
Ye Cang suddenly laughed and attracted the attention of countless people. He only listened to him. “I knew that there was such a day, so I signed the highest blood deed with you. Now you don’t dare to kill me, or you may It will die very badly.”


Zhao Wei directly angrily said that the powerful momentum of the body, like a gust of wind, swept away, so that everyone was shocked, but also admire Ye Cang, dare to speak in front of such a strong, really not afraid of being smashed into slag.


The terrifying cloak between the people took out the general gray crystal sword, and the strong strength was injected into the sword, which made the sword emit a very dangerous sword light, which seemed to kill Ye Cang.

Ye Ningshuang also didn’t understand what’s the matter at all, but when he saw his man, he wanted to kill his family’s legatee, but he couldn’t help but stand up and came to Zhao Wei. He looked embarrassed and said with a trace of pleading, “beloved ,do not do that!”

Zhao Yiyi, did not expect Ye Ningshuang to come out, in fact, Zhao Wei will not be shot at the beginning, and how can Zhao Wei start, because Ye Cang and Zhao Yuben are alone, but now acting, giving a whole body And the opportunity to retreat.

Now that Ye Ningshuang came out, she gave Zhao a good step. Everyone saw the powerful cloak, coldly snorted, and looked at Ye Cang and said, “In the future, you can not ask for Ye Dynasty.” I.”

Then, with one hand holding the side of Ye Ningshuang, turned into a stream of light disappeared into the sky.

The other powerful cloaks, seeing Zhao Wei leaving, also turned into a stream of light to retreat, countless dragons fanning off the wings, one by one Corpse Soul Commander also turned and walked back.

Eight Sea Beast King dissatisfied with the City Lord opposite, they followed the Daqin action, swallowed countless City Lord bodies, and strength gained a lot of enhancement.

In fact, there are still some unsatisfactory things, but due to Zhao Fu’s fierceness, they can only turn their heads, with a powerful momentum, and slowly fly backwards.

The army that attacked West Demon Continent, the black pressure, is also slowly retreating as the tides.

Ye Cang turned to look at the parties, his attitude was cold, started talking, “As you can see, the mysterious forces I can’t control, they didn’t put Ye Dynasty in their eyes, and Ye Dynasty I can’t do it all.” ”

“Of course, I don’t have to show up, let the mysterious forces destroy Demon Profound World, but I will lose everything, and Ye Dynasty will also die in my hands. This time I will give you a chance to develop at the fastest speed. Get strength against mysterious forces.”

“They are just a department of that power, they are responsible for dealing with some troubles, but they don’t work too much. As long as the method is right, Demon Profound World has to fight them off.”

“South Demon Continent will be under the control of mysterious forces. Before you have the strength, it is best not to try to attack. This is the last warning for you.”

Ye Cang finished, with Ye Dynasty, some people turned into countless streamers disappeared into the sky.

When the City Lord saw the scene, it was still a smashing, a crisis that Demon Profound World was going to be destroyed, and it was solved like this? This is really incredible. Everyone has not reacted, and it feels a bit unreal.

He blinked and everyone confirmed that the fierce army had really retreated. They defended the battle this time.

All the people couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. Then all the people were cheering and couldn’t hide the joy in their hearts. They didn’t waste a single force, they didn’t have any loss, but Ye Dynasty and the mysterious forces struggled themselves. Just retreated.

This accident is really a surprise. They are actually doing a lot of death and injury, and they are finally prepared to die by the mysterious forces. But things have changed so quickly that everyone has not thought of it.

What Ye Cang said, everyone is actually suspicious, but according to what I saw, the force is absolutely above Ye Dynasty. Ye Dynasty is a tool in their hands and does not put Ye Dynasty in the eye.

I even threatened to use the people of Ye Dynasty as slaves to see how low the status of Ye Dynasty is.

Maybe Ye Cang is telling the truth. As an enemy, I want them to develop and grow rapidly. This can’t be said by normal people.

Perhaps it would be true that if the mysterious forces perished Demon Profound World, it would not be of any benefit to him, and would even be destroyed by mysterious forces and become slaves of others, so they chose to help them and benefit from them.

This Ye Cang doesn’t know how to connect with the mysterious power. What is the relationship? They don’t know, but it feels that Ye Cang is harming others and pulling Demon Profound World into such a big crisis. .

However, there are still some people who have some doubts about this matter. Looking at the retreating army, I want to pursue it. I really give mysterious forces a heavy blow.

But things are so easy to solve, their three continents get safe, their purpose has been reached, if it is destroyed, the mysterious forces are furious, the whole army is dispatched, Demon Profound World will be in their hands.

There is no way for them to guarantee, and I am afraid that this mysterious force really has such a strong strength, hesitated, and finally chose to give up.

And now the most important thing is not offense, but to build a strong defense. It must not be like today. Let others be unblocked on the continent. If you attack so many regions in a moment, you must build a strong defense. The future also has a defensive power.

When the ordinary people of the parties learned the news, they also breathed a sigh of relief. The name of Ye Cang’s was also known to the whole world. The most surprising thing is that he was still called a hero because it was his reason that made it The mysterious forces stopped the invasion, which also said to save Demon Profound World.

Everyone’s affection for him has risen, although he is also a member of the mysterious power, but his heart is on the side of Demon Profound Clan, he is also a Demon Profound Clan.

This Zhao Zhao did not expect, but did not care too much, after the guilty retreat from West Demon Continent, first refused Ye Ningshuang because of gratitude, to serve his ideas well, and then directly ordered people to start building continent defense facilities .

Zhao Wei is very afraid of the other party to fight, so first protect South Demon Continent, and isolate its various connections.

The parties are also urgently constructing a defensive defense to protect their continent. Both sides are building fast, fearing that the other party will call, but neither side knows the true thoughts of the other party. This is ridiculous.

This harvest of the War of the South, has been counted from the white, and told Zhao Wei in detail, this harvest makes Zhao Wei very surprised.

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