The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 980 “Plan” ahead of schedule

On the rippling blue sea surface, his whole body was wrapped in a layer of silver spider silk, with only his head exposed. Thain squinted his eyes slightly, feeling the pleasant sea breeze and warm sunshine blowing towards his face.

At this time, the Spider Queen was beside Thain. She was holding Thain in one hand and using her sharp nails with the other, she opened the space again.

With the Spider Queen's flying speed, the territory of the Wizarding World is extremely vast, and the sea area between the west coast and the Black Territory is also extremely wide.

But it should not take more than a week to finally reach the depths of the Black Realm.

This Spider Queen should also be a shady character on the west coast, because Thain noticed that she did not take him on the teleportation arrays of the major holy towers, but relied purely on her own strength to travel.

Perhaps it was because they had been together for too long. Thain, who was wrapped in silver spider silk, did not worry too much about his future fate. Instead, he considered his gains in recent decades.

It's not that Thain is heartless, but what's the use of worrying now that things have come to this?

Thane has experienced the pressure and threats brought to him by the Spider Queen over the past few hundred years.

‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏Is it possible that he has to show that submissive and fearful look all the time in order to prove the power of the Spider Queen and his helplessness?

Thain's ability to adapt is better than imagined.

If there is no choice in fate, he will take it calmly.

The Spider Queen is also convinced by this guy. In the Black Territory, who wouldn't be respectful and trembling when seeing her?

Thain is the only bastard in the past thousands of years who dared to let her go, and he did so more than once!

I remembered that Thain always respectfully promised her to rush to the Black Realm immediately, but as soon as she left, this guy would do whatever he was supposed to do.

She even took time to travel and explore other dimensions frequently, and the Spider Queen couldn't help but break a mouthful of silver teeth.

The most outrageous thing about Thane is that he also participated in three plane wars on the west coast.

Although the duration of participation in these three wars did not exceed two years each time, it still made the Spider Queen very angry.

The last time, when the Spider Queen couldn't bear it anymore and caught him directly, this bastard was planning to participate in the Fourth Plane War!

The light of the plane and the blessing of the direct blood relatives of the Baxia family made it impossible for the Spider Queen to crush Thane to death as easily as a small insect.

However, the Spider Queen also thought of other ways to punish Thane.

After returning to the Black Realm, she will teach this guy a lesson so that he can understand what the fear of God is.

And regarding the final treatment of Thane, the Spider Queen decided to let the people of the Baxia family come and take him by herself.

"Who gave him the blessing? The dragon? Or the mermaid?"

"Could it be those two dragon turtles?" the Spider Queen thought to herself as she rode the waves above the rippling blue sea.

If it were the mermaid or the two dragon turtles, the Spider Queen would still have to give her this face.

The strength of the two dragon turtles, one is stronger than her, and the other is on par with her.

Although the mermaid was weaker than her, that guy now almost held up the face of the entire Baxia family in the wizarding world.

After all, the other brothers and sisters are a little unreliable. One of the two brothers was sleeping while the other was racing, and their father didn't know where he was.

Various circumstances have led to the close connection between this mermaid and the sea tribe, and in recent years it has frequently attracted the favor of several guardians.

If the mermaid came forward in person, the Spider Queen would have to let him go no matter how resentful she was towards Thane.

"Hmph, I hope it's not the dragon that gives you blessings."

"If it's that dragon, how can I calm down my anger without squeezing a ton of dragon blood out of him?" The spider queen's plump chest heaved and she glared viciously at Thane, who was wrapped in her cocoon.

Thain shivered inexplicably when he was glared at by the Spider Queen.

In fact, this is the reason why Thain is so careless and heartless.

Another point is that after stepping into this sea level, the vague feeling of tourmaline in his body became stronger!

We haven’t seen each other for hundreds of years. It seems that Tourmaline has returned to the Western Islands after traveling to the South China Sea in the Wizarding World.

Thain's eyes couldn't help but moisten.

Thain never doubted Tourmaline's family status.

‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ She has several powerful brothers and sisters, and she also has an uncle who gives out world-class secret treasures as gifts without blinking an eye!

In their entire family, tourmaline is the little treasure that is held in their mouths and held in their hands.

With Bixi taking action, his life should have been saved.

Even Thain was still thinking about how to greet Bixi when he saw her later.

The familiar feeling that was getting closer and closer also made Thain certain that what the Spider Queen found, the dragon's blessing in his body must be left by the tourmaline.

Because he had this connection with Tourmaline only when he was about to leave Jizhiyuan Holy Tower last time.

At that time, he also asked Tourmaline what was going on with this kind of induction.

But at that time, Bixi didn't answer.

While thinking about what it would be like to meet Bixi later, Thain thought about what he had gained not long ago.

The second plane war he participated in on the west coast was in a low-level world called the Merkin plane. Thain only signed a two-year temporary assistance agreement at that time.

This plane is rich in a variety of graphite-like materials, which can be used in many places in Thain's alchemy experiments.

And the variety of harvested materials, as well as Thain's collection in recent years, makes him now full of all kinds of treasures.

These things are enough to keep Thane in the laboratory for hundreds of years to come.

It was also thanks to Thain's rich net worth and his two hundred years as the dean of the Holy Tower of Dark Fire that he earned a lot of allowances.

Otherwise, ordinary second- and third-level magicians would not be able to imitate his rich and powerful traveling style.

Just when Thain and the Spider Queen were having their own thoughts, a special rule fluctuation came from the north of the two.

Why is it said that the rules fluctuate?

Because this is not something that ordinary life forms below level four can do.

Thain seemed to see that the sky was bluer and the water was clearer.

Even the seabirds in the sky sang briskly.

The fish in the water jumped out of the sea and splashed a little. Human magicians like Thane can feel the pleasure of these low-level animals at this moment.

This is definitely not an ordinary fourth-level biological technique!

"Why did the Guardian appear here? Didn't the Guardian of Summer just leave..." The Spider Queen's face looked extremely different at this time.

Thain's guess was correct. The Spider Queen had indeed been busy for a while, so much so that she had not appeared in front of Thain for hundreds of years.

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The existence that caused the Spider Queen to be in a hurry was the Guardian of Summer who came to the Black Realm.

The Guardian of Summer did not make a special trip to teach her a lesson, but went to the Black Realm for inspections on a routine basis, and may have other official duties.

Being scolded by the guardian so hard that she couldn't hold her head up was definitely something the Spider Queen would never recall.

And before leaving, the Guardian of Summer mentioned once again that if the Spider Queen caused trouble again, he would expel her from the wizarding world.

The Spider Queen had no intention of challenging a guardian's mental endurance.

At this time, she bumped into another guardian, and she was also carrying a Thane in her hand. Maybe she jumped into the sea and couldn't wash it off?

‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏As the color behind the spider changed several times, the special rule fluctuation was getting closer and closer.

What made the Spider Queen feel a little relieved was that the person who appeared in front of her at this time was not the hateful Guardian of Summer, nor the stern Guardian of Winter.

But among the guardians of the four seasons, the Guardian of Spring is the more talkative.

The Guardian of Spring and the Guardian of Autumn are entities that the Spider Queen is not too afraid of.

Because these two have great personalities.

But despite this, the appearance of the Guardian of Spring also threw the Spider Queen into chaos.

She didn't want the guardian to know that she was doing some tricks again.

Because even if the Guardian of Spring didn't punish her face to face in the end, she still wouldn't get any good results after informing the Guardian of Summer and the Guardian of Winter.

"We have no choice but to advance that 'plan'." The Spider Queen said this for no reason at first.

"Take care of this stone slab for me." Then he pressed the silver spider ring firmly on Thain's finger.

"Wha...what? What did you say?" Thain looked up at the Spider Queen in confusion.

The pair of sharp spider fangs of the silver spider ring directly pierced Thain's finger.

If we say that the Silver Spider Ring was just a prop temporarily placed on Thain by the Spider Queen to monitor and control him.

So now, this silver spider ring has truly become Thane's property.

The Spider Queen has replaced Thane and completed the process of identifying the owner of the Silver Spider Ring.

The reason for doing this was not that the Spider Queen valued Thain too much, but that she was worried that Thain would die too easily when he went to the other world behind the stone slab.

She also hopes to use that stone slab to explore the different world behind it.

Without waiting for Thain to ask carefully what he meant, the Spider Queen directly pushed Thain down, who was wrapped in the cocoon.

In the Silver Spider Ring, the illusory gray stone slab revealed an illusory gray light.

"Depend on……"

Before Thain's voice could be heard, he disappeared directly into the gray light.

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