Zhao Wei smiled disdainfully. Now, how can this ruins still need them to let them wait for their death? It is naturally Zhao Yizhong, and the information is estimated to be a brief introduction of the relics, and how to open it, not detailed.

Otherwise, they will not be in danger because they know everything, and there is no danger. If they know that they are too dangerous, they will not explore.

Those messages did not care about Zhao Wei, but those Bull-headed Demon also found that Zhao Wei and his party also distributed some Bull-headed Demon and attacked Zhao Yi and his party.

Now among the crowds, because the Nation Armament cannot be used, the Zhao cultivation base is only Earth Realm, and it becomes the weakest one. In the face of the Bull-headed Demon, the many women around Zhao, take out various weapons. Cast an attack.

Zhao Wei didn’t do it. The Bull-headed Demon that came in was easy to be solved by many women, because the eleven women’s weakest cultivation base, that is the peak of One Heaven Realm, and they come from all major forces, strength is not Same order energy ratio.

“Ah! ”

Another screaming sounded, a young man was smashed by a big sword, and the intestines were scattered on the ground. The young man died on the spot.

Others have a look of fear, because they will also die. The middle-aged man who is headed can only plead for it. “Please help us, you will promise me what you want.”

Wen Yan, Zhao Wei swept the remaining eight people, including five men and three women, men do not care too much, not ugly or handsome to describe, nothing special.

Among the three women, a young woman is slim and looks beautiful. She now has a tearful face. She just died is her man, a hot body, but looks very pure, a tall body, but a flat chest with a The temperament of the bright sunshine.

Zhao Wei pointed out, started talking, “Save you can, they are my three, and I have to know, just the information you said.”

Other men’s surprises quickly promised that the three women were hesitant, but looking at the dangers now, they could only nod and promised.

Zhao Wei looked at the many women around, and the many women had some resentment, because the three women were beautiful, but they were far from them, but they did not expect Zhao Wei to be interested in them. For Zhao Wei, every woman Have their own unique taste.

Although there were some resentments, they still followed the instructions of Zhao Fu’s and stroked down the group of Bull-headed Demon.

The middle-aged men were sighed with relief, and the three women were brought to Zhao Fu’s.

Zhao Wei reached out and stroked the beautiful face of the young woman, gently wiped her tears, and injected some Six Desires Demon Qi into her body, smiling started talking, “Wait for you and the two of them to come and serve me.” ”

The young woman was blushing and nodded gently.

Because at first, Zhao Wei said that she wanted three women, and her body gradually became feverish, which made her react. Although her husband had just died, she was not so sad.

Zhao Wei looked at the middle-aged man. “Now tell me! All the information about this relic.”

The middle-aged man sighed and explained to Zhao Wei, how to get the relics, and what information there is, roughly the same as Zhao Wei thought, not much use.

Zhao Wei started talking, “Some of you are here for a while, I will leave a ban in the body inside, rest assured that I will not kill you, and we will let you leave when we explore the remains.”

The middle-aged man thought about it and felt that there was no problem. He agreed with everyone else.

After their bodies were banned, Zhao Wei continued to move forward. During this period, Bull-headed Demon rushed out, but it was quickly stroked down by everyone, without causing much hindrance.


A huge roaring sound, a hundred meters high, holding a black iron fork, rushed out with a majestic momentum.

This time, Zhao Wei shot, directly summoning eight Evil Demon Flowers, eight high-meter Evil Demon Flower, besieged against Bull-headed Demon.

Others don’t have to shoot. Bull-headed Demon is powerful and powerful compared to Absolute Heaven Realm, but eight Evil Demon Flowers are enough to deal with it.

I saw Bull-headed Demon’s constantly waving iron fork, with a fierce wind, attacking eight Evil Demon Flowers. These ordinary attacks, Evil Demon Flower directly ignored. Fiercely rushing to Bull-headed Demon.

Bull-headed Demon also had a long-term care. He didn’t expect Evil Demon Flower to ignore its attack, and it was already late when it wanted to cast other attacks.

A huge mouth bites on him, then slams it, the Evil Demon Flower, which is a kilometer, has a big advantage over the Bull-headed Demon, which is a few hundred meters away. -headed Demon’s body was torn apart, and the blood was like rain.

The outcome is in an instant, the strength of the Bull-headed Demon of Absolute Heaven Realm, was split by eight Evil Demon Flowers, the scene is very bloody.

Zhao Wei came to Bull-headed Demon’s chest position. The flesh and blood is blurred. He just took a bite from the tiger Evil Demon Flower. Zhao Wei can’t finish such a big heart, only take the best heart to eat.

Jue Tianling Ten women also tasted, some said that they were delicious, and some of them could not accept it, which made the newly joined women look blank.

In the end, although Zhao Wei ate the heart, she did not wake up the Evil Demon Flower. It was not the problem of the heart of the cow, but the last four Evil Demon Flowers. More powerful monsters were needed to get rid of the Evil Demon Flower.

Some disappointment, Zhao Yi people continue to move forward, a high-meter, 100-meter wide door appeared in front of everyone.

The color of this door is black and iron. The two giant demons are engraved on it. As if it were alive, it radiates a fierce momentum. The door itself exudes a strong and powerful magic, with a strong pressure.

Zhao Wei was surprised and found that this door is also a good treasure.

The door is the Gate of the AbySS. After use, you can go directly to the abyss. The abyss is a space under the ground of the demon domain. It is very large, just smaller than the demon domain. It mainly lives in various demons.

Some interest in the abyss Zhao Wei, maybe even go, this Gate of the AbySS will play a role.

Zhao Xiao smiled and released eight Evil Demon Flowers, directly pulled out the Gate of the AbySS and included it in the storage ring.

The people continue to move forward.

This section of the road Zhao Zhao did not meet anything, there is no danger, all the way unblocked, reached the deepest part of the castle.

A woman is in front of everyone, she is sexy, wearing a black knight dress, holding a black sword, beautiful face, a slender pair of black horns, a long black hair, and a Root long demon tail.

“The cemetery of God, the hacker is dead!”

Woman looks like ice-cold, screams and screams, bursts with a powerful magic, and attacks Zhao Yi.

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