Zhao Wei explained it in detail and told her that Cang Xuenu had controlled her, and she could not betray her, so Le Yuyu did not have to worry about the safety of Happy Weed Country.

Le Yuyu heard that Zhao Wei said that he completely controlled Cang Xuenu. He didn’t have much happiness. Instead, he took a vinegar, reaching out and taking a few shots. He said, “You’re really too worried, this HighneSS is not a mother or a daughter. Satisfied, and find other women.”

Zhao Yiyi did not understand the meaning of Le Yuyu. When she asked, she learned that Le Yuyu thought that Zhao Wei used the method of possessing her to forcibly occupy Cang Xuenu and control her with pure desire. Just like her, she could not Betraying Zhao Wei, he also asked him to rain.

This made Zhao Xiao could not help but smile, and explained that he was not such a lecherous person, in fact, he is still very simple.

Le Yuyu is a face of disbelief and doubt.

Later, Zhao Wei let her develop Happy Weed Country, quickly enhance her strength, and also let the Graywolf Country quickly recover.

Everything is for the Heaven Domain enchantment disappeared, Daqin directly captured Lüyin World, and Werewolf World.

However, it seems that something is missing. Zhao Wei found Elf World next to the Lüyin people. It seems that some of it is missing. Now Werewolf World can bury the pieces, and Elf World has to plant a piece for the future. ready.

Because if Daqin once breaks into Lüyin World, then in the two worlds beside Lüyin World, it is naturally impossible to look at it like this and will definitely choose to attack Daqin, so in Elf World, you must plant the pieces for the future. Good preparation.

Leaving Happy Weed Country, Zhao Wei went directly to Elf World. First, I collected all the news from Elf World. It is not a simple matter to make a chess piece, and it will not be done casually.

First of all, there are various requirements. The first is potential. It is sure to have the value of training in Daqin, that is, to become the qualification of Daqin chess pieces. Now almost all of them are playing chess with one country. Zhao Yi, a force under one country, can hardly see it.

The second is concealment, which is not easy to be discovered. Daqin is also secretly controlled to complete the Great Qin’s purpose.

Then it is more easily controlled. If it is too stubborn, Daqin will not be able to accept it, but it will cause the plan to leak.

There are many other conditions, such as geographical location, relations with neighboring countries, and internal situations of power.

So finding the right piece is more complicated. If you don’t prepare, you can’t do it. You need to collect a lot of information.

A few days later, Zhao Wei went through a detailed selection. Zhao Wei looked for a target to start. He was planning to go forward. When he passed a city, he found some confusion. After asking about it, he found hundreds of places outside the city and found one. At the ancient tomb, I heard that there are many good things.

It seems that someone has already obtained Epic Grade equipment from it, which is worth millions of gold coins. This is not a small attraction for the City Lord. No wonder so many people are eager to leave the city.

Zhao Wei understands that there is some interest in the heart, but because there is something, so I don’t want to go, but suddenly I can kill the sword, that is, Zhanlu Sword shakes a little in the Sword Seal, which is like the consciousness that Zhao Wei went.

This is the first time there has been such a reaction. Zhanlu Sword originally is the second most famous sword in China. It is a sword that has existed in history. It is not as legendary as Xuanyuan Sword, but it is also a legendary sword. It is very strong. Spirituality.

It seems that there may be something that attracts it. Zhao Wei thinks this way and asks the detailed address and turns it into a stream of light.

In a valley, tens of thousands of people have been fighting together, and on the other side of the stone wall, there is a huge hole, and from time to time, a dozen or so stream of light is shot, and then everyone grabs it. The streamer that comes out of these streams is exactly one piece. The treasures are at least Gold Grade and a little Legendary Grade.

In fact, people have already entered the cave. The people who stay outside the cave are almost all a group of people who are not influx. Four or five City Lords radiate powerful momentum in the hole, blocking the thoughts of these people.


A powerful momentum, descending from the sky, is an elf wearing golden clothes descending from the sky, watching this group of chaotic scenes, cold face, with a trace of arrogance started talking, “I am the three young masters of Musi Family, now all give I am rolling, this place is in charge of our Musi Family.”

When everyone heard the Musi Family, the face changed, because the Musi Family is the most distinguished family in the country, and its rights are no less than the real royal family.

However, the people of this Musi Family are too overbearing!

This place is clearly a land of no ownership, and they have not entered the interior, just waiting for something they missed, but they still refused to let them directly say their place.

There was a lot of anger in everyone’s mind, but I thought of the horror of the Musi Family, and I endured it because it was against the Musi Family, and that was to do it right with this country, unless they didn’t want to live, they dared to do so.

Looking at these people’s slow response, the Jinyi youth flashed a hint of killing intent. “You guys really damn it!”

Shuā shuā shuā ……

The Jinyi youth waved a handful, dozens of huge leaves, and flew out with a sharp cold light. A person was smashed and screamed, and the blood screamed, and the blood splattered, only a thousand people died.

The rest of the people, scared to dare to stay in place, rushed to escape.

Staying at the City Lord, the face is not good-looking, and I glanced at each other. One of them went forward and said, “Three young masters! Inside, we are looking for treasures in the middle of the city. This place is also the territory of our great people…”

“pā !”

A slap sounded, and the City Lord, who was talking forward, flew out and blushed.

The golden robes youth are sneered, “What is that keley, dare to compare with my Musi Family? I dare to come up with him to scare the young master, the next time I dare to say this, this young master wants you to kill this dog.”

The City Lord, who was flying by a slap, his face turned red, and he held a sigh of relief in his heart. He resisted this humiliation and did not dare to say anything.

The remaining City Lord, also bowed his head and retreated to the side.

The nakedness of the Jinyi youth dissatisfied, was about to fly into the huge hole, but at this time the accident suddenly occurred.


A momentum like a river descends from the sky. The people present seem to fall away from the be ae, the body and the soul are in fear. The face of the Jinyi youth has also changed greatly. Only a black cloak has appeared in the sky.

The cloaked man waved, and the Jinyi youth and the several City Lords were all shot by the giant force, and they poured a large blood on the ground.

Originally the ordinary elf who fled from the scene, seeing this scene, it scared to escape faster, because the more powerful people came, even the Jinyi youth did not look in their eyes.

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