There was some anger on the face of the cold young man, but few people dared to talk to him because he came from an emperor, a prince, and was valued by the emperor. He might inherit the throne in the future, and he dared to talk to him.

But the opposite person can own the Monster Race Supreme Emperor Star, which is terrifying several times more than the Imperial Prince. I think that the cold youth can only endure it.

That handsome young man said with a chuckle. “In the lower Qin Yue, I wonder if I can get to know you?”

The people around him also exclaimed, obviously knowing his name, and a well-known Heaven’s Chosen, not only with terrible strength, but also with terrible identity.

Zhao Wei has some dislikes for these people, directly started talking, “No! I just passed by, there is no idea to make any contact.”

This makes the original to the gentle young people who are open, and the young people who are stunned are also awkward.

Cold-hearted youth anger, cold voice started talking, “You kid don’t give face shameless, here is the magic domain, but you Monster Territory, even if you are strong, come here to give me a little honest, otherwise we will be in the magic field Let you know the mistake.”

Zhao Wei is also some angry, looking at Jue Tianling, and Jue Tianling understands chuckled, a wave of direct, a fierce sword light fierce to the cold youth.

The cold-hearted young man was angry and didn’t expect Zhao Fu’s people to dare to shoot them first. In the face of the attacking sword light, the cold youth took out a long knife and blocked it in front of him.


The sword light squatted on the cold young sword, and repelled the youth a dozen meters, making the youth serious, because now he found that the woman is not weaker than him.

But then, the cold-hearted youth changed, because the women around Zhao Wei exuded the momentum, and they were all strong Absolute Heaven Realm.

The other two young people are also awkward. I didn’t think of these women who are devastatingly beautiful women. There are such terrible strengths, and I can’t help but marvel. “The other party is not the person who owns Supreme Emperor Star, even the ordinary maid who follows. It’s so terrible, they are totally incomparable.”

The cold young man saw so many Absolute Heaven Realm, and dared to stay here, turned directly into a stream of light and rushed to the horizon to escape.

The remaining two young people are not good at staying in the same place, but they have also turned into a stream of light.

The people around the world didn’t dare to breathe. They knew the identity of the three people and the terrible strength of the strength, but Zhao Wei did not give face at all. It is estimated that only Zhao can dare to do this. If they do this, there are ten lives that are not enough. .

“People! Let’s leave here first.” Wu Jiu’er looked at Zhao Wei, reminded with a trace of worry.

After all, it is the home of others, but the power of others is here. It is very easy to mobilize the strong people, which is very unfavorable to them.

When Zhao Wei thought about it, he promised it. It must be waiting for it, because there will definitely be people who are attracted by Emperor Star.

“Master! Just I can take you to some of my sisters.” Long Hao’er smiled and said happily.

Zhao Wei is originally going to the Devil Sea, because there is a magic sea event to be held there, and Long Hao’er’s residence, as well as her sisters, also live in the magic sea, the destination is the same, so nod.

Long Hao’er turned into a 10,000-meter-tall dragon. Zhao Hao was sitting on top of her head. Long Hao’er jumped up and flew up into the sky.

Two days later, Zhao Wei arrived at the Magic Sea. The color of the ocean here is black, and it is a magical atmosphere. The sea is very vast. There are various kinds of World of Warcraft in it, which contains a lot of murder.


Long Hao’er stayed above a sea area and made a huge dragonfly against the sea, ringing in all directions.

Four huge momentums are coming here.

Countless other small World of Warcraft, feeling this terrible momentum, scared to escape, did not dare to stay here, less than a moment, four thousand meters of dragon appeared in front of everyone.

These four dragons are different. The first dragon has a red-hot scale, four metal claws, only one single-angled, the second dragon has a black scale, and it has a powerful magical look and a pair of blood-colored eyes. .

The third dragon has a silver scale, only two white claws, a pair of white dragons with a chill, a fourth dragon with blue scales, a pair of blue eyes like gems, looks very beautiful. .

“You are coming so fast, I will introduce you to my master!”

Long Hao’er became a human figure, with a happy face glaring at Zhao’s arm, and some proudly started talking to the four dragons.

The four dragons were also transformed into human figures. The first dragon became a woman with a short red hair and a sexy body. The second dragon became a woman with a thin body and a cold temperament. The third dragon became a tall. Figure, with a proud temperament woman, the fourth dragon becomes a blue-haired blue 瞳, looks like a woman.

Short red hair woman, a strange face, “Hao’er! How do you recognise a person as master? This is all about you.”

The proud woman said with ridicule, “As a dragon, even recognise a person as master, still so happy, you are giving us a dragon face, you know?”

The cold woman did not speak, waiting for Long Hao’er’s answer.

The fourth soft woman said with a smile, “I know about Hao’er, things are definitely not simple, Hao’er, you can talk about what’s the matter.”

Long Hao’er smiled and seriously started talking, “My master can not only own the Monster Race Supreme Emperor Star, but also the Dragon Sovereign Blood.”

Speaking, four women were surprised, some did not believe

The short-haired woman reached out and pointed to Zhao Wei. “The Monster Race Emperor Star that just appeared two days ago, wouldn’t it be him?”

Long Hao’er nodded with a smile and then said, “You can be optimistic now.”

As he said, Long Hao’er put one hand on Zhao’s chest, and a huge dragon poured into Zhao’s body. The one billion Dragon Sovereign Blood was instantly activated, and the four women felt the terrifying pressure from the blood.

“Master! You also accept me! It is best to let us serve you together.”

Now I saw it with my own eyes. The four women were excited and excited, and they fell into Zhao’s arms. The proud woman was holding Zhao Wei, and she looked forward with a charming look.

Zhao Wei smiled and said lightly.

Later, everyone came to the place where the four women lived. It was a huge inside the palace at the bottom of the magic sea. Zhao Wei took a good look at the four dragon girls and tasted their taste. The four dragon girls also slutty hunger. Thirsty.

Because the dragons like to collect all kinds of treasures, the five dragon girls and their treasures can hide a lot of treasures. Together, it is an amazing wealth. Zhao Wei also found something useful for himself. Things are naturally a powerful magic treasure.

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