Now that it is Land of Legacy, there are many people who are stronger than Daqin. Therefore, Zhao Wei still wants to keep a low profile, avoiding too much strength and causing sieges. It is really not good.

In fact, it is quite good to combine other forces to attack others like this. It is also the best choice for the weak strength of Happy Weed Country.

Waiting for Zhao Wei to send a message, Happy Weed Country flew empty this time, the king of Graywolf Country took Royal City, and the numerous people had fled.

After doing all this, Zhao Wei showed a satisfied smile, continued to order an emergency evacuation, and left the right and wrong as soon as possible.

Subsequently, the three Werewolf kings arrived here, leaving only an empty city, and their hearts were furious. A king’s angry and indiscriminate horrible attack destroyed the city.

Originally, they reached a unified goal with Cang Xuenu, first to expel the Lüyin people who had looted the fire, and then to deal with Graywolf Country.

But suddenly Cang Xuenu said that Royal City was attacked, so he rushed back with someone.

The three of them felt that they were not right. They wanted to stop Cang Xuenu because they had never believed in her, and they were wary of what she was doing. She worried that she would return to Royal City and move away from the city.

However, they did not leave her. Under the cover of some Martial General and the Legion, they let the Snow Cang women run. The three of them also rushed over. Now, Cang Xuenu really played them and moved with Royal City. gone.

However, if they change this, they will do the same, because this time the invasion of the seven countries, the demise of Graywolf Country is doomed.

There are three other army in the green, and some want to attack the Royal City. But it is too difficult, so I gave up for a while. Now I heard that Happy Weed Country has emptied, and the royal family of Graywolf Country ran with people, so there is no too Go care.

The seven countries are all in the territory of the Graywolf Country. They are swallowed like wild animals. They are unscrupulous and have no scruples. They quickly capture a city and a region. Those who face these robbers only suffer from the original Graywolf Country.

Now they can only escape with fear and escape from this disaster. This is the end of the country.

In the end, all the territory of the Graywolf Country was divided by the seven countries, and the Graywolf Country died, disappearing on the map and becoming history.

There are three hundred and forty regions in the original Graywolf Country, because the Lüyin people attacked earlier and there was no resistance, so the benefits were obtained.

This time, the Lüyin people captured 230 regions, each of which captured 40 or 50 regions, of which Happy Weed Country was the smallest. This was Zhao’s intentional, thus reducing attention and threats. In the future development preparation.

On the other side of Werewolf, only one hundred and ten areas were captured, and there were some losses in the battle. This made them more angry and spent so much effort, and the benefits were actually obtained by others.

The two armies of the two sides quickly held together. The two terrible momentums touched each other. It was as if they were immersed in the ice water. They couldn’t help but tremble. The beasts around the birds had already run out. No one dared to stay. Next, the scene was chilling.

“You guys, the shameless and despicable Lüyin people, we didn’t want to rob everything before, but you have now rolled out Werewolf World.”

a Werewolf King, dressed in tall, with a look of anger, looking at the opposite Lüyin people, loudly said.

Lüyin people, the strength and the City Lord, the legion are dominant, it is natural not to be afraid of each other, this time into the Graywolf Country, it did grab a lot of supplies, so that a few people smile, very happy .

Things are not used, but they also want to possess the territory, because the territory of their country is not only two or three hundred, and it takes a lot of effort to snatch one.

But now, I’ve grabbed forty or fifty regions, which is equivalent to one-fifth or one-sixth of their country. How can they make such huge benefits, and then they have a lot of people, so Not afraid.

On the side of Lüyin people, a long-faced king shouted with a loud voice. “This is what we should have, what we have to attack and fight for ourselves. For you? When we are stupid? Is it true that these territories are not three of you?” !”

“Everyone’s identity is the same. They are also robbing other people. Give me a look of justice. I want to come over and think that we are afraid of you Lüyin people?”

Werewolf Three people on this side, a anger into the heart, but did not lose their sense of reason, because the two sides fight, their side is unfavorable, not good things did not grab back, but also lost a lot of troops.

“This is the territory of our Werewolf world. We as Werewolf have the right to be the master. Are you despicable and shameless villains who dare to occupy our territory, not afraid of triggering a world war?” A slightly fat Werewolf shouted.

Lüyin people, this side of the smile, the world war has provoked too many forces, it is so easy to trigger, to fight both sides are not good, but to make other worlds cheap, so there is no need to worry.

Zhao Wei is also in the middle of the air, did not say anything, as an insignificant little person, all other three people, watching the battle between the two sides.

After a few days, there was no big war between the two sides. The two sides did not want to make things too big. If there were stronger forces to participate, they might not get anything.

Subsequently, the two countries began to build their own Great Wall, and they planned to pack the area and slowly digest it.

After this time, the relationship between Happy Weed Country and the surrounding countries has gradually improved. For the Happy Weed Country Hummer, they are more welcome, and even intend to feast Zhao Wei to celebrate this victory.

Zhao Hao’s refusal to return to Happy Weed Country in a low-key way began to count the total gains.

The first is Royal City, two in the capital, more than 300 in the ordinary city, but the descendant mouth reaches 300 million, and the 1st Order soldiers also have more than 10 million.

For this harvest, Zhao Wei is quite satisfied. Of course, this is mostly the invisible harvest of Zhao Wei, which is impossible for others to know.

The harvested things, Zhao Wei did not intend to bring back to Daqin, continue to stay in Happy Weed Country to enhance its strength, because Happy Weed Country is a major piece of Daqin buried, of course, it must be developed.

At the same time, Zhao Wei also secretly re-established Graywolf Country in Happy Weed Country, mainly preparing for the elimination of Werewolf World in the future.

Zhao Wei couldn’t completely conceal this matter because Zhao Wei was not the real master here. Le Yuyu learned about this and opposed it, leaving another country in the territory of Happy Weed Country, and still did not surrender to Happy Weed Country.

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