After returning to Daqin, Zhao Wei did not continue to handle political affairs. This year is the sixth year. Zhao Wei feels that the enchantment from Heaven Domain has disappeared and is getting closer and closer. Zhao Xin is somewhat uneasy.

Human World only needs to clean up all the areas, you can launch a united war, and the side of Fish Scale World is also developing well, don’t care too much, Demon Profound World can only do that now, not much to do.

Now the weakest place in Daqin’s development is the forces outside the Land of Legacy. They feel that they are still too weak. If the Heaven Domain enchantment disappears and the parties attack, they can’t play a big role.

Zhao Wei believes that Happy Weed Country and Graywolf Country should be developed most. Happy Weed Country is the country of Lüyin people. It is the world above human. It is the enemy of positive confrontation. The danger is also the biggest. It must be firmly controlled to avoid getting out of control.

Graywolf Country has been abandoned, and now only lives in Happy Weed Country, Zhao Wei wants to help him to re-establish the country, as a chess piece for Werewolf World, in the future, what to do with Werewolf World.

Zhao Wei summoned the numerous generals to see how to act, and of course all the information gathered around Happy Weed Country.

Now Happy Weed Country is the land that together with the surrounding three countries, occupying the original Graywolf Country, opposite the three Werewolf countries.

Now the Werewolf countries have hated the four countries of Zhao Wei, and they have paid so much effort and paid a lot of casualties. The last time they got far from the four countries, they were also angry with the four countries.

There have always been plans to jointly attack the four countries of Zhao, but the four countries of Zhao Wei are also afraid at all, because the strength of the four countries is definitely stronger than the three of them. Now they are always confronted, and wars may occur at any time.

Now Zhao has two choices. One is to unite the other three countries, together to destroy the Werewolf three countries, and the other is to unite the Lüyin people in the dark, let Werewolf fight with them, and then take advantage of the fishermen.

The first type of Werewolf has been eliminated. This action can be said to be very large. It has already officially invaded Werewolf World, which will inevitably attract the attention of Werewolf World and even send troops to drive away.

This is what Zhao Wei is most worried about. The strength of a world is too strong. Daqin must be treated with caution, and now the Great Qin’s identity can’t be exposed. Finally, Happy Weed Country may be destroyed by the other party. Zhao Wei can only abandon this. A chess piece.

The first method is not, it can only be the second method.

To this end, Zhao Wei and many generals discussed in detail, and then Zhao Xiao left Daqin with a smile, but also with a large number of City Lord and Dragon.

The dark blue night sky, a bright moon hanging in the sky, exudes a bright moonlight, dispels the darkness of the earth, surrounded by silence, and everything falls into a deep sleep.

Zhao Wei has already arrived in a Royal City. She did not expect to have just got the assassin legacy, but she is now using it.

Here is a country destiny collection center, the king has Destiny of a country bleSS ing, here aSS aSS inating the king, almost impossible, as long as there is a little danger, the king will be aware that the ASS aSS ination can not succeed .

In the past, Zhao Wei had once had aSS aSS inating the king, but it was still waiting for him to cruise, not to stay in Royal City, only ASS aSS ination succeeded.

Otherwise, he will stay in the Royal City. If there is danger, then activate the great formation of the country, and then the City Lord and officials will feel that if you add countless legions, you can really force Zhao to retreat, then ASS aSS Ination is naturally impossible to succeed.

But now it is different, assassin naturally everything is based on ASS aSS ination, naturally there are various methods ASS aSS ination, and Zhao Yu obtained the assassin legacy, which also includes how to aSS aSS inating the king.

Need a prince in the country, Zhao Wei has secretly arrested, a numerous prince in the Kingdom, Zhao Wei naturally does not need much effort.

The prince was still in the brothel with 5 or 6 enchanting woman cloud rain, but it was not enough in a few minutes, and she fell in the bed and gasped. The enchanting women were completely unsatisfied, and they were in the prince’s arms, but that The prince did not react at all.

Zhao Wei sneaked in, directly stunned these women, and then silently brought the prince here, watching the comrades in the past, Zhao Yan’s face did not change, took out just got Sword of ASS aSS ination.

The stabbing Killing Sword Zhao Wei has been tamed, but the resistance of the stabbing Killing Sword was still very fierce, and Zhao Wei made a lot of effort.

A sword pierced the prince’s chest, ASS aSS ination issued a suction, the blood of the prince was sucked away, the body gradually dried up, and then became a dry body.

The thorn Killing Sword absorbs countless blood, and the sword body has numerous bloody runes. After these bloody runes emerge, they swim from the hilt to the Zhao Fu’s body, and the runes of Zhao’s body surface are more and more. Get up and then hide in Zhao’s body.

Now Zhao Wei is using that method, using the prince’s blood to make a layer of disguise, deceived Destiny of a country, now the breath of Zhao Fu’s body, all the temper of this prince, and also has the prince’s weak destiny.

This destiny was temporarily forcibly retained by Killing Sword. It can also be used multiple times. It is a very superb ASS aSS ination, specially prepared for aSS aSS inating the king.

Temporarily put the prince’s corpse back, and now Zhao can safely sneak into the palace. With this layer of breath, Zhao Wei has no worries.

There are also high-ranking Soldiers guarding the outside of the palace. There are eight people in total, and they will be disturbed by the kings in the palace. They must also kill eight of them quietly.

Zhao Wei thought for a moment and didn’t hesitate to use Skills Sill’s Skills directly.

I saw Zhao Wei holding the sword, closing the eyes, and Emperor’s Power injecting it. The thorny Killing Sword trembled slightly, slamming the opening eyes, spurting Killing Sword to emit a black light, and an invisible momentum spread out. The black shadow rushed out of Zhao’s body.

The eight figures flew out, only the next second, appeared behind the eight guards, the eight guards felt dangerous, their faces were shocked, and there was no movement. The eight figures were like shadows, taking out a dagger. Cut the throats of the eight guards.

Zhao Yan showed a smile on his face and then pushed the door in.

After a while, a hint of sensation throughout the country, countless people are awakened from sleep, a look of stunned, their king died? What’s the matter?

Countless people don’t understand what happened, but the king suddenly died, which can cause major events in the country, and destiny will undergo major changes.

The civil and military officials, the emperor and the relatives have all arrived in the palace, the death of the king makes them into a panic, and who is the next king? It’s all uncertain, but as long as everyone wants to sit on the throne, all parties want to give it a try.

Once they have various actions, the whole country is beginning to be a bit confusing, causing Popular Support to be uneasy.

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