“Follow me here, don’t tell me that you always want to stay in such a small stockade.” Zhao Wei smiled at night wstarted talking.

Night wcoldly said, “I won’t leave this bastard with you.”

Zhao Wei said with a smile, “You will be destroyed at any time, it is better to disband early, find a good place for those people, and say that with your strength and ability, staying here is pure waste. ”

Night w in Zhao Wei’s arms, I heard Zhao’s recognition of her, and there was a hint of joy in her heart, and I was also thinking about the status quo of the stockade.

In the end, I nodded and promised to dissolve the cottage, and I was angry and beat Zhao Wei. “I can leave with you, but you killed so many people in our cottage. You have to give an explanation. I want you to give them a large sum of money.” .”

Zhao Wei chuckled, this did not have any problems at all, and directly promised to come down.

Later, the two men put on their clothes and came outside the hall. There were also a lot of people gathered here. They looked at Zhao Wei with fear. Of course, they also had anger, because Zhao Wei not only killed their people, but also directly invaded their villagers. .

But the next words of the night, so that everyone looked blank, did not expect their village to mainly dissolve the cottage.

Ye Ye, the younger brother of the night w, immediately spoke against him. “Sister! He won’t use any means to confuse you? Why do you do this? He is like you, but you have to leave with him.”

When I heard this, the night w replied with a cold face. “The situation of the current cottage is no longer able to survive, and our strength is somewhat weak. Today is a good example. I will find a better place for them. .”

“And you really want to stay in such a cottage for a lifetime? You will live this life in a mediocre way? His identity is very mysterious, strength is also very strong, follow him is the best choice.”

It is said that Ye Ye is speechless.

Later, Zhao Wei took out a large sum of money and handed it to the night w, and the night w gave the coins to everyone, and took them to a city, let them be the residents there.

Ye Ye didn’t want to, but she left with her sister.

The power of Ten Thousand Demon Bloodstone is only half the strength of the world. In the eyes of the night w, it is already very powerful, because now the demon domain has such a strength, it is more difficult to capture the two worlds in the Outer Territory.

This power is also one of the lower forces, because this chaotic zone is very large, almost big and surprising, and the top forces are even as good as Empire’s strength.

I don’t know why. This land of demons has never been unified. It has always been such a mess. Zhao Wei is not clear why, but such a large piece of land, no one will not be moved, and it is still in Heaven Domain.

Because that power is also nearby, Zhao Wei quickly reached the power, did not directly rush to the inside of the forces directly to snatch Ten Thousand Demon Bloodstone, because the movement is too big, and this is Heaven Domain, Emperor Heaven Realm strong Bibi All are, so Zhao Wei does not dare to be crazy.

However, Zhao Wei also has the information to obtain this power. It is within the scope of Zhao Wei’s ability to deal with it. There is not much danger.

It is said that two days later, the head of the power will come out to hunt, and Zhao will wait.

Ye Ye learned that Zhao Wei wants to kill the Lord of the Force, but also to snatch Ten Thousand Demon Bloodstone. He also looked shocked and thought that Zhao Wei was too bold and even crazy, because the power of the Lord, with his strength at all. Don’t dare to provoke, you have to bow down and give in.

Night w nestled in Zhao Fu’s arms, after Zhao Fu’s many times moisturizing, night temperament, a little more charming and mature.

The relationship between the two sides has gradually improved. She has no surprises about this. From Zhao Wei’s knowledge of Ten Thousand Demon Bloodstone in her mouth, she knows that Zhao Wei is coming back to snatch. I also believe that Zhao can do it.

Because of her instinctive feeling, Zhao Wei’s identity is terrible, especially the smell of his body, which is extremely terrible. No matter in the breath of destiny, she did not have a resilience, was forced to suppress, instinctively surrendered to him.

“You are careful.” Night w in Zhao Wei’s arms, a pair of beautiful eyes looked at Zhao Wei, with a trace of concern.

Zhao Ying responded and prepared to be the owner of the ASS aSS ination.


In order to quickly end the battle, Zhao Wei directly broke out the strength of Nation Armament, and a terrible sword light flew out, with a fierce and fierce sword qi, to the power of the Lord.

Originally, the head of the power, with a team of terracotta warriors, is chasing a demon tiger, but did not expect that suddenly such a terrifying strike hit.

Now Daqin is a world of six. The strength of the explosion is terrible. The head of the power does not dare to the cultivation base of One Heaven Realm. There is nothing unexpected. It was killed by a sword slash. The team of sodiers was also scooped by sword light. Blood and broken bodies spread over the ground.

A round stone with black light exudes a powerful magic, staying in the air. This stone should be Ten Thousand Demon Bloodstone. I didn’t think of blending with the Lord of the Force. If you don’t striking down him, steal. It is impossible to steal.

“Kill him! He killed our leader.”

Tens of thousands of Mozu Soldiers quickly rushed over and reached the 4th Order. They watched Zhao Wei kill their leader, looked angry, raised their arms, and shouted loudly.

In the face of the 10,000 Mozu Soldiers, Zhao Wei dismissed sneered, released Evil Demon Flower, started talking, “Let you eat enough!”

Evil Demon Flower happily opened the huge mouth and slammed into the washed soleliers, and a huge suction burst.

Numerous Mozu Soldiers have changed their faces, but they have a abilities cover, but they have no effect. Their bodies are quickly sucked into the mouth of Evil Demon Flower.

Some of the peripheral Mozu Soldiers rushed to shoot a single arrow, and those arrows with strong power, shot to Zhao.


Instead of Zhao Wei’s shot, Evil Demon Flower releases a defensive hood, blocks the arrows that are shot, and sucks the Mozu Soldiers more forcefully.

In the end, only ten of the 10,000 souls were escaped. The other Mozu Soldiers were eaten by Evil Demon Flower. These are all 4th Order Soldiers, which contain a lot of magic.

Zhao Wei did not stay in the same place, because soon the other army would come and find a place where no one was, Zhao Wei swallowed that Ten Thousand Demon Bloodstone.

A huge magical flame erupted from the body of Zhao Wei, Zhao Yu’s face was in pain, and Evil Demon AbySS al Flower appeared in the eye.

The huge magical spirit continued to condense and change alongside Zhao Wei, and formed a terrible monster three meters high.

This monster is like a demon, a strong muscle, a pair of huge claws, a mouth bigger than the head, and a pair of blood-colored eyes, and a pair of black horns, which emit a huge evil atmosphere. Dare to step closer.

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