The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 937 Life and Continuance

In the second year after the Academy War ended, Thain, as the dean, met with Finn, the apprentice who performed most brilliantly in the Academy War.

Finn stands out not because he is the strongest.

It was because in the last half year of the most difficult war, Fein pulled together the few remaining Dark Fire Holy Tower apprentices and successfully blocked the impact of other Holy Tower academies on resource points in this Holy Tower area.

If it weren't for Finn's hard work in the last half year and becoming a spiritual leader similar to the apprentices.

There is no way that the Holy Tower of Dark Fire can achieve the second best overall result in this regional war.

It is estimated that it has long been surpassed by the Pulun Holy Tower led by a despairer-level apprentice.

Thain had an impression of this little guy named Finn.


More than thirty years ago, this was just an eight-year-old child, full of curiosity about the unknown and magic.

Today, more than thirty years later, Finn has become a middle-aged magician in his forties.

This guy even has a kid.

I really don’t know how he managed to pursue advancement amidst the cruel competition rules of the academy and at the same time create a descendant.

Finn's child is a little girl. The little girl looks similar to Finn, but she is very fair and much more delicate than the rough-skinned Finn.

But her eyes were very similar to those of Finn back then, fearless and full of curiosity about her surroundings.

After meeting Thain, the five-year-old girl named Gloria held up her princess dress and greeted Thain politely.

While laughing, Thain gave the little girl a magic hairpin.

This hairpin was made by Thane when he was in the first level in his early years. It was originally supposed to be given to Lina, but somehow it got to the bottom of the box and was dug out by him. It couldn't be better to give it to this cute little girl. .

Even though it is a magic prop made by Thane in his early years, this hairpin is also a treasure of the level of a formal magic weapon.

Both Finn and his wife were flattered by this and refused.

But the little girl was not afraid of strangers at all. She held the hairpin tightly with one little hand and would not let go no matter what her parents said.

"Haha, since the child likes it, you don't have to refuse."

"As a hero in this regional college war, this is also my reward for you." Thain smiled at Finn.

"Are you planning to take leave and leave the Holy Tower for a while?" Thain then asked.

Finn is only a quasi-magician, and he has just broken through. It will probably be some time before he reaches the first level.

His wife is also an apprentice at the Dark Fire Holy Tower Academy, and is now a senior apprentice.

Since both of them have signed long-term contracts with the Holy Tower of Dark Fire, according to their situations, if they want to leave the Holy Tower in the future, they will indeed have to apply to the Holy Tower.

"Yes, it has been thirty-six years since we both left the Ebalut Empire."

"While this regional college war is over, we want to take the child back and let her meet her grandparents." Finn replied respectfully.

Finn and others are all apprentices smuggled over from the Ebalut Empire‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎. Considering the long distance between the Holy Tower of Dark Fire and the Ebalut Empire, it is true that It’s not something these little apprentice-level guys could easily travel to and from in the past.

Even after the Academy War ended this time, they did not return by their own strength, but spent magic coins and took a floating boat home.

Thain is not worried that these little guys will never come back after they go back.

The decades of studying at the Holy Tower Academy are enough for these little guys to realize the rigor of the magic contract and the rules of the Holy Tower.

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After hearing the answers from the two of them, Thain looked at the Finns and his wife, and then looked down at the little girl with big eyes and a magic hairpin in her hand.

Thain smiled and said: "Of course, I approve your application."

"Thank you, Dean!" Finn quickly thanked him.

As he watched Fein and his wife leave, Thain's thoughts couldn't help but drift away. He thought of the Grant family and his cousin Selina and other daughters who were far away in the Holy Tower of Blue Origin.

Fortunately, powerful magic power and convenient magic communication methods allow Thain to easily get in touch with his family.

He has no idea of ​​returning home yet. In addition to his position as the dean of the Holy Tower of Dark Fire Academy, for Thane himself, his journey of traveling and exploring the wizarding world has just begun.

It was also the contact with Fein and his wife just now that caused a smile to appear on the corner of Thain's mouth.

Judging from the many details just revealed, Finn's wife should come from a noble family, but he is a completely civilian boy.

Although the love between a noble young man and a common girl, in most cases in the wizarding world, only exists in novels.

But the fate between a noble woman and a commoner boy is not rare at any historical point.

This seems to be because women are more emotional than men, especially girls who have not left the court.

Of course, to put it another way, those aristocratic girls who are not experienced in the world can easily be deceived by common people.

Love is blind.

As an "old guy" who has lived for hundreds of years, Thain was bored and wondered how Finn would deal with his aristocratic father-in-law.

It shouldn't be too difficult. Nobles are also snobbish. With Finn's status as a quasi-magician, marrying a girl from a noble family will not be a problem at all.

Not to mention, the two of them have already cooked rice and produced a lovely offspring.


Thain's boring conjecture made him come to his senses, and he smiled and shook his head.

The lives of others continued, and Thain was still devoted to his own research on the truth.

Taking advantage of the fact that the Academy War has just ended, Thain can have some precious free time again.

"It's time to study the alchemy experiment. We haven't found a suitable replacement for the magic robe that was damaged during the last Gumo Plane War." Thain touched his chin and smacked his lips twice.

In addition to requiring the operator to have extremely high alchemical literacy, alchemy experiments also require a large amount of precious magic materials to be prepared in advance.

A skillful woman cannot make a meal without rice. No matter how superb Thain's alchemy skills are, it will be useless without high-quality raw materials.

This time, Thain mainly sought to make a new set of magic robes.

Although he currently does not have any high-end suitable materials, Thane does have enough money.

Whether it is the wealth accumulated in the past or the tens of thousands of magic coins harvested during the Gumo plane war, it is enough for Thain to spend a lot of money.

And as the dean, Thain's allowances, benefits, and dean's privileges are not comparable to those of ordinary Holy Tower magicians.

The large number of holy tower materials really dazzled Thain.

He can also directly contact the Wizards Alliance channels and purchase the magic materials he wants through the Wizards Alliance.

What is magic without ready-made materials?

In this world, as long as you have money, you can buy anything you want!

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