The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 938 Experiment and Friends

With the alchemy materials purchased at the Holy Tower of Dark Fire and the Wizards' Alliance, Thain spent half a year creating a gray robe for himself.

I don't know if it's because of his age, but Thain is now becoming more "old-fashioned".

The gray magic robe makes Thain look more mature and sophisticated, and also makes him more in line with his status as the dean.

Not only magic robes, Thain also took the time to refine many other magic tools during this time.

They are all higher-level equipment that he can use at this stage. The crisis encountered during the Gumo Plane War made Thain know that it would not hurt to have a few more trump cards.

Even before he left, Lu Lianman gave Thain a pack of green source seeds, but when faced with an environment like the underground magma pool on the Gumo plane, Thain could only go blind.

At the critical moment, you have to rely on yourself.

In addition to preparing a lot of practical magic equipment for himself, Thain also upgraded the equipment of Natalya and Lenna.

Lenna's shoulder armor was no better damaged than Thane's magic robe in the last plane war.

Lenna didn't like heavy full-body armor, so Thain used the original shoulder armor as a template, and added star steel, Yunlan stone marrow, and the bones of demigod-level creatures as the main materials to re-condensate it. Her pauldrons.

In addition, Lenna's eight-edged heavy hammer seems to have become "lighter" after she was promoted to level three.

Thane helped her make her hammer bigger and heavier through the furnace-returning ritual.

The way Lenna looks now, carrying a heavy hammer on the battlefield, is really weird.

Thain originally asked if he wanted to help her forge a heavy sword or a heavy gun, but Lenna waved her hands in denial.

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She was used to her weapon and didn't want to change it.

Since Natalya is still at the second level, Thain has not made many changes to her equipment upgrades.

Alchemy experiments consume no less attention and energy than any other experiments.

Also in the process of continuous exploration of alchemy, Thain's alchemy level is also steadily improving.

In addition to the traditional alchemical craftsmanship in the wizarding world, Thain has also been involved in the research of many mechas and high-power magic equipment in recent years.

Who let Thane have a constructor named Yuli under his command?

The long time together and countless battles made Yuri more than just an ordinary slave creature in Thane's mind.

Helping Yuli transform and upgrade her constructed golem was not only because she climbed into Thain's bed, but also because Thain had recognized this alien creature.

It's just that no matter how outstanding Thain's alchemy talent is, it is impossible to transform and upgrade Yuli out of thin air into a powerful golem that is comparable to the combat power of a third-level creature.

There is still a big difference between the knowledge of construction and the traditional alchemy of wizard civilization.

The golem that Thain upgraded to Yuri is more like a fusion of construction science and the alchemy of wizard civilization.

And in the process of upgrading Yuli's golem, many important parts were not made by Thain, but customized products he obtained from the City of Steel and the Business Alliance Capecchi by spending magic coins.

This kind of pieced-together magic puppet mecha is definitely not the same thing as the constructed mecha produced by the Nesser civilization.

However, as long as the combat power can be guaranteed, Thain advocates pragmatism more.

At the same time, Thain also thought that during the Poison Fire Green‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ during the Fire World War, her mentor Lu Lianman had obtained a more complete body from her senior brother and senior sister. A tall silver golem.

The demon doll is still stored in the showroom on the top floor of the Blue Origin Holy Tower as Lu Lianman's collection.

That silver golem already had level four biological combat power back then. If Thane could ask for this golem from his mentor, I wonder how much of its power Yuri would be able to unleash.

The strength of the Neisser civilization's constructed golem is not only limited to the performance of the golem itself, but is also closely related to its driver.

Yuli was still too weak at this time. Her mental power level was still at Level 2, and she would not be able to control such a high-level demon doll.

Only when Yuli grows to a higher level in the future, Thane may be able to find his mentor and "buy" the silver demon doll.

After Thane's alchemy experiment ended, the Holy Tower of Dark Fire also emerged from the impact of the last Regional Academy War and got back on track.

The life of a magician tends to be uneventful and repetitive.

Only spellcasters who can endure loneliness and loneliness can touch the palace of truth and mystery in their hearts.

After nearly 40 years of reforms by Thain, the operation of the Holy Tower of Dark Fire has stabilized in all aspects, and there is no need for Thain, the dean, to keep an eye on it all the time.

And Thane is also a human being, he is not an omnipotent god.

The ability to reform the Dark Fire Holy Tower Academy was entirely based on his experience and wisdom over the past few hundred years.

Being able to reform the Holy Tower of Dark Fire to this extent is already the limit of his current ability.

He also had a hard time thinking of anything else worth improving.

Maybe after hundreds of years of accumulation, or different life experiences, Thain will have new ideas about the construction of the college.

But for him now, maintaining the status quo is already very good.

There have been no major disturbances in Shengta's apprenticeship recruitment in the past twenty years.

The main reason is that Baos and others did not just collect wool in one place. The Abalut Empire has a huge business, so they probably don't care at all about the loss of some civilian apprentices.

The civilian apprenticeship recruitment plan near the Dark Fire Holy Tower area is also increasingly on track.

Due to the steady development of the apprentice class, the number of formal and above-level magicians in the Holy Tower of Dark Fire also began to slowly increase.

This is a healthy development.

The only thing worthy of criticism is that the Holy Tower's expenses are several times higher than before.

Fortunately, the tower owner Hei‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏Dark Fire himself is rich.

Thain also discovered that although the tower owner has various shortcomings, there is one thing that is awe-inspiring, that is, he is never ambiguous on certain things.

No matter how much he resents Thain and Kester's reforms, as long as Thain and others make achievements and do not harm the development of the Holy Tower, Dark Fire will still pay.

Of course, Dark Fire also knows that the current loss of money is actually to plan for long-term development in the future.

When it comes to spending money, Thain feels that he is more decisive than his mentor Lu Lianman.

While maintaining the operation of the academy and his own experimental research, Thain has not forgotten what he promised the magicians of the Xingyang Holy Tower decades ago - to collect materials from their holy tower area.

Thain's level three magician strength is enough to support him in most areas of the wizarding world.

After all, under the premise that powerful people above level four are restricted from taking rash actions in the wizarding world, level three great magicians actually represent the highest combat power at the bottom of wizarding civilization on a certain level.

Except for these demigod-level magicians from the Holy Tower Academy, whom Thain had a hard time facing, there was no one else that Thain was afraid of, other level three magicians of the same level as him.

In the process of going to other holy tower areas to collect magic materials, Thain would of course have to fight against the masters of these holy towers.

In fact, this is also a kind of tempering.

As for the third-level magicians Andre and Genis of Xingyang Holy Tower, after many battles with Thain, the relationship between the two parties was not just as simple as the initial tit-for-tat confrontation.

Not knowing each other without fighting is sometimes a life experience.

Thain also made many "friends" during this period.

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