“What happened after that? Why is Killing Sword World like this?” Zhao Wei continued to ask Jin Long.

Jin Long sighed slightly and said, “As you can see, it is the ending of Killing Sword World, because the person who enters Sword Devil will only be a monster to kill.”

At that time, countless Sword Devil people rushed out of Killing Sword World, and a catastrophe in Heaven Awaken World, tens of thousands of worlds suffered, and finally led to several real Immortal, which prevented this catastrophe.

The original Sword Devil was smothered, and even the 137th generation Sword Master was killed by several Immortal, and Killing Sword World was directly smashed.

Now it should be a small piece of Killing Sword World, it should probably be the only piece, because Immortal Power, the world city Origin crashes, there will be no retention, and now it is a miracle to survive this piece.

After listening to Gold Dragon’s words, Zhao Wei was immersed in contemplation. “Thinking about what to do now?”

The first idea is to leave here, and seal the crack, destroy ancient tomb, so that no one can find it here, because this killing sword intent even Zhao Wei will get out of control, to know how terrifying of Zhao Fu’s strength, but still almost controlled If the average person has absolutely no resistance.

The second idea is to think of the interests here. If such a dangerous thing can be used, it will be of great help to Daqin.

There are still some treasures left, and those that fly out through the cracks. Zhao Wei is not very concerned, because most of them are things that cannot be seen.

Now Zhao Wei has some uncertainties, and he can’t help but ask Jin Long, because it knows more about this than Zhao.

Jinlong was also in meditation. He did not rush to answer Zhao Wei. After a while, he said, “Zhao Wei! This is just a small piece of debris. It should not be too dangerous, but you still have to be careful to test it. If not, you will quickly return.”

Wen Yan, Zhao Wei nodded, thought, then took out the excitement of Zhanlu Sword in Sword Seal.

Zhanlu Sword has just been taken out, and it is constantly vibrating, making a sound of cry, absorbing the blood around it, and the blood around it quickly gathers at Zhanlu Sword.

A strong killing intent, from Zhanlu Sword, this killing intent is powerful and crazy, but it is still controllable, Zhao Wei is a little relieved.

This Zhanlu Sword may be useful, Zhao Wei first took it out, and then fully defended Emperor’s Domain. The nine black dragons also surrounded Zhao Wei, fully protecting Zhao Fu’s security, and then Zhao Wei carefully began to explore the space.

Start exploring the periphery first, the killing intent brought by the blood gas, Zhao Wei has been able to resist, and there should be nothing to explore the periphery, the danger is relatively small.

After just a few hours, Zhao Wei quickly probed the periphery and found that it was not big. It was only a little bigger than a region. The periphery was basically the same. The bloody sky, the broken earth, the blood flowing around, there was no living thing. Only dead.

Did not meet any danger, Zhao Yu breathed a sigh of relief, and Zhanlu Sword followed Zhao Wei in the outer circle, excited to guide Zhao Wei to go inside.

However, Zhao Wei returned to the original place, because the Jinyi youth himself had been killed for a while, and did not expect to be here for a long time. It is estimated that people in this country will soon be killed here.

Zhao Wei thought about it and decided to hide the things of Killing Sword World first and continue to consider the next step.

“bang bang bang ……”

A loud sound was heard, not only the original hole collapsed, but the entire mountain collapsed. This made the City Lord waiting outside, his face changed, their Cory adults, but still inside, it seems likely to encounter Except for it.

The terrifying existence did not come out. They didn’t know what happened. In fact, some people sent the news back. Now many people are rushing here.

One is worried about the safety of their great men. Second, the three young masters of Musi Family died here. That is a big event, and they must be reported to the upper level.

But now the mountains are falling, they are also panicked, and then a large group of soldiers rushed here, the City Lord has reached hundreds, originally may be just a small thing, but because of the death of the Jinyi youth, it immediately shocked the entire country.

Hundreds of City Lords are coming, showing the energy of the Musi Family in this country.

Then, they found the few City Lords, and asked about the situation in detail. They couldn’t help but be a little scared, because according to what they said, that person can have the strength of the young men’s youth, and the Jinyi youth can have the same capital. Official seal.

The strength of the other party is extremely powerful, and does not care about the Musi Family, because the Jinyi youth has already reported his origins, and the man even dared to kill, then his identity is not simple.

Most of the Musi Family people still have self-knowledge, although they can do whatever they want in Nobledom, but it is not worth mentioning in the face of the real powerhouse.

To deal with this matter, the upper level of the Musi Family is also a bit difficult. One is angry, the other person has no fear of killing the Musi Family, and the other is afraid of offending the people that the Musi Family can’t afford, and the whole Musi Family has to suffer.

First carefully explore the place and find that the person may leave by other means, only to retreat, but also secretly remember the enemy, and then have the opportunity to retaliate.

For an ancient tomb that appears here, it is only a little curious, but there is no good thing, even if there is something good, then that person took it away.

The eyes are turning into the interior of the mountain. Here, Zhao Wei has been hidden by the array method, and the crack has been stabilized by Zhao Wei with various tools, so that the crack can be controlled.

I don’t know what happened. Why is the fragment of Killing Sword World appearing here, and why is the crack appearing in this tomb? These Zhao Wei are not clear.

Re-entering the gap, Zhao Wei probed inside Killing Sword World.

After one day, Zhao Wei’s investigation was completed, and there was no danger. There was still no living thing. There was a dead all around, and there were some harvests. That was Gold Grade’s things, reaching tens of thousands, and dozens of legendary items.

These things are very powerful originally. After being eroded by countless years, they fall into the current grades, just like the underground passages, but they are white and do not need any battle.

Zhao Wei stayed in the same place and thought about it, and planned to go to the deepest place.

At the same time, Zhao Wei was also careful at the same time, a huge ghost poured out, and formed a gray defensive cover with a Six Paths pattern on the Six Paths hood.

Outside is Emperor’s Domain, 2nd level is Six Paths defensive hood, 3rd level Kowloon guard body, because the deep blood is more intense, that killing intent is almost several times outside, Zhao Wei must be careful, can not have any care.

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