The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 909: Stealing people

In the blue and endless sky, Thain was flying in a jet black magic robe.

The area where the Holy Tower of Dark Fire is located is located in a special area on the northern border of the Erie Knights Alliance. There are dark clouds lingering there all year round, and the overall environment is dark.

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But the area where Thane was flying at this time had left the territory of the Yili Knights Alliance and arrived at the border area of ​​the Ebalut Empire.

How to recruit apprentices?

Since there is no way to recruit students in the area near the Holy Tower of Dark Fire, Thane naturally has to try his luck elsewhere.

The Ebalut Empire is a well-known "Magic Empire" in the wizarding world. The level of magicians and magic apprentices here is famous.

More importantly, Thain knew that the base of magic apprentices here was large enough.

‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏Looking at the entire wizarding world, there is probably no area that can compete with the Ebalut Empire in terms of density of spellcasters.

The public magic academy here is also a pioneer in the wizarding world.

Except for the Ebalut Empire, all other magic academies in the wizarding world are built with the Holy Tower as the core.

The lowering of the threshold for spellcasters has brought countless magic apprentices and magicians to the Ebalut Empire.

But it also makes the internal competition and environmental pressure on the top forces of the wizarding civilization reach staggering levels.

Thane once traveled and lived in the Ebalut Empire for a short period of time, and he understood all aspects of this magical empire.

Since there are so many magic apprentices in the Ebalut Empire, they are also under such heavy pressure in study and life.

Then why don't you think of ways to recruit them to study at the Dark Fire Holy Tower Academy?

The relaxed learning atmosphere at the Holy Tower of Dark Fire is definitely more relaxed than the Imperial Public Magic Academy.

From Thane's perspective, of course he was doing it "for the good" of those magic apprentices.

A large floating ship was docked by Thane and placed on the border of the Ely Knights Alliance.

As long as he reaches the corner of the wall and connects with the apprentice's floating ship on the other side, he can return to the Holy Tower of Dark Fire as quickly as possible.

It has to be said that the wizarding civilization has developed for so many years, and the major top forces and the small and medium-sized forces have agreed to have their own territory, and any behavior that crosses the boundary is strictly prohibited.

Just like other holy towers in the surrounding areas of the Green Source Land, there is no way to secretly come to the Blue Source Holy Tower's sphere of influence to recruit students. If this kind of thing is exposed, it is likely to cause friction and hostility between the two holy towers and even the two forces.

The Yili Knights Alliance and the Ebalut Empire are both top forces in the veteran wizarding world with a history that is older than the Flame Conclave.

Unless there is an all-out hostile war between the two holy towers, just poaching some apprentices will not attract the attention of the two forces at all.

Even if Thain had been more careful and concealed, no one would have noticed that there were fewer magic apprentices in his area.

The magic apprentices of the Ebalut Empire are much more famous.

Thane also took a fancy to this, so he brought the floating ship to the Ebalut Empire to try his luck.

It is a pity that there are traditional forces in one region.

Even though the number of magic apprentices in the Ebalut Empire is overwhelming, after so many years of development and improvement, the Ebalut Empire has already had its own Establish an apprentice talent selection mechanism.

With the public magic academies scattered throughout the empire, any talented person with outstanding abilities will be quickly summarized by the empire's upper echelons after they show their talents, and then they will be taken to national academies at the state and county level or higher for further study.

Including the magicians and magic apprentices in this area, they have been accustomed to and adapted to this social model for hundreds of thousands of years.

How could he go to an unknown Holy Tower of Dark Fire to study just because of a few words from Thane?

The wizarding world is really too big, and there are countless holy towers.

The magicians in the Ebalut Empire have indeed never heard of the Holy Tower of Dark Fire.

Thain has encountered obstacles in thirteen cities with a population of more than 100,000.

According to the normal birth ratio of apprentices, these thirteen cities can at least contribute hundreds of magic apprentices with qualified initial mental strength for him, and this does not include the villages, towns and farms under the jurisdiction of those cities.

After running into obstacles one after another, and even being ridiculed by some magicians of the same level, Thain was in a very bad mood at the moment.

Yes, Thain does take things for granted.

Come to the Ebalut Empire to pry a corner?

The official magicians in the Dark Fire Holy Tower don't even dare to think about it!

This is also the biggest difference between Thane and traditional magicians.

Even his mentor Lu Lianman didn't know some of the true thoughts deep inside his apprentice.

Back then, Thain went straight to the Black Realm and participated in the Knight Continent trial, but Lu Lianman was shocked.

While Thain was flying aimlessly in the air, thinking about which city to go to next to try his luck.

A shuttle-shaped floating ship nearly a hundred meters long appeared in his field of vision.

This float is not a commercial float. Thain saw the logo of a public magic academy in the empire from above. This should be an apprentice transport ship.

The vast territory of the wizarding world means that when apprentices in a certain area go to the magic academy, they have to travel by airship because they have to travel too far through mountains and rivers.

The moment he saw this floating ship, Thain couldn't help but trembled.

After days of running into obstacles and a fire building up in his heart, Thain had other ideas.

"According to the rules of the Holy Tower and Knights Hall that I understand‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏, in the wizarding world, knights and magicians of level one or above are strictly prohibited from harming innocent civilians, but it seems that there is no specific target for magic apprentices protection regulations.”

Thain was deep in the clouds, touching his chin and examining the floating ship not far in front of him.

Everyone who has criminal tendencies or is about to commit a crime will consciously learn the relevant legal rules.

Thain also learned really well.

Perhaps it was due to his experience as a black magic apprentice that year. As early as when he was studying at the Holy Tower of Blue Origin, Thain had made up for relevant regulations in the Holy Tower Library.

After thinking about it several times and finding that there were really not many loopholes to avoid, Thain took action!

That's right, Thain is trying to rob someone!

What to do if there is no magic apprentice? Grab it!

The star world is a star world where the weak prey on the strong, and the wizarding world is no exception.

The existence of the rules of the Holy Tower and the Knights Hall has stabilized the wizarding civilization, but this is only the appearance.

The wizarding world does not mind competition from the perspective of rules. Otherwise, what would the meaning of the regional Holy Tower Academy war be?

As long as Thane acts quickly enough, he can kidnap these apprentices before the magicians of the Ebalut Empire react.

In the vast wizarding world, where can they find Thain?

If there were no absolute crime, there would be no black magicians in the wizarding world.

Thain is not committing a crime. At least, he does not intend to harm any magic apprentice on the floating ship.

Just let them change places to study and delve into magic.

What's wrong with Thane?

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