Zhao Wei looked at the old man and Seeking Yin Beast in front of him, but he did not believe it. Because Zhao Wei would not believe a person so much, he would open up a ban in their bodies, and they could easily agree.

After banned in their bodies, Zhao Yucai assured them and asked the old man, “What is your name, from what forces?”

The old man smiled and replied, “Master! The old name is Shang Long, not from any force, but a loose cultivator, which has been cultivated from three hundred years ago to the present realm.”

Wen Yan, Zhao Wei nodded, and then looked at Seeking Yin Beast, Seeking Yin Beast honestly kneeling on the ground, looking like a loyal look, Seeking Yin Beast belongs to a special sinister can not speak, Zhao Wei asked it That would not answer clearly, so I did not ask.

But Zhao Wei has a name for it, called, “Qian Xun!”

Then, Zhao Wei curiously asked Shang Long, “You are out of the shackles, what danger is there? What good things?”

Shang Long replied, “In fact, the peripheral creatures in the forbidden area are not strong and can be easily dealt with. But there is no one inside the forbidden area who dares to go. This forbidden place has existed for tens of thousands of years. Until now, I am afraid of Emperor Heaven Realm. The strong ones can be very dangerous.”

“As for what is valuable, it is the ghost creatures, and the materials on the body are not small, far better than the general materials.”

“Other things don’t know. This time, it’s just chasing Seeking Yin Beast. It’s not very familiar with this place.”

Seeking Yin Beast then screamed a few times and spit out a golden-gray crystal under the mung bean with a strong spirit of spirit. Surprisingly, the radiant smell of the crystal is the same as the scent of the forbidden land.

Shang Long said with amazement, “This Seeking Yin Beast is really the best savage beast looking for the Yin Attribute treasure. It even finds the sacred fragments of the ghosts. This fragment has no strength, but if there is this thing, plus the old The great yin spirits that you have learned may be able to gather together the ghosts and ghosts that fell in this place.”

“The rumor of the gods and ghosts already has a Half Immortal strength, which is stronger than Lord God. If you can gather a trace of it, maybe there is no small effect. Does the injection make the old soul?”

When Zhao Wei heard this, he thought about it and agreed to it.

Then, Shang Long took the piece of the gods and went to the open space in the forbidden land. He threw the fragments of the gods into the sky, and began to read the mysterious and strange spells in the mouth. The fragments of the gods radiated a strong dusky gold. In the middle of the air.

Shang Long held the long shackles in both hands, while meditating on the spell, waving a long squat, and an invisible strength spread. This kind of strength feels very tricky and erects, and the soul is attracted to the past.

That piece of gods, absorbs the strange strength, emits a more intense gray light, and then turns into a stream of light and rushes to the sky.


A huge rumbling sound rang, and the stream of light flew into the sky, turning into a wave of ray of light. The whole god was swaying like a ghost, and countless beasts tore the sky, the momentum was very amazing.

An invisible soul force slowly gathers on the side of Zhao Yu. First, it condenses into a dusky gold light group. Then the light group grows bigger and bigger, forming a fuzzy figure. The vague figure continues to condense and then solidify.

A woman appeared in front of everyone, her face ice-cold, a long gray hair, a pair of dusky gold eyes, a slender pair of black horns on both sides of the forehead, dressed in a black long coat, with a very Strong spirit of spirit.

“who are you?”

The ghosts and ghosts of a pair of dusky gold eyes, with a strong sense of oppression, glanced at the crowd, as a former Half Immortal-class powerhouse, the momentum is very strong, no one dares to look at her.

However, she does not have the previous memory, her strength is not even 1st Order, but it is powerful, and there is no terrible strength, so there is no need to fear her.

Zhao Wei directly reached out, an invisible force grabbed this ghost and ghost in front of him, which makes the ghost look angry, although she has no previous memories, but she can know that she is a very powerful person .

Although the ghost is very angry, but there is no trace of Zhao Fu’s strength, Zhao Wei looked at the attribute of the ghost, and found that she is now a kind of god-like ghost, can not describe clearly.

Others have nothing to discover, she can be cultivated as a god, and Zhao can also accept a god.

“You let me go!”

A pair of dusky gold eyes and eyes, with a strong momentum, angry with Zhao Wei, shouted loudly.

Zhao Yucai will not be afraid of her, and she is also a pair of sisters, with some oppression and mystery, and Zhao Wei can already have seven heavy shackles, confronting her, facing Zhao Yu’s eyes more terrible than her. The last thing I was afraid of was her.

“You are finally obedient. No matter how strong you are, now it is just a waste that has no strength.” Zhao Wei said to the ghost.

The ghost is very angry, but there is no trace in the body, and there is no memory in her mind. In the face of Zhao Wei’s more terrible eyes than her, she has far strengthened her strength, and she can only bear her teeth.

“Master! You asked her to try this ghost creature. These ghost creatures are creatures that were born from her strength, and maybe have any effect.”

Shang Long grabbed a cat-like creature and came to Zhao Wei to start talking.

Zhao Wei looked at the ghosts, but the lightly snorted of the divine anger, and also looked at the ghost creature, feeling intimate, and then stepped forward to hold the ghost creature in his arms.

That kind of cat-like ghost is very weak, only the strength of 1st Order, in the hands of the strong man of Shang Long, is extremely scared, struggling desperately, but once in the hands of the gods, it becomes no longer afraid. It’s gentle.

Because it can also feel a very intimate atmosphere, this kind of kindness comes from its blood, and the soul, so it is no longer afraid, and listens to the words of the ghosts.

“Can this ghost control all the forbidden creatures?”

Zhao Wei thought of this, his heart was very pleasant, because this forbidden land does not know how many creatures, but also has the ability to threaten the above powerful Emperor Heaven Realm. If you control this strength, you are afraid of Wind God Empire, Zhao Wei immediately put Wind God Empire is gone.

But is things really as simple as thinking? Zhao Wei himself did not believe, and then grabbed some ghost creatures, and tried it.

Now the devil can control the ghost creatures, but can only control some extremely weak creatures. Other strengths are slightly stronger creatures, although they will not actively hurt her, but if she does anything, those creatures will still attack her.

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