Handsome young man coldly said, “You killed me! I am not going to do these things. You should be the daring arrogant thief. How can I let Jiu’er come to someone like you?” In the hand.”

Zhao Wei was surprised. He didn’t think that the handsome young man guessed his identity, said with a chuckle. “It is impossible to be with her because of your identity. Why don’t you give me some benefits?”

Youth coldly said, “Hey! I am not a kind of person, I like Jiu’er, I can give everything for her, I am willing to die if you really want him. If you really like him, I may wish you all, but you are Who? You are the obscene thief, the villain, will only play against women, never care about their feelings, I am ashamed of people like you.”

Zhao Xin was a little annoyed in his heart. He raised his hand and waved it, bringing out a sword light and cutting the young man’s arm.

The young people endured the pain, the blood continued to flow from the broken arm, a pair of eyes cold ice staring at Zhao Wei, “I advise you to kill me earlier, I will not do things for you, your conspiracy will not succeed.”

Zhao Wei sneered, smashed his broken arm and fell down some elixir to the youth wound to help him heal the wound. “Now there is your arm then it will be alright. If she really loves you, it should be desperate.” Come over.”

The youth are also aware of this problem, the angry martyrdom, “You scum, animals, you dare to do this, then I will never let you go.”

Zhao Yucai does not care about his danger. This kind of person will be stepped under his feet for almost a lifetime. There is no chance of turning over.

Also did not care about youth, Zhao Wei left with a broken arm.

After a while, Zhao Wei was wearing a slim, beautiful face, wearing a blue hanfu, and a woman with a gentle temperament came in.

“Jiu’er! How come you, come here, don’t worry about me.” The young man looked at Wu Jiu’er stunnedly, hurriedly said.

Wu Jiu’er looked at the young man with a weak arm, his eyes shivering with tears, shaking his head, “Xuan Zhe! I am here to save you, you can rest assured that he will not hurt you, and this storage ring, With a lot of treasures, this is what I prepared for you, in the future, take care of yourself.”

When I heard her, the young man understood this meaning naturally. He said painfully, “You promised her request, why are you so stupid? He is a kinky thief, you promised that he is harming yourself!”

Wu Jiu’er nodded with tears. “I know all of this, but I want to save you. As long as you are too good, I am satisfied.”

Zhao Wei was dissatisfied and looked at the two people’s affectionate feelings, and hugged Wu Jiu’er to the side room.

Wu Jiu’er cried and struggled in Zhao Wei’s arms and beat Zhao Wei. She understood what Zhao Wei wanted to do with her.

The young man yelled with anger. “I want to kill you, let Jiu’er go, or I will become a ghost and destroy you.”

Zhao Wei didn’t care. He came to the room and said softly in Wu Jiu’er’s ear. “You can remember our transaction, or wait until I kill him.”

Wu Jiu’er stopped struggling and took off his clothes.

The young man listened to the sound of clouds and rains in the side of the house, his heart was like a knife, and his pain was extremely painful. He thought of his beloved woman, who was invaded by other men on the side, feeling like he was not as good as death, feeling a despair.

But then the younger is more painful, because he listened to his beloved woman, screaming under the waves of other men, very sensual, pleading for the man to invade her.

Time passed 4-5 hours, the young sluggish cockroach sat there, with tears on his face, as if he had lost his vitality.

Zhao Yi took Wu Jiu’er out. At this time, Wu Jiu’er temperament changed very much. From the original beautiful woman to the gentle young woman, with a mature temperament, because Wu Jiu’er Still the virgin body, in fact, Zhao Wei does not care about this.

Wu Jiu’er looked at the young man, thinking of the slutty just under Zhao Wei, and he felt so sad that he felt uncomfortable and saw his face and turned his face.

Zhao took her delicate body and threw a ring for the youth. There were some magic treasures in it, and she said to Wu Jiu’er with a smile. “Let’s go!”

Wu Jiu’er still had some worries about watching the youth, and said to Zhao Wei, “What about his ban? And you have to send him out here. If my family knows that I am running for him, he will definitely die.” .”

Zhao Yan frowned and said with dissatisfaction, “It doesn’t seem to matter to me.”

Wu Jiu’er a pair of eyes said, “I am asking you, I am in the future. I promise to be your woman, and I will never betray you.”

Zhao Wei looked at her and exhaled and promised.

Later, Zhao Wei took Wu Jiu’er back to the appointed place and looked at the room with a numerous face flushed and unable to lie in bed. Zhao Wei knew what had happened.

“People! They.”

Wu Jiu’er looked blushing. She also knew that the bed was a witch. She even did this thing together. Some were embarrassed to speak.

Zhao Wei’s face is calm, because she sees more, the woman in her harem, because sometimes she does not come back, she will be satisfied with each other, but she can only slow down some desires, or she needs to rely on Zhao Wei.

At the same time, Zhao Wei also knows who started the head. Because Zhao Wei was invading Zi Lingye, she knew that she not only likes men but also likes women.

I didn’t pay too much attention to the fragrance in the room. I said to Wu Jiu’er, “You stay here, I will continue to arrest the remaining witches.”

Wu Jiu’er responded softly, because Zhao Wei had promised her to help the beloved, and she had a lot of good feelings for Zhao Wei. She said with concern, “Be careful.”

Zhao Yan smiled and kissed her, then left at once.

Among the top ten witches, there are only the first and third-ranked witches, and the disappearance of Wu Jiu’er has already spread.

Countless people feel that they are going to be bombarded. This thief is too arrogant. It is almost empty. Everyone has the power of a witch, and hates Zhao Yu’s hate to die. He only wants to smash him into a slag, and his soul is forbidden.

Now countless people are looking around for the whereabouts of Zhao Fu’s, and the whole land of the devil is more chaotic, because the thief is too arrogant and too arrogant.

The ten most beautiful witches in the land of the devil are now captured by him eight, and they must have been harmed by the bastard. Now there are only two left. They must protect the remaining witches anyway. The thief succeeded.

However, things are a bit weird. The powerful people among the top forces are not involved in this matter, but let the situation develop.

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