“You are not a person through trials, you can’t enter here!” 12 said in a different voice, the voice with a cold and awkward.

Zhao Wei did not pay attention to these figures, and took a step forward.

“shuā shuā shuā ……”

At the same time, 12 took the shot and turned it into a black shadow. In a blink of an eye, he came to the 100 meters in front of Zhao.

Zhao Wei holding the Emperor Killing Sword, looking at the figure that was moving, his face with a trace of disdain, a sword swung out, a huge bloody crescent instantly.

The 12 was shocked and quickly retraced, and escaped Zhao Fu’s one blow. He still looked down on Zhao Zhen’s strength.

12’s figure was scattered and dignified, surrounded by Zhao Wei, and a powerful momentum broke out. Then the weapon in the hand was inserted into the ground. The black breath poured into the ground, forming 12 base points on the ground, echoing each other.

A black formation emerged from the foot of Zhao Wei, and a huge enchantment also condensed. This is the assassin field. It used to be used by people who used to kill people. The people who are in it, the strength of the strength is greatly limited.

The strength of 12’s figure has also been greatly improved, but it is not Zhao Wei’s opponent. They shot in unison and armed with Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei did not want to entangle with them. Although he felt a huge force to imprison the body, Zhao Wei still lifted Emperor Killing Sword and began to exert his full strength.


A huge rumbling sound rang, and only Emperor Killing Sword burst into a lot of blood, a devastating strength spread out, the ground instantly burst, and the 12 figure was shrouded in, and everything subsided.

A large pit of several hundred meters appeared on the ground, and 12 black jade floated above the pit. Zhao Yu reached out and caught the jade in his hand.

[Assassin, Dark Soul Jade]; a bloody legacy of a powerful assassin, which can be used to gain dark blood and master a variety of powerful skills and abilities.

Zhao Wei looked at this Dark Soul Jade with a smile, which can be used by Great Qin’s 12 assassin to improve their strength. In the future, it is best to ASS aSS ination some big people, this dark blood seems not weak, it is a comparison Advanced blood.


A word cry suddenly sounded, only to see the sword on the most central stone, turned into a stream of light to Zhao Zhao, very fast, like a black line, direct Zhao Yu throat.

At one moment, Zhao Wei waved a sword and brought out a fierce blood-colored arc, and flew the sword that was shot.

The beautiful black sword flew out, and it radiated a powerful momentum in the air. The blade was also emitting a slight black light. A woman dressed in a smocked dress, graceful, appeared, but she could not see it, but she was exposed. The side face, the feeling should be beautiful.


The woman was holding the beautiful sword and disappeared in the same place, but just after a sudden appearance of Zhao Wei, a sword slashed back to Zhao.


Zhao Fu’s Emperor’s Domain was extended with a huge force in a flash, and the woman was knocked out for more than ten meters. The woman’s foot arrived and stopped the body that was turned back. I wanted to attack Zhao.

But Zhao Wei didn’t look at her, and stretched out one hand backwards. Countless chains were shot with terrible power. The woman was constantly flexible and dodged, but she was finally tied up by countless chains and hung in the air.

Zhao Yan’s mouth raised a smile and walked over to her.

The woman struggled, watching Zhao Yan come, a booth eyes glaring at Zhao Wei, “You have not passed the trial, it is brute force to destroy the trial, you can not get legacy.”

Zhao Xiao said with a smile, “I don’t want to be in trouble. This has already been obtained by me. I can easily pass it. Now my strength is far better than you. Why should you follow the rules you have set?”

That woman cold voice replied, “Then you can’t get legacy!”

Zhao Wei didn’t talk to her, she reached out to her chest, and noticed that Zhao Wei was not a rogue. I saw that Zhao Fu’s palms poured out countless Emperor breaths wrapped around the woman. The slow woman disappeared, only a beautiful sword stayed. In place.

The sword was tied with countless chains and was still struggling. Zhao Wei reached out and grabbed the hilt directly. Emperor’s Power owner forced the swallows.

Then, Zhao Wei is interested in viewing the information of the sword.

This sword is called ASS aSS ination ・Sword of the King’s Path. It belongs to the weapon owned by the King of Assassins. It also has King’s Power. It is flexible and has a hidden effect on the body.

The sword itself is 1st Grade Saint Armament, and strength is very strong, but in the face of Zhao Wei there is no backhand power, it is very easy to be subdued by Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei looked at the original place and found that the 13 huge stone tablets are also a treasure. Every other day, the Dark Soul Jade will be condensed. The effect of the Dark Soul Jade is naturally stronger than the previous 12 block, which is a weakened version.

In addition, Zhao Wei was behind a thirteen stone tablets and found a platform with a black ball floating on it. That should be the core of the relic, and mastering it will be able to master everything.

Zhao Wei naturally did not hesitate, and reaching out directly occupied it.

Zhao Wei did not think that there was a huge strength pouring into Zhao’s body, and there was a lot of information, all of which poured into Zhao Fu’s brain at this moment. This information is all about assassins.

This should be the legacy that the woman said. Zhao Wei carefully looked at the information and found an introduction about the origin of the assassin.

It was discovered that this assassin legacy originally belonged to the Middle Territory. It used to belong to one side of the power, but it ended up like this.

At present, Zhao Fu’s strength is rarely used as an assassin’s occupation, but at some time it is quite convenient. It will be much better for general combat occupations, so Zhao Wei intends to use these strengths.

At this time, Zhao Wei mastered the relics and completely mastered the relics. Zhao Wei discovered that Nether Ghost in the Nether Ghost space can only rely on the existence of relics, but not a large number of self-cultivation, and there are many disappointments.

Because of the strength of those Nether Ghost, it will be a powerful offensive means of Daqin, and now it seems to be no good.

However, the assassin’s remains are completely Raiders, and it is a matter of understanding.

Handling everything, Zhao Wei returned to Daqin, called Zhao Mei Wu Qian, they gave them the Dark Soul Jade, their strength will grow by a few times, and they will get stronger Assassin Skills.

There are only eleven people here, and there is an assassin soul jade not used. The original 12 assassin legagee now has only eleven, because Tuoba Qing originally belongs to one of the 12 people, and now has left Daqin, I don’t know where I am.

And this special 12 Dark Soul Jade, only 12 is the most suitable for the special legacy of the Assassin, Zhao Wei can only put the last piece of Dark Soul Jade aside.

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