As the City Lord lost strength and solediers lost additional strength, the northern forces were as hard hit and began to lose to the fierce attacks of Ye Dynasty. The number of casualties increased rapidly, the morale of the north also decreased sharply, and Ye Dynasty launched a more ferocious attack. Looking at the northern continent, it will be a big defeat.

“What happened in the end? Why is there no support for the reinforcements? Is it true that the group of people really want to watch the northern continent being attacked? Isn’t Da Qin not willing to shoot in this emergency? They don’t understand the invasion of the Mozu Is it good for anyone?”

A loud cry made everything clear. “Not good! The rear Daqin attacked our northern continent, and countless areas have been captured by Daqin. Now the northern continent is in chaos, and countless people are beginning to flee.”

Upon hearing this news, everyone was cold. They were desperately resisting the invasion of the Mozu in front. They did not expect someone to lick the knife at the back, and this person is not a general force, but the most terrifying Great Qin Empire of Human World.

They have gathered 80% of their strength on the front line, and now they are almost dead. The rear is also unable to withstand the fierce Daqin.

This Daqin was so despicable and shameless, and everyone knew in his heart that the northern continent might be finished.

Now they are already out of the Mozu, and there are Daqin knives in the back, which makes their combat power greatly reduced. At this time, they can’t resist the Mozu at all, and staying here will only be wiped out.


Without the Gorfi command, the parties stalked and fled directly, and the head did not. The Northern Army collapsed at this moment. Countless people were scared to run backwards, and Ye Dynasty ordered chasing.


The rear Daqin is like a black flood, and it rushes to all directions. The area is quickly submerged without any obstacles.


A team of Daqin cavalry wearing black armor easily broke through a city, first yelled, “the surrender does not kill!”

Then, a team of people rushed in directly, wielding weapons, slashing those who fled and rebelled, blood splashed, the scene was very chaotic, screams and crying constantly.

Most of the northern continents are of Western origin, and there are some native people. Those natives have little resistance, but others are still fierce, especially the raspberry country with the slogan of freedom and democracy.

Now the team is attacking their city. They are not suitable for feudal clique rule, and there is almost no dynasty legacy. They are all based on one force and they are independent.

In the face of Daqin, a country that implemented feudal Empireism, they resisted very fiercely.

This city is a group of burly Great Han, holding a big knife, a giant axe, a long gun, and rushing straight out, it looks terrible, because the Western human body is a little bigger than the Oriental, the head of the Great Han, directly yelled, “yellow The skin monkey rolls back to your continent!”

Then, with a man shouting and rushed over.

Daqin Soldiers faceless, headed cavalry captain, without any words, the first to launch the charge, the legs and the horses, like a black shadow attacked the past, the other cavalry also followed the rapid rushing past, one back and forth, leaving only The body of a place.

“Kill! There is a command under the arm, and everyone who does not surrender and run away is killed.”

The captain of the cavalry conveyed the command to continue galloping on the horse. Others followed behind him, walking through the streets, waving long swords, and slashing those who did not surrender.

The cavalry took the lead in the front, killing each other’s spirits first, making the city a mess, and the subsequent infantry also came in and began to orderly kill those who could not surrender.

Several teams of the Great Qin Shields cooperated to force thousands of people to a corner. The archers in the rear began to shoot these people. These people could not escape but could only try to break through, but they were blocked by the Daqin Shield.

In the end, it was not shot, or was hacked to death by a knife, leaving only the body of a place.

After killing these people, Daqin Soldiers continued to attack other people. No matter how old or young men and women did not surrender, they all killed, the smell of blood spread throughout the city, everyone was immersed in fear, and the ice-cold killing made them all ice. -cold a piece, shivering.

In the face of such bloody killings, what democracy and freedom are important, and life is the most crucial thing. An individual is kneeling on the ground, dare not say anything, and does not dare to have any action.

It is hard to imagine that in the modern era of Chaotic World, the foreigners who lived in the Superior are actually stumbled on the ground, surrendered to the feet of an oriental face, and looked fearful and did not dare to resist.

Then, the people who surrendered one by one were concentrated in the center of the city. A young man in a robes, with a faint smile, came over and looked at it, pointing at a linen hair, tall figure, white woman with white skin. Said, “She is not weak Phoenix Qi, can bring back to serve.”

What Daqin said is Chinese, and these foreigners are naturally speaking English. They can’t understand what Daqin said.

Several Soldiers immediately walked into the crowd and dragged the foreign woman out, and the woman did not know what’s the matter.

She was very good, afraid that a few solitiers tried to force her, so she immediately struggled and cried. “Help, please let me go, I am the first time, you Daqin should not deal with prisoners like this.”

Other foreigners also thought that severalsoldiers tried to turn this woman because it was very common on the battlefield, whether it was the real world before, or Heaven Awaken World, or even some people, following some forces to attack a certain force. At the time, I have done these things.

Before Chaotic World, they are the princesses who adore everyone. If they want anything, there are men who prepare for them, live a life of worry-free, and live a luxurious life. All of this is because of their beauty, but now it is because of beauty. End.

Later, the robe youth also pointed to a few women who tried to cover the face with their own soil, and their next moment was dragged out.

These women couldn’t help but cry. Other foreigners shook their heads honestly, but they dared not to speak because they were afraid of the ice-cold knife in the hands of Daqin Soldiers. The big knife is now covered with countless blood, and it is dripping down. Drop it.

Now their lives can not be guaranteed, it is not easy to say, there is still the ability to manage these.

Some of the remaining women in the crowd are also afraid to bow their heads, and they are even afraid to have any movements, for fear of being pointed out by the young robes. Whoever is pointing to them will be unlucky.

At this time, the robe youth had a finger, a blonde 13-year-old girl, the girl was scared to cry when she was on the scene, and several solitiers were about to escape her.

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