The fifth enchantment is black enchantment, and the terrifying scent has reached One Heaven Realm. If World Realm can mobilize a World’s Power, it will surpass World Realm’s One Heaven Realm, but it can mobilize the strength of the three worlds.

Zhao Wei has no confidence in this and can only break it. He can only try his best. A bloody sword light rushes to the sky. The sky is in the sky of sword formation, and a huge sword intent spreads.


A huge sound broke out, Zhao Yujian fell, Wandao sword light with the power of destruction, banged on the black enchantment, the black enchantment trembled fiercely, cracking a few small holes.

Fortunately, this is also broken, let Zhao Wei pass the fifth enchantment, watching the fifth enchantment dissipate, Zhao Yu could not help but worry, if there is enchantment, it may reach Absolute Heaven Realm, Zhao Wei does not A trace may break the enchantment.

Because Absolute Heaven Realm has surpassed One Heaven Realm, there is a terrible strength that mobilizes six worlds. How could Zhao Yu break?

“Hint! Congratulations on your trial and get Earth Barrier.”

Hearing this prompt, Zhao Hao sighed with relief, a glass of yellow, tomato-sized, glassy beads with a strong earthy atmosphere, floating from the sky in the hands of Zhao Wei, this is Earth Barrier.

After returning to the outside, Zhao Wei chose the fifth test for the trial of the emperor, rewarding the emperor blood.

Leprechaun emperor blood is also the emperor blood of the goblin family, and the fairy looks basically the same as the Flower Fairy in Daqin. It has pointed ears and exquisite face, but the fairy is also divided into many kinds. Most of the goblins are the same as normal people. .

The goblin is also considered a kind of Exotic Race. Zhao Wei wants to break through the steepness of the emperor blood to make a Sky Saint Bloodline.

At the same time, there are many other benefits. It is easier for Zhao Wei to get the Exotic Race destiny. It is also easy to get the Exotic Race’s surrender, because Zhao Wei also has a trace of Exotic Race blood, and it is still emperor blood.

This time, because of the acquisition of emperor blood, the difficulty reached a high level, which means that it is even harder than the strongest defense before.

However, Zhao Wei had prepared and had a lot of confidence to enter the trial space.

A platform appeared in front of Zhao Wei, the platform was large, but there was nothing, only one figure standing in the center.

He is strong, with black skin, long purple hair tied with his head, pointed ears, and some fierce face. This is an unknown fairy with a strong Emperor scent.

Zhao Wei smiled and walked directly to him. The reason why Zhao Wei is so confident is that the trial needs to bear the pressure of Emperor.

Zhao Fu’s body’s emperor blood is only a short break to the Sky Saint Bloodline, far stronger than the average emperor blood, and that kind of emperor blood is only the lowest level of emperor blood, Zhao Wei will not fear it. Coercion.


As Zhao Yu approached, the leprechaun broke out with a powerful pressure, which made the surrounding dignified, like a tens of thousands of pounds.

Zhao Yan’s body sinks, but he can easily bear it. Because Zhao’s blood is much higher than him, the pressure on him is greatly weakened, and it may be difficult for ordinary people to resist.

Keep going!

It was a rumbling sound, and a much larger Emperor came down. The huge momentum has already distort the void, which is very scary.

Zhao Yan’s body was sinking once, feeling a giant hand pressed on his body, so that the body could not move a trace. Zhao Wei ignited his own emperor blood, and a black flame ignited, and the pressure suddenly dissipated.

Keep going!

That pressure is naturally stronger and stronger, and finally the terrifying pressure has almost caused the space to collapse a little. Under the pressure of the average person, the feeling will be crushed to death.

However, Zhao Wei used his own emperor blood advantage, but still resisted the past, and walked to the figure, and then the figure dissipated, an irregular blood crystal floating in place.

Zhao Wei reaches out and grabs the blood crystal to collect it. The emperor blood basically exists in the form of this kind of blood crystal. There are also different grades, which are distinguished by the fine purity of the blood. The most precious and rare one is the first generation emperor. Blood.

The fusion of emperor blood is only to obtain emperor blood, its blood is not pure, so it is said to be mixed blood, this kind of blood and orthodox emperor blood is very different.

If you get the blood of the first generation emperor blood, the purity of the blood can reach the orthodox, that is, the blood level like his children, so the first generation blood will be so precious.

After getting the emperor blood, Zhao Wei returned to the outside. At this time, Wu Wu had already come out. Because he was the second place, only three trials were available. Now he has successfully passed, waiting for Zhao Wei to make a final farewell.

“This is my Wu Family’s token. In the future, if you come to Heaven Domain, you can go directly to Wu Family. People who know this thing will also be polite to you. I will continue to travel around the world for trial. Today is nothing. Yes, he is doing a good job, I hope that you will not let me down.”

Wu Wu said with a smile, while handing Zhao Hao a blue jade card.

The jade brand is three fingers wide, engraved with a warrior pattern, and also has a martial art with a strong breath.

Zhao Xiao smiled and said a few words, “In the future will definitely go to visit, the next time I meet and have a good time.”

Subsequently, Wu Wuhua disappeared into the horizon as a stream of light.

Zhao Wei came to the front of the stone tablet and looked at the trial options in the light curtain. He planned to pick the last trial.

At this time, Jin Long opened his mouth and asked Zhao to choose the most difficult trial. Zhao Wei did not have any confidence in it. Because of the general difficult level of trials, Zhao Wei would have difficulty passing, let alone the hardest test. Refining.

And the most difficult trial, only the first person in the ranking can choose, that is the reincarnation of the reincarnation.

As long as you pass this trial, you will have the opportunity to enter the reincarnation, and that reincarnation is the treasure of reincarnation. It will cost countless rare treasures to be successful, and there is very little in Heaven Awaken World.

Because this kind of thing can only be made with some kind of strong Supreme Being, or Half-Step Immortal, or even the real Immortal, others have no such ability.

Therefore, Jinlong let Zhao Wei try it, because this kind of opportunity is extremely rare, even if it is a waste of trial opportunities, because once passed, you can enter the reincarnation, in the future has the greatest guarantee.

In the future No matter what the danger is, even if it is to die, as long as you enter the reincarnation, you can carry out the reincarnation, and everything will have a chance to come back again.

Moreover, this reincarnation can not only retain the memory of the previous life, but also retain the blood of the previous life, as well as various Origin strengths, which are the things that countless people dream of, even if Supreme Being is extremely excited.

Zhao Wei thought about it and listened to Gold Dragon’s words for a reincarnation.

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