The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 910 Boss

Baos is a first-level magician registered in the empire. He comes from the city of France.

Francena City is one of the sub-provincial counties in the southern part of the Ebalut Empire, with a population of several million.

The population of this city alone is almost the total of human kingdoms in some remote areas of the wizarding world.

But in the Ebalut Empire, there are countless giant cities like Francena.

On the list of imperial cities, the city of France cannot even make it into the top 100.

No, maybe you can’t even squeeze into the first thousand.

Boss is a very ordinary magician. Although he has been promoted to the first level and is a high-level official magician in the eyes of countless low-level civilians and magic apprentices, he is really "ordinary".

He graduated from the Second Public Magic Academy of France in the South of the Empire. He is just 120 years old this year. His current position is to work for the Imperial Academy‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎.

"I really envy those magicians who came from the Holy Tower Academy. Ordinary people like me really don't know when I will have my own private complete laboratory." Standing on the deck of the floating ship, Boss looked into the distance. sighed the blue sky.

As one of the top powers in the wizarding civilization, the Ebalut Empire not only has a large number of imperial public magic academies, but also has the largest number of holy tower organizations in the wizarding world.

The cradle of magic civilization and the brightest jewel of wizard civilization are both the names of the Ebalut Empire.

Although the Ebalut Empire can possess such powerful magical power, more than 70% of the factors are attributed to the implementation of the rules of public magic schools.

But to be honest, almost all magicians and magic apprentices who graduated from the Empire's public colleges are envious of those top students who graduated from the Holy Tower Academy.

The top-down hierarchical background allows more than 80% of the outstanding talents in the Abarut Empire to be absorbed by the Holy Tower Academies in various places every year.

Those who end up studying magic in the Empire's public colleges are basically the ones selected from the major Holy Tower colleges, or those with extremely ordinary family backgrounds.

This is also the group with the largest proportion of base among the spell casters in the Abalut Empire.

Top-down hierarchical screening, and bottom-up continuous breakthroughs.

Gold always shines. In fact, the Ebalut Empire also has a large number of civilian geniuses who graduate from the empire's public colleges every year and are absorbed by major holy tower organizations.

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Bose is not a genius. His parents are ordinary civilians in the Ebalut Empire, and they do not even have the initial mental strength to learn magic.

I don’t know if Bose had a genetic mutation when he was born. His initial mental power value was just a little above the passing line. Therefore, as early as eight years old, he was sent to the nearest city’s public magic academy to study magic. The growth of a civilian magic apprentice is full of hardships and sufferings.

Although the Ebalut Empire has promoted a national magic craze, it has also resulted in extremely fierce resource pressure and competitive environment within this top power.

From the humblest magic newsboy, to later a magic messenger, to a trainee mage in a mercenary group, and finally to a tutor's assistant in the magic academy.

For one hundred and three years, Baos stepped into the ranks of official magicians under an extremely tense and depressing learning environment.

The process was so arduous that even Bos himself found it a bit incredible when he looked back on his life.

But this constitutes the most common perspective of civilian magicians in the Ebalut Empire.

Bos, who had been promoted to the first level for just over ten years, still had a mandatory contract of nearly four hundred years with the Second Magic Academy in France, where he graduated.

The Abarut Empire pioneered the practice of cultivation for all people, so naturally it cannot be a good deed.

Magicians respected the principle of equal-price transactions. On the premise of paying such a huge price to cultivate a large number of magicians, in order to make up for their own losses, the resource operation of the entire empire was in a balanced state.

This makes the Ebalut Empire's degree of restriction on its own magicians far greater than that of ordinary holy towers.

Once the magic apprentices who graduate from the Holy Tower Academy are promoted to the first level, the Holy Tower will most likely sign contracts with these official magicians ranging from decades to a hundred years.

This is the most fair and common thing. After all, the theoretical lifespan of a first-level magician is only one thousand years.

Some holy towers will sign two-hundred-year contracts with official magicians who have graduated from their own colleges. This is considered a relatively "dark" clause.

But in the Ebalut Empire, formal magicians who graduated from public academies most often had to sign a four-hundred-year contract.

Unless there are some geniuses with extremely excellent grades who are among the best during their studies in the academy, there will be appropriate screening.

Bos, who was an ordinary person, naturally signed the most common contract terms.

Oh, by the way, in addition to being a first-level magician, Bose also holds the title of baron in the Abarut Empire.

This was the reward given to him by the empire after he was promoted to the first level.

At the same time, it also symbolizes the rise of a noble family.

The academy mission that Boss performed this time was to escort 204 little guys who were full of longing and curiosity about the future and magic to enroll in the lower college affiliated with the Second Public Magic Academy in France.

The ages of these 204 magic apprentices are all between 6 and 15 years old, which is the most suitable age for contact with magic.

Including their initial mental strength, they have also reached above the passing line.

They can even be favored by the Second Public College of France. The mental power values ​​and elemental affinities of this batch of apprentices should be even better.

Looking at these little guys chattering and constantly discussing the future and the upcoming magical world, Bos's round chin couldn't help but reveal a smile.

Once upon a time, like these little guys, he longed for the magical world.

But when they really dive into it, they realize that there is a big gap between dreams and reality.

Most of them are from ordinary people. After entering the public magic academy, the first thing they need to learn is how to support themselves.

Magic research requires money, food requires money, classes require money...

Those magic apprentices with real family backgrounds and background will not come to public magic colleges to take classes. Most of them choose the Holy Tower Academy.

After all, the teaching qualifications at Holy Tower College are higher, and you can also accumulate good connections there.

The establishment of a powerful magic family is not an easy task.

Last year, Baos met a young female magician from Guangling Holy Tower in the academy. Her conversation, temperament, and academic accomplishments were not comparable to Baos.

When Boss was still thinking about when he could build a complete laboratory of his own, instead of constantly having to use the college's public laboratories.

The female magician named Nilan has already begun conducting more in-depth experiments on water element fission.

Bose knew that this meant that Magician Nilan had planned to move towards a second-level water elemental master.

There is indeed an essential difference between grassroots magicians and aristocratic magicians.

I don’t know if Bose’s descendants will have the opportunity to study in the Holy Tower in the future.

Just when Bose was still imagining the beautiful cheeks and seductive pink lips of the Nilan magician.

A pillar of scorching fire shot up into the sky, approaching from far to near, directly in front of the floating ship he was on, and forced the flying floating ship to stop.

"This, this... the breath of the devil... the black magician?!" Baos's fat chin couldn't help but tremble.

This first-level magician, who graduated from the Imperial Public College, still had some basic skills. He actually recognized the demonic aura of the person in front of him at a glance.

Integrating demon blood into one's own body, isn't this what is recorded in the magic book as the favorite thing for black magicians to do? !

Moreover, with just one glance, Baos could clearly judge the huge gap in strength between himself and the person in front of him.

Bose, who had never experienced any plane war and was carrying hundreds of magic coins in student loans, was as weak as a quail compared to the fire demon in front of him who had experienced hundreds of battles.

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