It is still impossible to leave now, because there is another thing that they have not solved yet, that is, the things of powerful monsters and witches.

You Qianyue smiled with a smile on his face, his hands glaring at Zhao’s arm. He couldn’t be wrong with his Senior Brother. Just Mo Zizhi was so proud of Zhao Wei, and she certainly saw that Zhao Fu’s was extraordinary. She also knew that Zhao Wei was not in the pool. Object, definitely more than Imperial Prince.

However, now Zhao Wei has given her a terrible strength to her, this kind of strength I am afraid there is no Empire.

“Senior Sister! You open the door.”

You Qianyue, glaring at Zhao Wei, came to a tall yard and knocked on the door and shouted.

The door opened very quickly, a woman appeared in front of her eyes, she was dressed in a strong outfit, she was sexy, looks beautiful, with a British spirit, her body is very strong, and the cultivation base also reached One Heaven Realm.

Woman opened the door and looked at You Qianyue with an unexpected look. “Qianyue! How come you are here.”

Woman seems to be a little embarrassed, watching You Qianyue appear, directly loudly said, this Zhao Wei was slightly scared, but fortunately there is no one here, or the identity of You Qianyue will be immediately exposed.

You Qianyue immediately signaled the woman to whisper. Woman also quickly responded, let You Qianyue and Zhao Yu enter the yard.

After coming to the room, the woman looked at You Qianyue with a puzzled look. I don’t know why You Qianyue would come to her. Now she knows the whole place of the demon, and she still talks about Supreme Being and other Empire’s. thing.

You Qianyue can only say something to Mo Zizhi and to the woman, and then the woman admires Zhao Wei and says, “I want to have such a strong love with people.”

You Qianyue also introduced to Zhao Wei, this woman named Mo Wulin is also one of the top ten witches in the land of the devils. She is also taller than her. Not only is it beautiful, but also the talent is not comparable to the average person.

“Senior Sister! This time I actually have a good thing to find you, you see my strength now.”

You Qianyue reaching out, countless magic on her palm, condensed a black flower, with a sense of evil and darkness.

Mo Wulin looked at the black flowers in the hands of You Qianyue, reaching out to touch, not touching, and having his own strength, or touching, unless the strength of the entire cultivation base was used.

She also understands that this kind of strength is very advanced, far more than the strength she controls, and curious to You Qianyue, “What is this strength?”

You Qianyue saw Mo Wulin hooking up and said with a smile, “This is the power of evil spirits, a very powerful strength, even more powerful than the general Emperor strength. Senior Sister Do you want to master this kind of strength?”

Mo Wulin nodded me hard and wanted this kind of strength very much. As You Qianyue said, she is very obsessed with strength. If she is tempted by high-level strength, she will be deceived with her simple character.

You Qianyue smiled and let Zhao Wei take off his cloak and ask, “How do you see my relationship?”

Mo Wulin looked at Zhao Hao’s extraordinary face and extraordinary temperament. “It’s so nice! I feel like I can rank in the top of the magic field, What happened?”

Zhao Wei is speechless, so he is watched as a commodity.

You Qianyue continued to smile and said, “This kind of strength is easy to obtain, it is to get it with me, and I am happy with it. I can’t enjoy it with ordinary people. I usually have a good relationship with Senior Sister. I am willing to give it to Senior Sister, otherwise I can’t bear it.”

Mo Wulin simply said with gratitude, “Thank you for Junior Sister, but he is your husband, I really have nothing to do with his cloud rain?”

You Qianyue raised his mouth and smiled with a hint of conspiracy. “If Senior Sister feels sorry for me, you can give me some compensation. I heard that Senior Sister has a magic dragon ball. It seems to be of no use to Senior Sister. How can I give it to me?” ?”

“This is no problem, give it to you.”

Mo Wulin is a little cute, and it comes out with a black round jade. It has a fist size and is engraved with a dragon pattern with a powerful dragon.

Zhao Wei feels that this Mo Wulin is too good to lie, how is it so simple, she does not know that she has sold it, is still helping others count the money? If it is normal, Zhao Wei still really does not go to deceive such a person.

You Qianyue took the Dragon Ball and had a happy smile. “Senior Sister! Now I am yours, then you can enjoy it.”

Mo Wulin also nodded happily, and then surely asked, “Qianyue, I can trust you, really get along with you, you can get that kind of high-strength strength, don’t do anything else?”

You Qianyue smiled and nodded affirmatively.

Mo Wulin got a positive reply, a happy face, and a little excited to escape directly to the bed and wait.

You Qianyue looked at Zhao Wei, said in a low voice, “I am a big beauty like Senior Sister, you are really cheap, wait for you to be gentle.”

Zhao Yan nodded and smiled and came to the bed, just about to take off Mo Wulin’s clothes.

Mo Wulin is puzzled to grab Zhao Fu’s hand, some angrily said, “What are you doing? Is it cloud rain? Why do you want to take off your clothes?”

Zhao Wei looked blank. “Does this Mo Wulin still mean the rain?”

However, things have come to this step, Zhao Wei can not stop, because Evil Demon AbySS al Flower also wants to get her, Zhao Wei injected a lot of Six Desires Demon Qi into her body, although the process is somewhat complicated, and finally Zhao Wei and Mo Wulin clouds rain.

You Qianyue also joined in afterwards, and the room became very fragrant and squeaky. Spread a breath of desire.

“You lied to me!”

Afterwards, Mo Wulin’s face flushed and screamed at Zhao Qian and You Qianyue.

Zhao rubbed Mo Wulin’s delicate body and said with a smile, “We have lied to you, now you are not getting that terrible strength?”

But Mo Wulin is still some angry, said, “I thought that Yun Yu is just lying in bed, and I am rebellious. How do you still take me?”

Said here, Mo Wulin’s face is blushing, and some are embarrassed to say it.

Zhao Wei smiled softly comforted. “You are my woman now, I will take care of you forever.”

Next, You Qianyue also persuaded, “Senior Sister! You are not just likeing the public too? Is it happy to be with Xianggong? If I am not afraid that one can’t cope with it, I will not share it with you. There is a senior Sister. You are also very old. Maybe sect will find a parent for you. What do you do?”

When I heard these words, Mo Wulin thought about it too. He rubbed his hands with Zhao Wei. A pair of beautiful women said with earnestness and firmness, “You can’t disappoint me, or I will not let you go.”

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