The streamer dissipated, a white-haired, gray-haired long coat, and a long-haired old man appeared in front of Zhao Fu’s.

Zhao Wei’s face has become a bit serious, because the old man’s strength has surpassed the World Realm cultivation base and reached the strength of One Heaven Realm. These strong players are almost invisible outside the domain, and the Inner Territory is relatively rare.

In the face of these strong players, Zhao Wei must use all the strengths of Nation Armament to be able to defeat him, otherwise it is likely to lose.

The old man glanced at Seeking Yin Beast and looked at Zhao Wei, started talking. “This Seeking Yin Beast is what the old man has been looking for. Now you can hand him over to me and I will pay you some compensation.” ”

Feel the strength of Zhao Fu’s body’s Nation Armament, the old man looks a bit serious, and the tone is slightly polite.

How could Zhao Wei agree, Zhao Wei found that there was some injury in Seeking Yin Beast, which should be caused by the old man in front of him, but now Seeking Yin Beast is hard to grasp, how can it be so easily given to others.

When the old man saw Zhao, he refused, and he was no longer polite. He waved his long scorpion, and a huge yin spread. A tall kilometer, a strong muscle Evil Ghost appeared, giving off a strong sense of oppression.

Zhao Yu’s right eye six fast-moving points, a huge yin also spread like a tidal wave, a huge roaring sound, a height of kilometers, revealing ferocious ghosts, appearing behind Zhao Wei.

The old man looked at the six gray dots in Zhao’s right eye, and the smell of the body, the eyes flashed a shock, and then Evil Ghost behind him attacked Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei also made the ghosts behind him rush to see Evil Ghost. Two high-kilometer ghosts slammed together and made a loud sound. They attacked each other with their teeth and their strengths were comparable.

The old man waved his hand again, and a huge yin formed a gray fog, and he went to Zhao Yongyong. It seems that there are countless arms. It is very scary to grab Zhao Zhao.

Zhao Wei raised the Torturing Sword, a sword swayed out, a bloody moon arc, with a terrible strength flashing through, the mist of the coming into one.

The old man has a pair of deep eyes, watching Zhao Wei started talking, “Why not use your kind of strength?”

Zhao Wei did not understand the meaning of the old man, but since the old man attacked him first, Zhao Wei would not be soft. The Torturing Sword in his hand gave off a powerful sword light, and Zhao Wei rushed to the old man with a strong momentum.

When the old man saw Zhao Zhen attacking, his look was serious, and the huge strength was injected into his hand, and then he waved hard.


A huge yin wind, with the strength of everything struck up, countless trees were uprooted, and Zhao Fu’s body was blown out.


A huge rumbling sound rang, and Zhao Wei broke out of the strength of Nation Armament. A blue mist ignited from the body, accompanied by a huge momentum, and Zhao’s body flew out and stopped.

The old man saw the Nation Armament strength that Zhao Wei broke out with all his strength, and his face changed, because this strength has exceeded him.

But in order to confirm the conjecture in his heart, he also broke out all the strength, and a gray, cold, mist was ignited from him.

The old man saw the long scorpion in his hand and lifted up. The long scorpion flashed out countless runes, and an invisible momentum spread out, making Heaven and Earth a quiet one. The huge yin and the surrounding madness gathered together to form a stock. A huge stream of yin.

Rooaaar ……

At this moment, a ghost only emerged from the void, and the number is so dense that it reaches at least a million, and then from all directions, such as the tide, Zhao Zhaoyong, the strength seems to be able to put Zhao Hey to swallow.

In the face of countless ghosts and yin, Zhao Xin’s body is excited by the Six Paths of Samsara, and only Zhao’s right eye is fierce.

Six gray holes appear on the top of Zhao’s head. Each hole is small, only one meter wide, distributed in six positions on the top of the head, emitting six different strong scent, and then six gray holes rotate to form a huge Grey vortex.


A huge suction burst out, and the countless ghosts looked terrified and scared to go straight back, but it was still late, and countless ghosts were inhaled like tides, and no ghost could escape.

In front of the huge suction, not only Black and White Impermanence showed a frightened expression, but the old man was also a little scared. Seeking Yin Beast was also a face of fear, but it was very exciting.

Because of the scent of this vortex, they are very restrained. Under this breath, regardless of the body’s blood and soul becoming ice-cold, they feel a strong fear. Even the general ghosts dare not resist, they will only be afraid. on the ground.

This strength is naturally the strength of Six Paths of Samsara, one of the most extreme strengths of the genital world. All ghosts are extremely afraid of this kind of strength.

Although it is also Yin Attribute strength, the strength of Six Paths of Samsara is the nemesis of all the sacred strength. All the sinister forces will dissipate on their own. No ghost is not afraid under this strength.

Zhao Wei looked at the old man with his right eye. When he wanted to start with him, the old man rushed to start talking. “Wait! The old man is willing to recognize you as the Lord.”

When I heard this, Zhao Wei looked a little surprised and asked, “Why? You should be able to run away now.”

The old man smiled, with a trace of reverence, said, “Because of the Six Paths of Samsara’s strength in your body, no one in the vain can control this kind of strength, because that is the strength that Six Paths Demon Statue can have, you absolutely Will become the supreme of the vaginal, can serve such a master, is the privilege of every celestial creature.”

Rooaaar ……

Seeking Yin Beast was also excited and scared to scream a few times to Zhao Wei, and he was willing to loyal to the surrender. It used to feel that Zhao Fu’s body exudes the breath of Six Paths of Samsara, so he wanted to run over and snatch it.

But now it finds that Zhao Wei not only has the Six Paths of Samsara, but also has the strength to control the Six Paths of Samsara, and even his blood has the blood of Six Paths of Samsara.

For such a person, there is no vain creature to be afraid of it. It means the same as the old man. He believes that Zhao Wei will become the supreme sect of the sacred world, so that he can directly change his attitude and express loyalty.

The reality is like this. If there is a poor master, nothing can be given. Naturally no one goes, but if he is a billionaire, then many people will flock.

Black and White Impermanence’s face also became excited, because it was also the first time to see the cost, the Six Paths of Samsara’s strength, the heart is more fortunate to recognize Zhao Wei as the main, because Six Paths of Samsara is all sinister The ultimate existence of creatures to look up.

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