I saw a man wearing a black cloak, holding a terrible magic sword, with a momentum that overtook Heaven and Earth, so that countless souls were shocked.


A terrible sword light came out, with terrifying swordsmanship, squatting on that form, the sword formation was opened by a sword and set off a wave.

Luo Yanhuo looked ugly, did not think that such a strong sword formation was opened by the man, but she was prepared, a great formation emerged slowly, this great formation is her trump card, also three formations The strongest great formation.

But that form has not yet been deployed, and the six terrible monsters began to bite as they rushed to the formation, as if they were eating the formation.

This made Luo Yanhuo look very different, because she felt the strength of the formation, was swallowed by six monsters, did not react, a figure descended from the sky, easily subdued Luo Yanhuo, and then turned into a stream of light disappeared.

Everyone is envious, and that person can enjoy the second woman in the land of the demons today, but who is that, everyone is curious to think of.

But everyone quickly realized what the horrible character that just appeared, isn’t that big sinister?

Because everyone hasn’t seen it before, so I don’t even know what the big thief looks like, but with the feeling just now, everyone is almost certain that the person is the most arrogant and arrogant thief.


Countless people reacted and shouted, and now it was taken by the obscene thief to capture a witch, and it was under the eyes of everyone, it was really angry.

Originally, everyone thought that under the vigilance of the forces of the various parties, the thief would not dare to shoot, but now he still shot, but also succeeded. There are now seven witches who have been taken away by the bastard.

However, everyone has also gained a lot, because this is the first time that obscene thief appears in front of everyone, the strength is really very strong.

This time, Luo Yanhuo died, too underestimating the strength of the thief, not to protect the power, but also dare to openly provoke, and now is taken away.

Not only Luo Yanhuo, other people’s eyes are simple and the thief’s strength, but also underestimated that obscene thief, never thought that this thief has such a terrible ability, if he is not a thief, then in the land of the devil Enough to rank first in Heaven’s Chosen.

Can be such a good qualification and strength, do not do well, even to be a thief shouted by everyone, but also so arrogant.

Luo Yanhuo in the grove is breathing, and she is constantly invading by what she wants to cut off the dog. Although she does not want to, she is still immersed in it.


Afterwards, Luo Yanhuo was lying in the arms of Zhao Wei, his face was flushed, and a pair of beautiful eyes looked at Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei said with a chuckle. “What are you doing with me? You are not saying that you can play with your body as long as you grab it?”

“You are a bastard!”

Luo Yanhuo is still angry, a pair of eyes glaring at Zhao.

Zhao Wei was somewhat unhappy, pressed against her, and invaded her once again. Finally, she took Luo Yanhuo, who was soft into a mud, and returned to the place agreed with You Qianyue many women.

“People! You are so lucky to be outside, don’t you know that we are waiting to serve you here?” Mei Lingling said with some dissatisfaction.

Luo Yanhuo looked blushing and buried her head in Zhao’s arms. She watched the other witches no longer resist. She had already returned to Zhao Wei, and her heart was somewhat unexpected, but she also thought of some reasons.

Zhao Xiao replied with a smile. “Now the outside is getting more and more dangerous. There are more and more people chasing and searching. Maybe I may be caught by your forces. I will take possession of you first. Maybe it is possible to borrow your life.”

“That is so dangerous now, do you still want to catch the witch?” You Qianyue asked with some concern.

Zhao Wei thought for a moment and nodded. “There are only three left, you can try it. If it doesn’t work, I will give up. You don’t have to worry about me. And she will take care of you. I have to go out once, they will definitely I don’t think I will commit crimes in a row.”

Zi Lingye smiled and reached out. Luo Yanhuo, who was too weak, reminded me, “That can be careful, we don’t want you to have anything.”

Wen Yan, Zhao Xiao smiled and said.

“People! Cloud rain is going well at once?” Mei Lingling rubbed his arms around his arm, spoiled.

Zhao Wei refused her because of the time problem and turned into a stream of light disappearing.

Zi Lingye held Luo Yanhuo in her arms and exclaimed, “No loss is the second-ranked witch. I can’t help but feel my heart. Can you be lucky for a long time? So now you are like this.”

Luo Yanhuo’s face is blushing. When she is faced with a woman, she thinks about the thing she just happened, and said with resentment, “Are you all bullied by that thief?”

Many women have some empathy, because they have experienced the same thing, but now they want to open.

Zi Lingye smiled and looked at the beauty in her arms. The heart kissed on Luo Yanhuo’s lips. Luo Yanhuo was a little surprised, but the evil flower in the body and Six Desires Demon Qi made her start responding to Zi Lingye.

Mei Lingling is happy to join, and the heroic Mo Wulin seems to like this very much, so he is also involved.

The room was constantly ringing an unspeakable voice. When Zhao Wei was absent, they could only rely on themselves.

This time, Zhao Wei put her gaze on the originally ranked fourth witch. Her name is Wu Jiu’er. She is from a huge family. She is very gentle, treats people with kindness, has no lady shelves, and is loved by many people.

She now has a strong protection beyond Emperor Heaven Realm. Zhao Wei naturally does not dare to act rashly. As soon as she appears to face such a strong, Zhao Wei will die here even with the Nation Armament.

However, Zhao Wei also thought of the method, that is, Zhao Wei seized a weakness of Wu Jiu’er, Zhao Wei caught her beloved.

Her family already has a strong person to sit in the town, Zhao Wei can not do to her relatives, in fact, she has a younger brother, if you catch him, you can ask Wu Jiu’er, you can not find this, so choose her beloved.

Her beloved is just a son of a small family. Although she is graceful, her strength and power are not strong. Her family naturally disagrees with this matter, so they are forbidden from coming and going.

Of course, this family will not be protected, and he will not be able to resist Zhao Wei. It is naturally easy to catch her.

Zhao Wei looked at the young started talking in front of him. “Now write to Wu Jiu’er, you are in my hands, let her leave the family quietly, or you will be dead. If you do this, I will Give you some unexpected benefits and let you get terrible strength.”

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