At this time, Jin Long seems to suddenly think of something in Zhao’s body. Suddenly started talking, “I understand that this is what’s the matter, here is Killing Sword World.”

Zhao Yiyi, I have not heard of this matter, just want to ask.

The elf came in again, only to see his body swaying, suddenly appeared in front of Zhao Wei, raised the blood sword in his hand, and squatted directly against Zhao.

Zhao Wei immediately retired, and the terrible sword fell to the ground. If the same force hit the ground, the ground collapsed, the stone flew, and a huge pit appeared.

When the blow fell, the elf’s foot slammed, and like a black shadow, he continued to attack Zhao.

Zhao Wei is coldly snorted, taking out Sword of Death, the huge Emperor’s Power injection, which makes Sword of Death emit a strong death light, and a sword with a stunning aura of death.

The elf completely ignored it, holding the sword in his hand and rushing it, but also a sword, and brought out a blood-red sword light, screaming at Zhao Wei.


A dull voice is emitted, and the elf is smashed out. Even if the blood gas can improve the combat power, Zhao’s originally strength is stronger than the elf, so the elf is not Zhao Fu’s opponent.

The elf who was flying out of the embarrassed fell to the ground, spit out a large mouth of blood, and then stood up again.


A powerful momentum broke out, a bloody flame ignited from the elf, and the blood around him began to rush to him.

Jinlong said quickly, “kill him, or he will be in trouble.”

Zhao Wei nodded, extending a hand to the golden dragon, the golden eye of the left eye, and then quickly turned.

Clang clang clang ……

A chain of iron with a huge strength flew past the elf, and the elf flicked away, and the blood sword in his hand continually waved out, bringing out a bloody curved sword light, and the chains that were shot were in abundance. Cut off.

But more chains were flying toward him, and the elf whispered, and the blood was shining, and a sword was thrown out. When thousands of sword light flew out, countless chains were counted as segments.


But at this moment, Zhao Wei suddenly appeared behind him, a sword running through his heart, but the elf backhanded a sword to Zhao Wei.

This made Zhao Yan look surprised. “I clearly pierce his heart. Why can he still act? It seems that there is nothing, what’s the matter?”

In the face of the elf’s backhand, Zhao Yi thought about a leap and retired a dozen meters.

Jinlong started talking, “He is just a Sword Devil state. Now you have to smash his body to kill him, or he will not kill him.”


Gold Dragon’s words just finished, the elf came to Zhao Zhao once, and Zhao Wei coldly snorted, raised Sword of Death, burst out his own strength, a gray light from the sky, then Zhao Yiyi sword slash under.


A terrible sword light smashed out, everything seemed to be split, and the elf’s body was swallowed by sword light. After everything subsided, a kilometer of sword marks appeared on the ground, and the elf had become a pile of corpses.

“You just said that Killing Sword World is what’s the matter.” Now kill the elf, Zhao Yu is also free, and asks Jin Long.

Jin Long replied, “This is a long time ago, or before the Heaven Slaying Empire did not rise.”

As mentioned before, Heaven Awaken World is the main world, with Divine Spirit World on the top and a negative world below, and there are many Small Worlds attached to the main world.

These Small Worlds are big and small, comparable to the general world, but these worlds are not foreign, but because of a certain strength, split by Heaven Awaken World, or a kind of existence, self-created world.

Killing Sword World original is called Sword World. The legend is formed by an Immortal Sword, which contains the supreme sword intent. It is one of the spiritual sanctuaries of countless sword cultivators.

Sword World also has a master, commonly known as Sword Master, which is Sword World’s own choice. After the death of the first generation Sword Master, it will be selected as the next Sword Master in the sword cultivator.

The person who can become a Sword Master has a strong talent for Kendo. He is a peerless genius among the sword cultivators. The average person can’t surpass it.

Sword World can also be said to be one of the most powerful forces at the time, including numerous powerful ones, all of which are terrible sword cultivators, but after the 137th generation of Sword Master appeared, everything changed.

Originally the 1st and 37th generation Sword Master, which is known as the shocking evildoer, not only born to the supreme sword, but also the understanding of the kendo is more than mortal can understand, but do not know why, the 137th generation Sword Master Falling on a bevil a devil, in a complete madness.

A Sword World has changed because of him, and it has fallen into the Magic Road. It has created a killing Origin, and then merges with its own sword intent to form a killing sword intent. This kind of sword intent is mainly killing, killing intent has been More than sword intent, and Sword World has become Killing Sword World.

The formation of Killing Sword World caused the change of Heaven Awaken World’s, the bloodshed spread hundreds of domains, a huge sword, and also sent out from the sky, causing Myriad Worlds to panic.

Originally, people in Sword World are controlled by that kind of killing sword intent, and they also fall on the be ae a devil, that is, you just saw the elf.

The way it is called Sword Devil, the man and the sword have been merged into one, and the body has been manipulated by the sword, becoming a monster that only kills, more terrible than the average Sword Demon.

The stronger the absorption of this kind of killing sword intent, the more terrible it is, so it is divided into several levels, one to nine turns.

A turn is only the body controlled by this killing sword intent, strength is the weakest, but as you can see, the elf is more difficult to kill, the attack is not dead, the body must be destroyed, in order to truly kill each other.

The strength of each turn will increase by several times, and the body will also undergo a transformation. People and swords will evolve. The second person who turns Sword Devil not only destroys the body, but also destroys the soul. Otherwise, it still Can be repaired for a long time.

Three people who turn to Sword Devil, even if they are smashed, they will quickly recover and remain undead. Their souls will become extremely powerful and not killing.

The four-turner Sword Devil, who is almost unkillable, can only rely on the seal, because its body will be quickly restored, and the soul will be transformed into Sword Soul.

It is rumored that the 137th generation Sword Master is already entering the nine-turn Sword Devil, which has the general terrifying strength of Immortal.

When I heard this, Zhao couldn’t help but swallow some saliva, and there was Immortal Power, and Immortal is the most peak of the world, and it is still above countless gods, and it can decide the life and death of hundreds of millions of souls.

That strength is beyond the terrifying power of imagination, and Zhao Wei is a little excited to think about it.

However, looking at the world that is in dire straits is Killing Sword World. The end of the 137th generation Sword Master should not be too good!

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