Zhao Wei looked at the second monster that appeared in the condensation, and his face was happy, because this is not the number of monsters, and the Evil Demon AbySS al Flower’s ability was also developed to the 2nd Order paragraph, and the strength of the two monsters will be better than Be strong before.

With a wave of hands, both monsters turned into magical powers and returned to the city where the night w was. Now the power has become chaotic, because the Lord of Power has died.

And there is also a thing wearing a black cloak, with a terrible monster devouring the demon, the method is extremely cruel and bloody, the Lord of the power is killed by that person.

Night w and Ye Ye naturally know who they are, and they don’t think that Zhao can easily kill the power of the Lord, and the movement is so big.

Zhao Wei came back with two people and left quickly, and went to the next place.

Now Zhao Wei is not in a hurry to go to the ruins, wants to swallow a large number of Mozu, and constantly develops Evil Demon AbySS al Flower’s ability, and provides a lot of magic for the Magic Star.

However, halfway through, Zhao Wei was stopped by six people. Their cultivation base has reached Saint Realm. The headed person already has Earth Realm cultivation base. There is no accident at all, and it is still robbery.

It’s not long before Zhao Wei came here, and he met twice, showing the chaos and cruelty of the place.

A total of four men and two women were stopped by Zhao Wei. Four men were fierce and strong, a middle-aged man with an ordinary appearance, a vicious young man, and a young man with an ice-cold face.

Two women, dressed in red dresses, snuggled in the arms of the fierce and strong man, looked charming and charming, a slim figure, looks good, but a look of color.

Headed by the fierce Great Han, with Earth Realm’s cultivation base, the brutal and arrogant yelling at Zhao Wei, “Kids! The valuable things, and the women next to us to play with our brothers, today Let go of you.”

Ye Ye Faced with so many powerful people, my heart is inevitably a little nervous, but I don’t bother to sneer at night. “You want to touch me with a few garbage? You are still looking for death.”

Great Han’s face was angry and cursed. “You are so good! Everyone is together, kill two men first, and women will play with you.”


A magical spread, a tall figure appeared behind Great Han, a body that is as strong as a demon, exuding a terrible momentum.

The Great Han voice just fell, and this figure suddenly appeared, making Great Han’s face change and his body a stiff. Cold sweats, feeling a fear.

The Evil Demon Flower, which stretched out the huge claws, grabbed Great Han’s head directly, his face smirked, and he gripped hard. The head was broken like a watermelon, his brain and blood splashed, and the woman in his arms. Screaming, scared to hide aside.

And that demon caught the headless body of the strong man, and swallowed the body of Great Han in a big mouth, it looked very ferocious, and then attacked others.

Other people were frightened and didn’t understand what’s the matter, but they knew that they met terrible opponents. They naturally didn’t have the idea of ​​revenge for Great Han, because they had to flee because they had gathered together.

A magical spirit spreads once, and an Evil Demon Flower appears behind Zhao Wei. With one hand and two arms flying out, it grows longer, and the two palms become huge mouths, fiercely biting into two. .

The two men were so scared that they had a defensive hood, but a pair of big hands passed through the defensive hood as if they were illusory, so that the two people were in a state of utter disappointment, and they were swallowed by two big mouths, and the blood was splashed.

Another Evil Demon Flower also caught up with a person, a huge claw running through his chest, and then bite directly, a lot of blood splattered.

In order to distinguish between two Evil Demon Flowers, Zhao Wei also named two Evil Demon Flowers, one for Long Arm’ Evil Demon Flower and one for Demon’ Evil Demon Flower.

Long Arm’ Evil Demon Flower flew out with both hands and grabbed two women in front of Zhao Fu’s. The two women looked fearful and charming woman pleaded. “Adult! As long as you don’t kill me, I am willing to do anything.”

Originally, the scared woman is also afraid of started talking, “Don’t eat me! I can surrender to you.”

At night, I was dissatisfied with Zhao’s glance. She understood what Zhao Wei had to do with the two women. She said with anger, “Is it not enough for me?”

Zhao Wei chuckled, “Nothing, that is, he has to say that he is playing with you, then I naturally have to play with his woman.”

Night wnevertheleSS coldly snorted in anger, holding his hand, twisted his head to the side, did not care about Zhao Wei.

Ye Ye left the place of interest, and soon after, there was a fierce cloud of rain. He heard more than two women slutty calls and her sister’s voice.

“Thank you, adults can be fond of me, you are really a hundred times stronger than the men before.” Charming woman with a flushed face, some obsessed with Zhao Wei said.

The stern woman was flushed and gasped and did not speak.

There was nothing to say in the night w, unable to lie in Zhao’s arms, and there was no angry expression on his face, but a happy face.

Zhao Wei also knows the names of the two women, the charming woman named Luoli, the sorrowful woman named You Qingleng, and also asked about the situation here, knowing what forces there are, and treasures, and what other monsters.

I know that in this place, there is a terrible demon wolf in a mountain. I often do evil everywhere, but now I can’t kill it because it is very embarrassing. If there are too strong enemies, it will escape.

And I heard that the demon wolf has become a human figure, and still likes the beautiful man very much. He likes to catch it and play it before eating it, but the devil wolf is public.

When Zhao Xin learned the news, he decided to go to that mountain because Zhao Wei needed to devour high-order monsters.

On the way to the big mountain, Zhao Wei met several teams and robbed them. Finally, they were eaten by Evil Demon Flower. Zhao Wei also destroy several thieves and ate 20,000 – 30,000 people, making them all around. There is a monster that specializes in the Mozu.

After more than a day, Zhao Wei finally came to that mountain. The breath that exudes here is really terrible. The little mouse of Ziyue is afraid of being in the arms of Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei is a smile, because the more powerful Warcraft, the better.

Now Zhao can clearly feel that the demon wolf must still be in the mountains, but in order to prevent him from running away, Zhao Wei has to lead it out.

I heard that this demon wolf likes a beautiful man, Zhao Qi chuckled, could not help but touch his face, feeling that you can use yourself to lure the devil wolf, and Zhao Wei is only Earth Realm cultivation base, the devil wolf should be easy to hook.

Later, Zhao Wei’s people naturally did not have any scruples. They played in the mountains with great brilliance. When they were tired, they sat on the ground and picked some wild fruits for food.

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