Waiting for the end of the cloud, it is night, a round and big moon appears in the night sky, and the figure is reflected in the river, with white light, the night breeze, and the night is quiet.

Long Hao’er has a flushed face, and the eyes are worshipped in Zhao Yuhuai. “Master! I didn’t think you were a Dragon Young Lord. If you know that I dare to attack you, I have already obediently surrendered to you.”

“There is still a master. Your body is really powerful. I can’t bear it as a dragon. Waiting for the magic sea, I am introducing a few good sisters to serve you. They will definitely obediently surrender to you.”

“Dragon Youth Lord?”

When I heard this word, Zhao Wei looked confused and didn’t understand Long Hao’er. How did he become the Dragon Young Lord?

Long Hao’er is the former dragon.

Seeing Zhao Wei’s face, Long Hao’er said strangely, “Master! Don’t you know? You not only have the Monster Race Supreme Emperor Star, but also the highest blood in your body, called the billion. Dragon Sovereign Blood.”

Hearing this strange word, Zhao Wei’s face was even more puzzled. “I have never obtained this kind of blood, and I have not noticed that I have it. How does Long Hao’er know?”

Long Hao’er See Zhao Wei really do not know, some accidents, explained, “Master! That a billion billion Dragon Sovereign Blood has been integrated with you, because it is very weak, so I can’t detect it, I am also with you.” Find.”

“There is still a billions of Dragon Sovereign Bloods that are small but very pure and can grow up, but the owner hasn’t inspired it, so it’s always hidden in your body.”

After listening to Long Hao’er, Zhao Wei still didn’t understand. I don’t know when to get the Dragon Ball Supreme Blood. I remember that the Dragon Blood only got a kind of Clear Sky Saint Dragon blood.

Long Hao’er looked at Zhao Wei and didn’t understand it. He also had some doubts in his heart. After thinking about it, he turned over and rode in Zhao Fu’s body, and once again got up with Zhao Yunyun.

After a sound came out, Long Hao’er softly squatted on Zhao’s chest, unable to say, “Master! You see this is your one billion Dragon Sovereign Blood.”

Zhao Wei looked at the chest and gave off a silver light. A mark emerged. Everything was clear when it came to the scene. It turned out to be the reason of Myriad Dragons Seal.

The origin of this Myriad Dragons Seal is really not simple. Since the awakening of Monster Race Emperor Star, Zhao Wei didn’t care about it. I didn’t think there was such a terrible experience. It turned out to be the Dragon’s Supreme Blood.

“Master! Now Hao’er really likes you, and it is the greatest happiness to serve you.” Long Hao’er squats in Zhao Wei’s arms, and a pair of beautiful women obsessed with Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei was chuckled, and she did not expect to tame her so quickly. It seems that she used to call herself a maiden, and her face was suffocating, but now it is endlessly gentle and charming.

In the many women beside Zhao Wei, the heart was shocked and found that Zhao Wei and the Dragon’s Supreme Blood, what is Zhao Qi’s identity? How many terrible strengths are still hidden?

Many women are really full of curiosity about Zhao Wei, because Zhao Wei’s identity is too mysterious now, and it is extremely terrible. There are even more amazing discoveries at all times, which makes their hearts are amazed.

However, the more terrible Zhao Xi’s identity is, the stronger the strength is. For them, it is also a good thing, because they are now Zhao Fu’s women, Zhao Wei will be their biggest reliance.

Nishi is flushed with a red face, and she understands the god she loves. Why does it surrender to a man? This man is really terrible. It is very terrifying in any respect. She also feels like it is fast now. Conquered in general.

The three birds of white birds are also fortunate. With their beauty, cultivation base, they are not able to enter this level. Now every woman in the bed is stronger than them, and they are more beautiful than them. Fortunately, Zhao Wei has them. Interest, they can enter this level.

There are such powerful and horrible people as Zhao Wei, which is what they dream of.

There is also Long Hao’er, and it can’t be Evil Flower Envoy. Zhao Wei found that it must be a pure Mozu, Mo Qianmo and Nishi all meet the requirements, but because of the fact that the Holy Constitution does not work, Long Hao’er also meets the requirements. Because it is a dragon family.

Slightly warm, Zhao Wei and many women came outside, countless people worshipped and looked at Zhao Wei’s people. Now everyone understands that Zhao Wei and these women are very terrible. They are not what they can provoke.

The boss of the ship smiled and walked forward, reaching out and handing out a storage ring, saying, “Thank you for your help, this is a little thought, and please accept it.”

Zhao Wei reached out and took over the storage ring. He looked at it, about seven or eight hundred thousand gold coins. Zhao Wei had no interest in it. It was not good for the boss to face the face. Zhao Wei also accepted it and smiled.

The ship boss saw Zhao Wei accept, can meet with such a big man, and some excited smile yelled, “fasten the best wine to entertain this adult!”

Others around the world have also planned to come forward to please Zhao Wei. Zhao Wei is not happy with this, and Jue Tianling exudes a powerful momentum that shocks a group of people.


The three people who radiated powerful momentum fell on the big ship, making the air dignified a bit, and everyone also looked at them.

I saw three men appear in front of everyone, a handsome man, dressed in Tsing Yi, a cold face, wearing a white robe, a gentle face, wearing a long coat.

The three of them were attracted by the Monster Race Supreme Emperor Star. The three of them walked directly into the wooden building, and the eyes were placed in Zhao Fu’s body for the first time. Because the hall is the most special. The temperament is the most extraordinary.

“Hello, is the person who owns the Monster Race Emperor Star?” asked a young man with a gentle face and a long coat, politely asked.

The other party came for this, Zhao Wei naturally could not hide, so nodded.

That cold young man, his face looked like a surprise, started talking, “My name is Nanjiang Yi. I heard that the Monster Race Supreme Emperor Star is powerful, and I came to ask for advice. I wonder if I can try it?”

Zhao Wei is speechless, his real cultivation base, but Earth Realm, the cold youth in front of him has also reached Absolute Heaven Realm.

He seems to be a little famous. Their names have just been spoken. Several people will make an exclamation and obviously know him.

And Zhao Wei has no interest in the test, started talking, “Sorry! I don’t have any idea of ​​comparing people.”

The cold young man is also Nanjiang Yi, and his face is a bit unpleasant, started talking, “I know that you are only Earth Realm cultivation base, I am also willing to suppress the cultivation base in Earth Realm. Can you compare it now?”

Zhao Wei also has a trace of anger, he said nothing, but also insist, cold voice started talking, “I am not interested!”

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