The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 926 It’s all a misunderstanding

Thain still saved some face for these Xingyang Holy Tower magicians. At least if he took out his alchemical hammer and hit it on the head of the golden thread steel carp, it would not only be as simple as a few more bags. .

Due to the shortage of magic power caused by the short-term melee, Thane took out a recovery potion from his magic robe and drank it with an indifferent expression.

Although Thain did not speak, his attitude was obvious.

If you want to fight, then we will continue to fight!

Thain's cold gaze was different from that of ordinary third-level magicians, which made Genis, who had been staring at him just now, flinch a little.

Andre didn't show any signs of cowardice. His expression had been solemn since just now.

Another third-level great magician Adolf, just as he did not directly intervene in the battle from the beginning to the end, this old man with a gray beard always had a calm look in his eyes. , looking at Thain and others.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, and a source-changing app used by old bookworms,]

Although Bob and Weems are also level 3, Thain knows their level, and fighting alone is definitely not the opponent of the level 3 magician of Xingyang Holy Tower in front of him.

More of Bob's talents are reflected in internal affairs management.

They were both academic magicians, although they had also participated in several plane wars.

Working under Thain in recent years, the two of them have grown a lot.

As time goes by, he may not be able to become an independent dean.

In the end, Master Adolf, who seemed the kindest, tried to persuade him: "This is all a misunderstanding. Let's each take a step back, okay?"

"If things get too big, it won't do any good to our two holy towers."

The old man is telling the truth. Is it possible that Thain really led the magicians from the Dark Fire Holy Tower to have a fight with the magicians from the Star Sun Tower?

The current situation is still within control.

If something goes wrong later and someone is killed or injured, things will be more troublesome.

Thain severely damaged more than 20 first- and second-level magicians in the Xingyang Holy Tower, and resisted three great magicians of the same level. He has already demonstrated the power of the Dark Fire Holy Tower.

Now it is the best choice to go down the slope.

However, Thain did not answer so quickly, but asked coldly: "Misunderstanding? So many of you Xingyang Holy Tower magicians came to my Dark Fire Holy Tower territory, and it can only be summed up by a misunderstanding?" Sai En's rhetorical question also made Bob and other magicians in the Holy Tower ready to take action.

In recent years, the official magicians of the Dark Fire Holy Tower have been frequently targeted by magicians from other holy towers in the surrounding area.

Bob and others had already been holding back a fire in their hearts.

If you can't beat it normally, forget it. Just endure it if you can.

But now it is obvious that the stronger Thain is here.

Although Bob's strength is average, he believes that if Thain can withstand most of the pressure, it will not be a problem for him to lead the magicians of the Dark Fire Holy Tower to deal with the group of ordinary magicians of the Star Sun Holy Tower.

A green magic wand appeared in Bob's hand at the same time.

Affected by Bob, other magicians from the surrounding Dark Fire Holy Tower also took out their own magic wands or other magic tools.

There was even a magician who pulled out a special scroll from his arms.

This is an offensive magic scroll, and it actually depicts a powerful third-level fire attack magic.

Using a scroll to attack not only casts spells faster, but also places lower demands on the user.

For example, this dark fire holy tower magician is obviously only at the second level, but he can use the scroll to release the one-time attack magic stored in it.

The most precious magic scroll in the wizarding world is the scroll depicting forbidden spell-level magic.

This is a top-notch magic prop that is extremely difficult for fourth-level creatures to produce. It has always been priceless in the wizarding civilization.

The behavior of this group of Dark Fire Holy Tower magicians is as if they will start a fight immediately if they disagree.

The behavior of the magicians of the Dark Fire Holy Tower has caused a backlash from the magicians of the Star Sun Holy Tower.

There are obviously more magicians in Xingyang Holy Tower. Although most of them have been seriously injured, the remaining ones should not be underestimated.

Under the coercion of the magicians of the Holy Tower of Dark Fire, each of them took out his own magic weapon.

There is a second-level magician from Xingyang Holy Tower, who is also a very rare puppet master.

I saw him releasing two giant steel puppets nearly a hundred meters tall from his metal badge.

Thain squinted at the puppet master opposite him, and then glanced at the stunned young man behind him who had taken out a magic scroll.

Do these idiots really think that fighting in the wizarding world means the same thing as fighting in an alien plane?

Thain didn't move, and neither did Andre from the Xingyang Holy Tower.

If you can cover it, you can cover it. As long as they don't take action, this group battle will not break out.

The third-level great magician Adolf was not as nervous as Bob. The old man chuckled and said, "Which regulation requires that our magicians from the Starry Sun Tower cannot come to the Dark Fire Holy Tower area?"

"We just came to the Petrified Forest to collect magic materials. There was really a misunderstanding before." Adolf said seriously.

Magicians in the wizarding world certainly have the right to travel everywhere.

This group of Xingyang Holy Tower magicians crossed the line, and it cannot be said that they violated any rules.

When Thain traveled around the wizarding world before, didn't he also pass through many holy tower organization areas?

\u003c‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏p\u003eMaster Adolf’s answer made Thain’s expression soften slightly.

"If you just come to the Petrified Forest to collect magic materials, and there are so many of you out there, you'd better report to our Dark Fire Holy Tower first next time."

"Otherwise, I'm worried about causing some unfriendly misunderstandings." Thain also opened his mouth and said sarcastically.

"Definitely, definitely." Master Adolf nodded repeatedly.

The old and the young are all here to perform.

But both sides still acted quite similar, at least it seemed that they themselves thought it was true.

A miniature floating sailboat then appeared in the palm of Master Adolf.

Under Thain's slightly twitching gaze, the floating sailboat quickly expanded to several hundred meters in size.

The magicians of Xingyang Holy Tower quickly boarded the floating sailboat at the urging of Master Adolf.

The floating ship raised its sails and flew eastward. This was a very exquisite magic prop. With Thain's level of alchemy, it could not be made yet.

Because Thain has not dabbled in the alchemy field knowledge related to the construction of aerostats, and the subjects of power dynamics and energy transmission are not what he is good at.

As the floating sailboat gradually moved away, Master Adolf on the deck said to Thain through a loudspeaker: "We, the Xingyang Holy Tower, also welcome you, the magicians of the Dark Fire Holy Tower, to come to our Holy Tower area to collect experiments. Material."

In response to Master Adolf's words, Thain also used amplification to reply: "I will go."

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