Looking at her attack, Zhao Wei smiled and made Zhao Hao happy. There are two points in front of him. One point is that the woman in front is very suitable as Evil Flower Envoy, which is suitable for both posture and strength.

The second point is to listen to her. This is the cemetery of the gods. There may be a corpse of gods. It should be able to wake up the ninth Evil Demon Flower.

The attacked DemoneSS is stronger than the general Absolute Heaven Realm, but Zhao Wei is not afraid, because Absolute Heaven Realm strong Zhao has eight here.

“You don’t have to shoot, I am enough!”

Jue Tianling had a confident smile on her face, pulling out the silver-white sword tied to her waist and welcoming the DemoneSS.

Zhao Wei heard that chuckled, let her solve it.

“Ah! ”

DemoneSS double-handed sword, rushed forward, issued tenderly shouted, countless demon phantoms emerged from behind her, tens of thousands of feelings.


The DemoneSS sword waved, and there were countless demons behind him, making a scream, with terrifying momentum, such as the big river rushing to Jue Tianling.

Jue Tianling, holding a sword, also rushed to DemoneSS. In the face of the attacking demon, the strength was injected into the sword in his hand, and the sword gave a sharp and sharp sword qi.


A sword swung out, a huge white crescent flew out, with a sharp strength, ferocious to the demon group, countless demon mourned under the sword light, a little dissipated, all demons disappeared.

DemoneSS’s face changed, Jue Tianling rushed to her in front of her, a sword brought a white sword light to her, and DemoneSS held a sword in both hands.


The sound of a steel collision sounded, the sparks splashed, and DemoneSS blocked a sword from Jue Tianling, and his face was a bit serious.

Jue Tianling had a scornful smile on his face, and shouts, the sword in his hand slammed, the DemoneSS ‘body was forced to go back for a dozen meters to stop, his face became ugly, because she found that she was not an opponent of Jue Tianling. .

Clang clang clang ……

As soon as the sound of the steel intertwined, Jue Tianling rushed to fight DemoneSS, the two sides played very fiercely, but it is clear that Jue Tianling is better than DemoneSS.

Zhao Wei is also somewhat scared. Jue Tianling’s strength is really powerful. It may be difficult to conquer her when using Nation Armament. Fortunately, she is actively surrendering to herself.

“Áo! ”

Jue Tianling raised the sword in his hand, and a silver-white sword light rushed into the sky. A huge sword qi spread, and a silver-white dragon emerged. Behind Jue Tianling, a terrible dragon was heard.


A sword fell, the silver-white dragon, with a huge momentum, quickly rushed to DemoneSS.

The woman was in front of her with a sword and showed a defensive hood, but she was shot hundreds of meters and hit a wall. The wall cracked a crack. Demon fell to the ground and spit out a blood. There is no trace of strength.

Jue Tianling still wants to shoot, Zhao Wei smiled at started talking, “Yes!”

Wen Yan, Jue Tianling only closed his hand and returned to Zhao Fu’s.

Zhao Wei came to the front of DemoneSS lying on the ground, reaching out to pick up her chin, said with a smile, the voice with a trace of domineering, “You are very good, as my maid!”

DemoneSS said with a stern face, “You don’t think, I won’t be your maid, nor will you give in to the mobs who broke into the cemetery of God. You are a great disrespectful of the gods, and you will be punished by the gods in the future. .”

Upon hearing this, Zhao said with a chuckle, “There are several of my nephews who are gods. Not only that, but the body of the gods I have eaten.”

DemoneSS was in a cold heart and did not expect Zhao Wei to be so fierce and perverted.

Zhao Wei was not talking about anything. Six Desires Demon Qi turned into a ban on her body, her hands picked up her delicate body and went to the deep door.

Pushing open the door, a beautifully carved white wood coffin, placed in the center of a hall, there is nothing in the hall, there are some nice murals on the wall.

Zhao Wei stepped forward and pushed the coffin directly. There was a woman’s body lying inside. Her appearance was beautiful, no less than Jue Tianling, she was attractive, fair skin, long black hair, and two demon horns. Demon tail.

Dressed in a white robes, the eyes are slightly closed, beautiful and exciting, like sleeping quietly in it, not dead.

Zhao Wei has put DemoneSS aside and looks at the woman’s body in the coffin. As long as she eats her, she should be able to transform the ninth Evil Demon Flower, and DemoneSS can become the eleventh Evil Flower Envoy.

Reaching out The woman’s body came out, because it was not convenient to eat in the coffin. After she was pulled out, Zhao opened her mouth and bit the woman’s throat.

“Wait! I am willing to surrender to you.”

DemoneSS looked at Zhao Wei and actually wanted to eat her beloved god. She was shocked and shouted in pain.

Zhao Wei stopped, some hesitated, so easy to conquer DemoneSS, it is also a very good thing, the eleventh Evil Flower Envoy can postpone some.

In the heart of the decision, Zhao Wei suddenly found that the woman’s body actually has temperature, and some surprises in his heart, “Is this god still not dead?”

Looking at the woman’s beautiful face, Zhao Xin couldn’t help but kiss her lips, and the anger from Saint came out from Zhao’s mouth, and the source was constantly absorbed by the woman.


The woman even slowly opened the booth eyes, revealing a pair of black erects, looking at the handsome young man who kissed him, and stretched out his hands and gently licked the young neck, responding gently to the youth.

DemoneSS also looked stunned. She didn’t think that she loved to worship the gods. She actually came alive and was awakened by a man. If she didn’t see it, she definitely didn’t believe it was true.

At the same time, I don’t even believe that the gods who once hated men have responded actively to the man. What happened in the end?

Jue Tianling many women also looked strange, did not think that this kind of thing would happen, began to think that Zhao Wei bite her, then saw Zhao Yan kiss her, I thought that Zhao Wei also had some interest in the body, now the woman is alive coming.

It seems that a kind of strength of Zhao Wei’s body has awakened her. That kind of strength is very terrible. Even if she has experienced countless Jue Tianling, she will be shocked when she sees the breath.

Because she found that this kind of breath is already above the Emperor breath, then the blood in Zhao’s body is saint blood? And the general saint blood aura is not so rich, will it be the first generation saint blood?

A sizzle sounded and everyone found that the two had already rained.

Many women took a look at each other, Mei Lingling couldn’t help but go to Zhao Wei first, Luo Yanhuo is the second, Mo Qingli is the third…

Later, other women joined in.

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