Zhao Wei seriously responded, “Then you will leave with me!”

Mo Wulin nodded, now she is next to Zhao Wei, and Zhao Wei can quickly grasp the terrible strength in her. For this kind of strength, Mo Wulin also feels a little pleasant.

On the one hand, she is also thinking about going out and practicing. Her strength has been very breakthrough and needs to go out and look for an opportunity.

Then the three quietly left Demon Saint Sect.

The news of Mo Wulin’s disappearance did not go away. Demon Saint Sect rushed to investigate why a good disciple would suddenly disappear, and Mo Wulin is one of the most famous people in the magical sanctuary, which is naturally attracting a lot of attention.

But nothing was investigated. Mo Wulin is like missing. Mo Zizhi’s faint feeling is related to Zhao Wei.

The result of course is that Zhao Wei has taken Mo Wulin away!

After leaving Demon Saint Sect, Zhao Wei released four horrible Evil Demon Flowers, attacked several cities and ate millions of people. Zhao Wei began to merge with the Dragon Ball and turned out the fifth Evil Demon Flower.

This Evil Demon Flower is naturally a dragon-shaped evil demon, only three meters long, with a dark scale, only a huge dragon eye, and a sly mouth, full of fangs, six dragons claw. With a strong momentum.

Evil Demon AbySS al Flower has also advanced to the 5th Order section. Zhao Wei can control Evil Demon Flower inside and outside the Hundred thousand, and the volume of Evil Demon Flower can be increased to 100 meters.

More importantly, Zhao Wei, mastering a terrible means, that is, evil flowers, Zhao can now use five Evil Demon Flower to control five hundred thousand people.

These five hundred thousand individuals are evil flowers. Once they are controlled, they can hardly break away. They will be controlled by Zhao Wei in this life until they are released, and the people who are controlled will not change their memory.

Now Zhao has no need to control so many people, so this ability will not be used for the time being, because bringing so many people is very troublesome.

At this time, the most important thing is to find powerful monsters and witches. Continue to upgrade the Evil Demon AbySS al Flower’s stage, and prepare a lot of magic for the magic star, it is estimated that Evil Demon AbySS al Flower reaches the final stage, which is also the time when the magic star awakens.

“Do you both think that there is a good place to go now? Now I still need a lot of powerful monsters and witches.” Zhao Wei asked the two women.

Mo Wulin thought, some excited smiled and said, “People! It’s better for us to grab the remaining women in the top ten of the demons. Just gather 12 Evil Flower Envoys and take off 12 Evil Demon Flower. Let the evil flower illusion bloom in the whole magic field.”

“Not only can we get a stronger strength, we can also integrate with you, so that we can get the ability to die. As long as you have nothing to do with the public, then we can resurrect infinitely.”

“At that time, we will also split the Evil Demon Flower species, and gather a terrible Evil Demon Flower corps for Xianggong, the conquest of the future.”

Zhao Wei has some heartbeats, but there are also some scruples. Although the land of the demons is a place of chaos, each of the witches is a beautiful woman, not only qualified, but also like Fairy, and there is a terrifying force behind him.

If they are all caught, this movement will be very big, absolutely sensationalize the entire land of the devil, attracting countless forces to madly pursue.

Zhao Wei didn’t want to do this, but if he wants Evil Demon AbySS al Flower to reach the final stage of Evil Flower Temptation World, he must have Evil Flower Envoy, and the magic star can wake up.

After pondering for a while, Zhao Wei decided to arrest these witches. In fact, he has offended many people in the land of the devils, and he does not care to offend a few. As long as he can achieve the goal, he can get amazing harvest.

However, Zhao Wei also feels that this behavior is no different from a big thief, but must do so.

You Qianyue, glaring at Zhao Wei, said with some concern, “Yong Gong! Then you can leave us Oh because of them!”

Zhao Wei replied with a chuckle, “I am not such a person, you can rest assured.”

Among the top ten witches in the Devil’s Land, You Qianyue ranked sixth and Mo Wulin ranked fifth. Zhao Wei directly plans to start from the top ten people and grab one by one.

Ranked tenth, named Zi Lingye, a king of Kingdom, Zhao Zhao three people came to Kingdom, just host a military meeting here, it will be exchanged by force, when the gathering of the parties will gather together. Zi Lingye will also attend.

Zhao Wei also reported a name, and asked You Qianyue two women, waiting in the country next to, because Zhao Wei caught Zi Lingye will run.

This is a Heaven Domain Kingdom, which is ten times more powerful than the Inner Territory Kingdom. Zhao Wei is simply not offended, so grabbing Zi Lingye must leave the first time.

At the time of the Wushu meeting, it was already overcrowded. The scene was very lively. Not only gathered the geniuses of the parties, but also countless people who watched the excitement. Zhao Wei was hiding in a corner, waiting for a good time.

“PrinceSS Ye is driving!”

A shouting sounded, the people around were quiet, and they looked in the direction of the sound. They saw a graceful, purple palace dress, perfect appearance, a woman with a graceful and luxurious temperament, with a lot of maids. Get out from one side.

She is Zi Lingye, it is very beautiful, quiet around the scene, although Zi Lingye is only the tenth witch, but definitely the most beautiful woman of Kingdom, countless sons and nobles like her crazy.

Many people want to see martial arts competition on the one hand, and want to see this Kingdom most beautiful woman on the other.

In addition to the arrival of Zi Lingye, there are also 7th and 8th. The extraordinary and exquisite people, including men and women, are handsome and beautiful. They should all be important figures in Kingdom and their status is very honorable.

Zhao Wei didn’t care about these people. All of her thoughts were on Zi Lingye. She found that she didn’t have strong protection around her. She couldn’t help but feel happy. Maybe because she stayed in Kingdom, no one dared to move her.

At the beginning of the Wushu, Zi Lingye and some people came to the stands. There were some downfalls below. Now countless people are martial arts competition. There are two people fighting against each other and there is also a melee. This time the Wushu will win, and the reward is not low.

The scene was lively, and the battle was fierce. The audience below saw it, and the excited cheers shouted.

Zhao Wei thinks it is also time.

Bang bang bang ……

A huge magical force spread out, as the tide surged into the square, five hundred meters of monsters suddenly appeared, madly attacking people around.

Long Arm’ Evil Demon Flower waved his hands, the long arms, swallowed one by one, Wolf’ Evil Demon Flower rushed into the crowd, screaming wildly, and Dragon’ Evil Demon Flower rushed into the crowd Zhang Kailong’s mouth broke out with a suction and ferociously swallowed other people.

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