The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 927: Newly Recruited Boss

Thain, who returned to the Holy Tower of Dark Fire, soon became a well-known figure, or a hero, in the entire Holy Tower.

Rescued Harris, Jenny and other magicians, severely damaged dozens of ordinary first- and second-level magicians in Xingyang Holy Tower, and defeated three equally great magicians.

Although these deeds were not deliberately publicized, they quickly spread throughout the Holy Tower.

Even the ignorant magic apprentices looked up to their dean with admiration and awe.

Thain's attack may not bring any substantial benefits to the Holy Tower of Dark Fire.

But the improvement in momentum is sometimes more exciting than ordinary magic rewards.

"I didn't expect you to be promoted to level three so quickly. This battle won't have any impact on you, right? Especially when your realm is not yet stable." Kester said in the dean's office of the central teaching building of Holy Tower College. Thain asked as he made a cup of tea‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏.

The tea is Biluo Panjin tea, which is a rare tea from a certain low-level plant plane. Thain has only seen it at Dean Kester.

It seems that this kind of tea is not produced much in this plane. One of its special effects is that for magic apprentices whose mental power is less than 100 points, after taking it for the first time, it can permanently increase by 10 to 20 points. Points of varying mental strength.

Of course, after Thain and others take it, there will be no permanent increase in mental power.

But it's quite refreshing.

Thain likes to drink some juice potion prepared by himself to refresh himself when he is tired from experiments, while Dean Kester likes to drink tea.

Some magicians also like to drink coffee.

It all depends on the interests of different magicians.

"It doesn't have a big impact. On the contrary, I gained a lot from this battle." Thain took a sip of tea and said with a smile.

When you first take a sip of this tea, it feels very fragrant, but the more you drink, a bitter feeling will gradually remain between your teeth.

Thain doesn't like this bitterness very much, but if he drinks more, this bitterness will transform into another indescribable taste, which is memorable.

"That's good. A lot of things happened while you were in seclusion."

"But with the reputation you made in the Petrified Forest this time, we can feel more relaxed recently. Those holy towers can't send out demigod-level magicians to cause trouble for us."

"If this is really the case, I will invite the tower master out." Kester said angrily.

Although he also has a good personality, he was still suppressed by several other holy towers during this period and became sulky.

Of course, this matter must be blamed on the tower owner Dark Fire, who asked him to take the initiative to provoke other holy towers.

There is nothing you can do with such a tower owner. "I suggest you focus on consolidating your own realm next. I will try to keep an eye on the affairs of the Holy Tower Academy as much as possible." Kester said to Thain after his tone faded.

"It's best this way, then I'll trouble you a little more." Thain said, taking another sip of tea.

After returning to the laboratory, Thane first started his research on the Flame of Ashes.

This is his new ability after being promoted to level three. This extremely inclusive flame will be his signature power for a long time to come.

However, regarding the use of the Ember Flame, Thane has not yet used it in the body tempering experiment.

Because the Ember Flame is too domineering, even with Thain's strong physique, he will definitely not be able to withstand the burning of the Ember Flame.

Not only the flame of ash, but as a fusion flame, the flame of ash contains two extremely special elemental flames, white fire and dark fire, which are also not suitable for Thain to refine his body at this stage. ‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏

For the time being, Thain's path to body refining is still dominated by his best skill, the Jade Burning Fire.

On the other hand, the mixed poison body refining and radiation body refining that have been studied have room for improvement and development again after Thane was promoted to level three.

Especially the mixed poison body refining, which involves many plant-based toxins, all of which were summarized by his mentor Lu Lianman.

This summary of knowledge has saved Thain a lot of manpower and material resources.

He only needs to purchase those plant materials according to the proportions, and they can be used directly in the experiment.

Just when Thain had just finished studying the properties of the Ember Flame for body refining, he began to explore its bonus effects in the fields of alchemy and pharmacy.

A piece of news from the north interrupted his experiment.

Unconsciously, two and a half years have passed since the battle in the Petrified Forest.

Only in the laboratory can you feel that time passes so quickly.

The person who brought the news this time was Bose who was far away in the Ebalut Empire.

If the situation wasn't serious, it wouldn't disturb Thain's experiment.

After nearly ten years, the apprentice smuggling business that Boss secretly engaged in at the Second Public Magic Academy of France in the Ebalut Empire was finally exposed.

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In this world, there is no airtight business.

I wonder if Baos has made too much money in recent years, which has aroused the jealousy of caring people.

Still really being targeted by others.

Although on the surface, there were no traces of leakage, he was still caught by the law enforcement agencies of the Ebalut Empire.

When Bose sent the news to the Holy Tower of Dark Fire, it was when he had just been captured by the Ebalut Empire.

But when Thain received the news, he was preparing to consider how to deal with Baos.

Another piece of news came from this guy - he was released, but was also fired from the Second Public School of Magic in France.

The wizarding world is a world that pays attention to fairness and rules, and the Ebalut Empire also has laws.

Since the Ebalut Empire did not find Bose guilty of substantively violating the laws of the empire and the rules of the Holy Tower, Bose was released without charge after being detained for seventy-two magic hours.

But Boss was also expelled from the Second Academy of Magic in France on the grounds that he "may endanger the construction and public facilities of the academy."

On the eve of his expulsion, this guy also paid a huge compensation to the college of nearly one thousand magic coins.

Originally, Boss didn't have to pay the money. He could file a lawsuit with the college or ask the relevant departments of the empire for arbitration.

But for some reason, Bose didn't do that and instead chose to pay the money honestly.

No one knows how an academy magician who has only been promoted to the first level for a few decades can have nearly a thousand magic coins.

But Bowes' resignation does indicate that he may have really jeopardized the construction of the college and made huge profits for himself.

Another impact brought about by Bose's resignation is that there has been a huge gap in the student resources of Dark Fire Holy Tower Academy in a short period of time.

Although there are still many magicians from the Ebalut Empire who secretly cooperate with the Dark Fire Holy Tower Academy, the outbreak of the Bowes incident has frightened others.

At least in the past two years, those college magicians have not dared to mess with anything anymore.

Even if we want to do it, we have to wait until this storm has passed.

Bose, who resigned from the Ebalut Empire, quickly accepted Thain's recruitment and came to serve at the Dark Fire Holy Tower Academy.

Looking at the fat man who had obviously gained weight again, Thain patted the other party on the shoulder and said: "From now on, you will be responsible for the admissions of our Holy Tower College to the north."

"You know all the magicians from the academy who have a cooperative relationship with us in the north."

"Let them all rest assured that they will never suffer a loss if they cooperate with our Dark Fire Holy Tower." Thain first said with relief.

"Even if the limelight has been tight recently, you still have to find a way for me to recruit another batch of apprentices, at least to maintain the normal teaching needs of Holy Tower Academy." Thain then demanded.

"In addition, I also need to remind you that since you have joined the Dark Fire Holy Tower, you should not have any evil thoughts."

"I don't have a problem with you prying at the corners of other holy towers, but if you draw attention to ourselves..."

"Even if I don't deal with you, the tower owner of our Holy Tower is not easy to mess with." Thain patted the other party's shoulders heavily and said.

"I know, I understand." Baos wiped the cold sweat on his forehead with a handkerchief and said, "I have heard of the name of our Holy Tower of Dark Fire."

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