The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 981 The Guardian of Spring

Thain went from being a living person to completely disappearing in less than five seconds.

His aura and biological fluctuations were completely wiped out from this land.

It is difficult for any space magic method to achieve this level.

It is worthy of being a world-class secret treasure fragment possessing dual laws of time, space and destiny.

With that stone tablet as a medium, even level four or above astrologers in the wizarding world may not be able to figure out Thain's fate.

Because that stone tablet has interfered with other people's predictions about him.

After sending Thane away, the Spider Queen tidied up her clothes. She even combed her hair with her slender nails.

Since she could detect the fluctuations in the guardian's aura, the Guardian of Spring must have also discovered her.

Fortunately, Thain had been tied into the spider silk before. The spider silk contained the rich divine power of the Spider Queen, and it also covered Thain's aura fluctuations.

The Spider Queen was also betting that the guardian of spring‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏ would not notice her little move.

If it was discovered in the end, the Spider Queen would be unlucky.

With her ability, it is not particularly difficult to bring Thain back.

The silver spider ring is the best space beacon. The spider queen can pull her own spider silk and pull Thain back through the stone slab from a distant place and time.

However, if possible, the Spider Queen does not intend to do so easily.

Because it consumes too much divine power, and the stone slab and the world behind it are regarded as forbidden by the Spider Queen.

The Black Realm is too poor.

Although the Spider Queen is not the strongest in the Black Realm, her adoptive father is.

As a strong person who grew up in the Black Realm since she was a child, although the Spider Queen has embarked on the path of belief and becoming a god, she also has a special feeling for the Black Realm and the wizarding world.

It's just that the Spider Queen herself never admitted it.

The world behind the stone slab is most likely a large plane.

The Spider Queen's idea is to directly lead the Black Territory army to conquer after obtaining the specific coordinates of that plane and establishing a cross-time and space teleportation array.

The Black Realm is indeed a piece of scattered sand, with black magicians and black knights roaring everywhere.

But what if the adoptive father of the Spider Queen took action on his own and won over the most powerful black knight.

With the majesty of these two dominant masters, it is not difficult to mobilize the power of the entire black domain to launch an invasion and conquest of a large plane.

If this thing comes true, the Spider Queen's reputation in the Black Realm and the wizarding civilization will definitely increase.

Correspondingly, the Spider Queen must also be the leader in the war gains in that large plane.

Just like the Holy Tower of Origin of Blue that took the lead in launching the Wild Orangutan World War.

No matter which Black Realm, Black Tower or Knight Hall is involved in the end, she must remember her Spider Queen’s face.

"I hope that brat won't disappoint me."

"With his ingenuity in fooling me, it should be no problem to complete the basic coordinate recording of that other world, right?" While quietly waiting for the arrival of the Guardian of Spring, the Spider Queen thought inwardly.

I don’t know if I should say that the Spider Queen has better luck.

It is not possible to find someone else to mark the basic coordinates and plane nodes of an alien plane.

Because demigod-level creatures carry a certain amount of law power, when they enter an alien plane, they can easily be discovered by creatures above level four on this plane, and cause rejection by the rules of the entire world.

But if ordinary third-level creatures are sent there, it is very likely that things will not work out.

Because it is a large plane after all, and it has a lot of high-level powerhouses.

I won’t go into details about the first and second levels. If you send a creature of this level to a large world, what do you want it to do?

Thain is different. This guy has been to the green leaf world back then. With the help of his mentor Lu Lianman's law clone, he has carried out activities of marking plane coordinates and special nodes.

He is good at this job!

‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏Secondly, Thain’s status as a third-level great magician also makes it difficult for him to cause rejection from the world behind the stone slab.

Originally, the Spider Queen's plan was to select a few powerful third-level black magicians in the Black Domain and send them there to perform tasks.

The personal combat ability and individual penetration ability of a black magician exceed that of an ordinary holy tower magician.

But plans can never keep up with changes.

The Spider Queen didn't expect that she would bump into a guardian head-on, and she didn't even have time to cover herself up.

Two minutes later, the Guardian of Spring appeared in front of the Spider Queen.

It is different from the fiery, passionate and unrestrained nature of the Guardian of Summer.

The Guardian of Spring gives people the feeling of spring, as warm as the wind.

This is a young woman with beautiful long cyan hair, wearing a light cyan dress and holding a green scepter.

In terms of appearance, the Guardian of Spring looks more delicate than the Spider Queen.

But in fact, this guardian is older than the Spider Queen.

Perhaps because she is close to nature, this guardian of spring does not wear a pair of high-heeled crystal shoes like the Spider Queen. Her bare feet are suspended in mid-air, and her toes are round and translucent.

If the Spider Queen is a glass of poisonous bright red wine, then the Guardian of Spring is more like a cup of tea that is attractive to hold in your hands.

After meeting, the Guardian of Spring did not question the Spider Queen as to why she had gathered a divine clone to appear here, but looked at her with a gentle expression.

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Under the wise gaze of the Guardian of Spring, it seems that all darkness and evil are unable to escape.

It is worth mentioning that the Guardian of Spring is also the only special being among the Guardians of the Seasons in the Wizarding World who shows goodwill to the members of the Wizards Alliance.

The other three guardians more or less support the method of squeezing the alliance plane to nourish the wizarding world.

Only this guardian of spring hopes for a common and prosperous world.

Among the many member planes of the Wizards Alliance, this Guardian of Spring has made friends with powerful masters of many large worlds, especially the Titan world and the Elf world.

I heard that the "Goddess of Dawn" who was the latest to take over the position of guardian in the Titan World came to the Wizarding World and served the Guardian of Spring for many years before taking over the position of guardian.

The meeting between the Guardian of Spring and the Spider Queen was indeed an unexpected encounter.

This guardian didn't hit the Spider Queen as soon as he came up.

After briefly asking about the Spider Queen's current situation, the guardian smiled, nodded, and let the Spider Queen leave.

Even the Spider Queen herself found it a little unbelievable to get rid of a guardian so easily.

She had already thought of some excuse to explain why she had a divine clone appearing here.

In fact, not only the Spider Queen, but also the Guardian knew that what she said was also an "excuse".

The Guardian of Spring's gentle personality meant that she would not criticize the Spider Queen harshly on such a trivial matter.

Unless there is real evidence and wrong things before ‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏.

Therefore, the Guardian of Spring is not only the most popular guardian in the wizarding world, but also gives her great prestige in the Wizarding Alliance.

This time the Guardian of Spring came to the Western Islands, not for the Spider Queen.

She and the Guardian of Summer came here for the same purpose.

In the wizarding world, another true spirit master is about to be born, in the Western Islands.

The distance between the opponent and the other party has completely broken through, probably within the past few hundred years.

This is a powerful man in the wizarding world who is older than the Guardian of Seasons. His ability to break through and advance to level seven is considered a blessing to the wizarding world.

Generally speaking, in the past tens of thousands of years, for the new true spirit masters who have made breakthroughs in the wizarding world, there will only be one guardian who will come in person to be responsible for maintaining rules and order.

This time the spring and summer guardians gathered in the Western Islands, it was also because the other party had relatively high qualifications and had made enough contributions to wizard civilization.

Therefore, it attracted such great attention from the Guardian of Four Seasons.

After the Spider Queen and the Guardian of Spring parted, another little guy came to this sea area.

The Spider Queen, who had something in her heart, left this place early.

The Guardian of Spring, who has a calm personality, is in no hurry to leave.

She looked at the sea level with soft eyes. First, a pair of dragon horns were revealed, then a dragon head was revealed, and finally the huge turtle body slowly appeared.

"Hey, respected guardian, did you see Thain just now?" A childish voice came out of the giant dragon turtle's mouth.

It can be seen that it is also a little nervous, because this is also the first time it has met the Guardian of Spring.

"Haha, your name is Bixi, right?"

"This is the first time we have met since you broke out of your shell. I heard the Guardian of Summer and Shirahoshi mention you. You are indeed a lovely child."

"Also, who are you talking about Thane?" the Guardian of Spring asked, gently touching Bi Xi's head.

Bixi blinked twice, not knowing how to introduce it.

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