Next to a beautiful golden-haired woman, hurriedly in front of the girl, kneeling on the ground and pleading, “Let my daughter, everything can come to me.”

This beautiful golden-haired woman, that is very beautiful, the body is also very mature, a pair of big breasts are coming out, many people look at this beautiful woman, can not help but exclaim, as if she used to be a popular singer .

There was also a smile on the face of the young robe. He said, “That brought her back. Although Phoenix Qi is a little less, maybe he will like it more, and he can catch some women who like him. We can all have some military skills. .”

It was said that the eyes of the Soldiers were full of joy, and several Soldiers stepped forward and dragged the mother and daughter out. The beautiful woman did not expect that her daughter did not save and also scored herself. And looking at the smile on the face of Daqin Soldiers, she could only kneel on the floor and cry.

The robe youths walked over and interrupted them in English. They said, “You are going to serve us under the great Qin. This is a good thing, don’t cry any more.”

A few women heard this, but they also breathed a sigh of relief. Some of them were happy. Because they served the pinnacles, they were still very willing. Because they had unimaginable benefits, they were willing to pay for their own bodies.


Now the interior of the northern continent is so empty, leaving only 20% of the troops, how can it resist Daqin, because with Great Qin’s strength, even if they are in the heyday, that is impossible.

Daqin continued to capture the area quickly, and the northern army on the other side of the line also withdrew. Ye Cang looked at the escaping Gorfi and did not pursue it. He also began to capture some areas of the border.

In the area where Vatican is located, Zhao Wei has captured the place with the army, but the last step is to migrate City Creation Stone. Zhao Wei is waiting for Gorfi to come back here.

The Vatican here can also be said that Protestantism, which is split from the Roman Vatican, dates back to the Renaissance and the birth of the Magnesium. A big reason is the reason of Protestantism.

Now the situation of the northern continent, Daqin is already the initial control, and Gorfi Zhao Yu also read the previous sentiment, giving him a chance to surrender. As the eight big gatee, strength is naturally very powerful, and he has no small help to Daqin.

Otherwise, Zhao Wei directly attacked Vatican and controlled Ye Cang to kill him.

After a while, Gorfi took people back to Vatican and looked at the scene. The heart fell to the bottom of the valley. His face was gray and he looked at Zhao Wei, who was waiting in front of him. He also understood what Zhao Wei meant in the end.

“What is your decision?”

Zhao Wei looked at Gorfi and asked him not to bend the corner.

Now Gorfi is more angry in his heart, and the opposite Mozu invasion has come in. Daqin has smashed his knife in the back, causing all the frontline defenders to collapse. Now the Mozu has entered Human World.

The strength of the Mozu, he saw it with his own eyes, Human World is afraid of this time, and it can be seen that the other party has not yet done its best, and the northern continent is already very difficult to resist.

Daqin is almost putting the Mozu into Human World, and hundreds of millions of humans will suffer. This makes Gorfi, who is very good in character, very angry.

“Holy Son! We must not surrender to Daqin. This time we lost a lot of money and lost everything. Daqin made such a despicable and shameless thing.”

“Holy Son! I also think that we can’t surrender to Daqin. It acts so bloody and cruel. It is the opposite of our Vatican. It is the dark side of sin, how can we surrender to the darkness.”

“Holy Son! Never give in, Ning and Vatican are destroyed together, and don’t surrender to Daqin!”

“Holy Son! May the light be with us, let us use the last glory of life to purify Great Qin’s sin!”


Twenty-four foreign women wearing white robes and emitting a strong holy light attribute appeared in Gorfi’s side. These women are very beautiful, and they are graceful and graceful.

As soon as they appeared, they opened their mouths to Gorfi and said that they meant death, and they did not surrender to Daqin. They also said that Daqin was dark and sinful and shameless.

If these words are privately said that there is nothing, they even dared to say in front of Zhao Wei that no one is so daring now.

Clang clang clang ……

Numerous chains sounded, and Gorfi’s face changed. No response was made. Numerous chains were shot from the void, shooting with terrible power to the white robe women, watching the women’s bodies be worn by countless irons. Through, Gorfi hurriedly said, “Wait, don’t kill them.”

Zhao Yan no expression, a wave of hands, countless chains turned, tied those women up, facing Zhao Wei that terrible strength, there is no trace of strength.

Let them struggle, and they can’t break away.

“Now what are you thinking about? You are already good to you, and you are willing to wait for you. The average person is killing it early. This is the last question.” Zhao Wei’s pair of terrifying eyes, watching Gorfi said Got it.

If he didn’t want to, Zhao Wei immediately ordered the Vatican to be leveled and killed all the Vaticans.

Gorfi sighed. “The Emperor of the Great Qin! If I am willing to surrender to you, can you resist this invasion of the Mozu?”

Zhao Wei said in secretly said in heart, this time the Mozu invasion was initiated by him, and what he wanted to do was not to resist.

Zhao Wei will not tell him about this matter, just nod. “If you do this, you are naturally capable of dealing with the Mozu, you don’t have to worry.”

Gorfi has relaxed, but in fact, he has already guessed it, but he is not sure.

“Good! I am willing to surrender to Daqin, but please respect our position and will not help Daqin to kill other forces at will, but we will also make efforts for the reunification of Daqin.”

Those women who were tied up in the air by numerous chains were eager to persuade, “Holy Son does not surrender to Daqin.”

“Aaaaaaaah ……”

A painful cry rang and the chains tied to them suddenly tightened, causing the numerous woman to feel severe pain.

Gorfi quickly said, “Well, Daqin, I am sure to surrender, will not change.”

Zhao Yan’s face showed a smile, and a handful of chains were used to loosen the women. Now, to conquer Gorfi, the next step may be to face the other two continents, because after a long time, the space belt is likely to have been get rid of.

Gorfi looked at the numerous woman with a stunned look and said, “Da Qin is cold and bloody, but it is not what you imagined. The people living in it are happy and healthy, suitable for spreading our Vatican thinking. Human World is only like Daqin. The country can be unified, and we are only responsive to the general trend, which is better than the demise of Vatican.”

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