First of all, the city reached the 21000 seat. This number is not very amazing. Daqin is still harvesting so many cities for the first time. This number also accounts for almost half of the original city of Daqin, and there are more than 20,000 cities and towns. .

In addition to the city, there are also Population and Soldiers, which is even more amazing. This time, the acquisition of South Demon Continent has a total of 10 billion Population, which can provide 8 billion 1st Order soldiers.

This harvest can not help but surprise Zhao, and South Demon Continent is a total of 12,000 areas. Although it belongs to Ye Dynasty on the bright side, it is now Daqin, a quarter of the whole Demon Profound World. It is being swallowed up by Daqin.

It can also be said that Great Qin’s destiny is only a little weaker than the average Dukedom, and there is hardly any Marquisdom ratio, because it now occupies four continents, and some are particularly large.

The statistics are harvested. Zhao Wei is very surprised. There is such a strength to inject Daqin. Now if three continents suddenly attack, Zhao Wei is somewhat confident and not worried as before.

Now Heaven Domain enchantment can’t be broken, these Population Daqin is not going back, the city pool must also stay here to defend.

All the things that can be obtained can only be given to Ye Dynasty to digest, Ye Dynasty now the main task is still digesting these strengths, and then the founding of the country.

Although Zhao Wei is more worried that Human World will suddenly attack Daqin, but Zhao can not leave, because South Demon Continent has just occupied, there are three other contingency peeping, there are hidden dangers of rebellion, so we must use strong strength. Repression.

As long as there is Daqin, the three continents are absolutely afraid to launch an attack on Magic South, and surrender to Great Qin’s countless Demon Profound Clan and do not dare to rebel.

Dealing with these things, Zhao Wei came out and found that Ye Dynasty’s people, all of them looked at themselves with a trace of fear, and wherever they went, others feared to give up immediately.

Zhao Wei couldn’t help but smile. These people really thought that he would destroy Ye Dynasty and treat all the people of Ye Dynasty as slaves. Before Zhao Wei’s play was so true, many people were scared and worried about Daqin. What will be done to them.

However, only the most familiar people around you can understand Zhao Wei. For example, when Bai Qi gave orders to Zhao Wei, he understood the purpose of Zhao Fu’s.

There is no need to explain too much. Maybe there are three contingent spies. Zhao Wei controls Ye Cang to come out and comfort the Ye Dynasty people so that they can be as usual, without worrying too much.

After half a month, the situation of Demon Profound World gradually stabilized. Both sides did not want to provoke each other. Therefore, there was no such thing as a slap in the face. As the defensive measures of both sides were perfected, the situation naturally stabilized.

Ye Dynasty initially completed the continental reunification and obtained all the control of the southern continent. Countless people also returned to the heart to eliminate the hidden dangers of rebellion.

There is something worth mentioning. Now that South Demon Continent has been isolated by countless Great Isolation Formations, these great formations are more complicated and very difficult to break, and they won’t be easily broken by all parties.

At the same time, large areas of the sea are also imprisoned. Now almost no one can travel to and from the continent through teleportation formation. It can only be carried out by ship, and it will not fly because there is also a Sky Prohibition Formation.

It can be said that South Demon Continent is very stable. Even if all the coalition forces call, Daqin has a reaction time, so Daqin also arrived.

Here, I will give it to Ye Dynasty, let them continue to digest, and build the country as soon as possible.

Returning to Human World, there is still no change here. Daqin also continues to do things that are not done, cleaning the area, and building the Great Wall.

Zhao Wei came to the Refining Pavilion. This time, Zhao Wei also got four Nation Armaments and three Sect Armaments, which were all acquired by the forces that attacked Ye Dynasty.

After this War of the South, I found myself entering a big misunderstanding, pursuing a person’s peak of strength, that is, focusing all Nation Armament and Sect Armament on oneself, and that strength is naturally terrifying to the extreme.

Zhao Wei has this kind of thinking, mainly because he is threatened by the top powers every time, and the battle that takes place is not a one-on-one battle, but a one-to-many situation.

But this time is different. Seven forces with the townships did not join forces to attack Zhao Wei. Instead, they attacked other people separately. On the other side of the Daqin, there were not the Zhao Mo, Silk, and Bai Qi and other Great General, Zhao Wei alone. It can’t be dealt with.

That is, Zhao Wei is strong. It can only be a person. He can only cope with one place. Once multiple parties attack from different places, Zhao Wei can’t avatar at all, and appears in multiple battlefields.

Zhao Wei feels that this is a big shortcoming of Daqin. Now it should be remedied in time. Otherwise, it will be seized by the enemy. Daqin will pay a serious price for it.

So Zhao Wei thought for a while and finally made a decision. In the future, only the Nation Armament was refined, not using Sect Armament.

Nation Armament and Sect Armament belong to two kinds of things, one is the country and the other is the sect.

Daqin destroyed a country, swallowed its destiny Population, merged into one, Nation Armament must be refined, but Sect Armament does not.

Because the characteristics of sect can coexist with the country, there can be countless sects in a country, and there are countless countries in a sect, and Daqin is a national power, not a sect, so everything is dominated by the state.

Zhao Fu’s idea is like this, in the future only use Nation Armament, and Sect Armament is handed over to others to enhance the number of top-level combat power, not in Zhao Yi alone, to cope with the multi-faceted battlefield.

The use of Sect Armament also requires destiny, and Daqin is based on the state, and its sect power can develop, but it will certainly not be stronger than the state.

Sect is too small, destiny is also small, the Sect Armament is weaker, Sect Armament must have a lot of destiny, in order to play a stronger strength, so to use the strength of Sect Armament, you need to grow sect.

Zhao Wei does not want to cultivate sect power too much, but diverts Great Qin’s overall destiny. Daqin should be dominated by the country. Because sect is too strong and there are many hidden dangers, Zhao Wei thinks of another way to ensure that sect is powerful and does not wear Great Qin’s. Total strength.

That is to integrate these sects into Daqin, so that these sects become the Great Qin’s subsidiary sect, and their destiny and Daqin destiny are connected. The stronger the Qin, the stronger their sects, and the weaker the Daqin, these sects will also The weaker.

To complete this idea, it is also more complicated. The first is the sacred book. These sects are the Great Qin’s subsidiary sect, and then the destiny alternation of both sides is completed. That is, Great Qin’s destiny will enter sect, and sect’s destiny will be absorbed by Daqin.

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