The body slowly disappeared in the same place, Zhao Yu came to a dark space, the grass and the ground are all with some black, surrounded by a cold atmosphere, so that the heart is cold, here is also very large, and empty, I can’t see the end at a glance.

The most important thing is that there is no hint, that is, I don’t know how to pass the trial. As one of the most difficult trials, Zhao Wei can’t have any idea because it will fail at any time.

Rooaaar ……

A loud roar screamed, and I saw a giant beast rushing out from the side. There were various kinds of animals, such as chickens, ducks, tigers, dogs, and snakes. Each of them was only a dozen meters long, and the body color was gray-black. Flooding brings yin.

The most frightening thing is that they have reached the Celestial Realm, which is directly in despair. Because of such a large group of Celestial Realm beasts, the World Realm strong will die.

The group of wild beasts exudes a majestic momentum and rushes to Zhao Wei. The strength is enough to destroy everything, and no one can resist it.

“How to do?”

Zhao Wei feels a huge pressure. If a few Zhao can still deal with it, but now there are at least a million, how can it resist, this is not the most difficult level of trial, no one can pass.


When Zhao Wei didn’t know what to do, a loud roar sounded, which was the sound of the Beast Path in Zhao’s body. It should be very exciting to see it.

What Zhao Zhao thought of, surprised the release of the Beast Path Golem.

I saw the Beast Path demon coming out, bursting out a strong breath, and making a loud roar to the countless beasts that rushed, and the beasts that were sweeping away were all stopped, and all fears lingered. On the ground,

Beast Path Golems go over the big mouth and suck, the powerful wild Beast Transformation is innumerable by the Beast Path Golem, the Beast Path Golem gets a lot of yin, the strength is growing, and the physique has become some.

Zhao Wei was very surprised. Since the Seal of the Path Path Demon Statue, their strength and physique have not changed, and now they have become stronger.

However, this is a good thing, not only can solve a group of terrible beasts, the strength of the magic image is enhanced, and Zhao Wei can move the stronger Six Paths Demon Statue.

After the Beast Path demon swallowed countless yin, Zhao Wei immediately took it back, because the Six Paths Demon Statue was easily out of control, especially now their strength is enhanced.

Just took back the Beast Path Golem, and when I saw it, Zhao Wei went to another place. The sky was bloody, and the lava was flowing everywhere. The rich smell of sulfur was even more pungent. There was no sign of life here, like a hell.

Rooaaar ……

Countless demon emerged from the void, a strong breath of eruption, the fierce and evil to Zhao Zhao, the momentum is equally terrible.

At this time, the Hell Path Golem roared again, what Zhao Wei understood, and released the Hell Path Golem, the Hell Path Golem also made a roar, countless demon immediately terrifying kneeling on the ground, Hell Path Golem as before Beast Path The golem is general, swallowing these demon.

Take back the Hell Path Golem and shake it at once.

Zhao Wei came to a group of buildings, each with its own various buildings, but it looks very old and run down. It should be a big place to live. There are countless white shadows, like ghosts walking aimlessly. .

Until Zhao Yu appeared, they immediately rushed over to Zhao Wei. Now Zhao Wei has understood the content of the trial, and did not have the slightest fear, directly released the Human Path Golem. Directly devour countless white shadows.

At the same time, Zhao Wei came to a rock. The rocks here are all black, with oily, no plants, only a group of hungry ghosts who are hungry and constantly looking for food.

These hungry ghosts looked at Zhao Wei, a pair of eyes brightened, hungry, crazy to Zhao Yuchong, Zhao Wei immediately released the Hungry Ghost Path Golem.

The result is of course the Hungry Ghost Path, which has swallowed countless hungry ghosts. The strength has also improved a lot, and the physique has also grown.

Later, Zhao Yu came to a cave again, countless ugly Asura, a face of murderous aura, and finally swallowed by the Asura Dome.

In the end, Zhao Wei came to a void, there is nothing here, countless Heavenly Ghost emerged from the void, each breath is extremely powerful, such as the tide is generally unstoppable to Zhao Hao.


A huge roar rang out in all directions, and Zhao Wei released the Heaven Path Golem and swallowed these countless Heavenly Ghosts.

Six spaces, six ghosts, correspond to the Six Paths of Samsara. Fortunately, Zhao has the Six Paths Demon Statue. They are born from Six Paths of Samsara and have the Power of Six Paths. Other ghosts are simply unable to resist. .

If there is no Six Paths Demon Statue, this time Zhao Wei is likely to fail, unable to pass this round of reincarnation, because the first wave of such a powerful beast rushed, Zhao Wei is somewhat powerless to face.

Suddenly, Zhao Wei鈥檚 body was sucked by a giant force, and once he saw it, Zhao Wei appeared in a space.

It was a tall altar that was full of kilometers. Zhao Wei stood under the altar and watched the altar as if it was towering into the sky. The ground was very flat and filled with a white soul. Looking around, there is a straight stone brick path leading to the altar.

In the sky is a huge gray vortex, with a very large pressure, at the center of the vortex, is a gray formation that emits intense light.

The whole space has a cold atmosphere, which makes it look like a sinister look, the light is dim, standing in it, the hair will be erected automatically, and there is an old vicissitude. The time here should be extremely long.

Now Zhao Wei stood on the stone brick path and thought about it. He planned to go to the altar, but Zhao Wei stepped out one step at a time. A huge pressure came down and he pressed heavily on him.

Zhao Wei鈥檚 face changed. 鈥淚s the trial still not over?鈥?/p>

This kind of pressure on the general Saint Realm can not stand, the reincarnation of the trial may actually begin, and now is the final trial.

Exploding his own strength, resisting that pressure, Zhao Wei walked forward step by step.

Finally, Zhao Wei arrived at the altar step and looked at the tall altar. Without any hesitation, Zhao Wei must go to the altar and never retreat temporarily.


Step by step, a much larger pressure came, Zhao Yi emperor blood instinct felt a strong danger, automatically ignited, a strong momentum broke out, making Zhao Fu’s body a black flame.

Zhao Wei resisted this pressure, but Zhao Wei鈥檚 face was not good. Because his emperor blood broke out for the first time, it was definitely an unprecedented danger. Then it might be extremely dangerous.

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