black light, and the monsters that are dead around, the Sage Stone emits black light, with the flesh and blood of those monsters, and the monster is rushing over.

The numerous Sage Stone and flesh and blood wrapped the body of the monster. The monster changed constantly. He even grew human legs and grew human body. He finally became a height of ten meters and tall. a pair of Eyes black, a mouthful of Giant.

Zhao Wei was a little surprised at once, did not think of these monsters, but also changed his own form, from animal shape to human form.

However, from that cruel and fierce look, its Intelligence has not improved much, but strength has been greatly enhanced.


That Giant rushed over with a strong momentum, and with a terrifying force, he punched the Zhao people and brought out a strong wind.


The fierce punch hit the hood, and there was still no tremor, which made the Giant look awkward. He thought his strength was very terrifying enough to break the hood.

But although he has become very strong, the strength is estimated to have 9th Order, but the energy cover is Di Moji, the Emperor Heaven Realm strong, and it is exactly an ant hitting the stone.

Zhao Wei fluttered with a sword in his hand, and a sharp sword light flew away, and the body of Giant was split in half. The body of Giant fell to the ground, but it was not split in half with those of the previous ones. The creature is dead.

I saw the two halves of the body emitting black light, and then they were together. The Giant did not seem to have anything. He climbed up from the ground, with a trace of fear, and looked at Zhao Yi. Now he understands that it is not Zhao Wei. opponent.

That Giant didn’t hesitate, turned and fled backwards, and surrounded by other ordinary monsters, seeing that the Giant escaped, and spread out.

Zhao Yan’s expression is once in a while, isn’t he splitting him in half? Why is the Giant not dead yet, and it automatically coincides, as if there is nothing like it.

However, the reason why Zhao Yiyi thinks quickly and understands is that he is integrated with Sage Stone throughout his body, because the numerous Sage Stone has just passed through countless flesh and blood. These Sage Stones provide more powerful for Giant. vitality.

Just opening his chest, at most one Sage Stone loses its effect, but other Sage Stone can also play a strength.

Zhao Wei feels a little headache, only to see how difficult it is to deal with Sage Stone.

Looking at the escaped Giant, Zhao Wei reached out, grabbed the left eye, the golden eyelids turned, and a chain of irons flew out with a terrible strength, tied the Giant, and the Giant struggled and roared, but Nothing works.

A black hole floated under him, and Giant’s body slowly sank. Zhao Wei temporarily sealed him in the seal space, and waited for him to return to Daqin. He studied it for himself, and now Zhao Wei is against the Giant. There is a lot of interest.

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