The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 907: Guilty

The Gumo Plane War finally ended after four years and seven months after Thane joined.

Thain is the Dark Fire Holy Tower who returned with the third batch of Holy Tower magicians.

Neither Natalya nor Lenna expressed anything about Thane joining the Holy Tower of Dark Fire.

Anyway, the Holy Tower of Dark Fire is located in the territory of the Erie Knights Alliance. Although it is a marginal area, it is not too convenient for the two women to travel south to the Erie Knights Alliance.

In the past one hundred years or so, although Thain and his two women had traveled through many areas of the Erie Knights Alliance, it was nothing compared to the entire territory of the Erie Knights Alliance.

Some are other places that support the two women in self-sharpening and exploration.

The dean's contract signed by Thane and the Holy Tower of Dark Fire has a time limit of two hundred years.

Originally, Thain only planned to sign for a hundred years.

But the Dark Fire Master is obviously not an easy talker. A minimum of two hundred years is the bottom line for the Dark Fire Master.

Otherwise, he would not have given Thane a precious ray of original fire.

Since his time as dean has doubled, Thain naturally has to fight for more rights for himself as much as possible.

Although in normal interactions, Master Dark Fire seems extremely unkind, withdrawn, and arrogant, but in fact, this fifth-level magician is very generous.

In Thain's opinion, the dean's salary, which was a huge amount, could not even make this fifth-level magician blink his eyelids.

In terms of magic coins alone, if Thane worked in the Holy Tower of Dark Fire for two hundred years, his final magic coin reward would be approximately one hundred thousand.

This is already a higher salary, not counting some of the Holy Tower's cutting-edge experimental equipment that Thain, as the dean of the Holy Tower Academy, can borrow for free, as well as the Holy Tower's specialty materials purchased through internal prices.

The higher the reward, the greater the effort Thain has to put in.

The principle of equal transactions is a rule generally followed by magicians in the wizarding world.

The Dark Fire Master was not worried about Thain running away after signing the magic contract. Before he returned to the wizarding world, the fifth-level magician handed over the ray of original dark fire he promised to Thain.

As for the dean's salary of nearly 100,000 yuan, of course it is impossible to pay it to him in one lump sum. Normally, it is paid annually.

The wisp of original dark fire handed over to Thain by the tower master was contained in a dark crystal bottle.

I don’t know what the specific material of this crystal bottle is. It is only one finger thick. The slowly burning dark fire in it is not comparable to the embers collected by Thane on the battlefield.

The first time he saw this dark fire, Thane's mind could not help but be attracted by it.

But unfortunately, after returning to the wizarding world, Thain was unable to immediately devote himself to experimental research.

Because of the massive dean's work accumulated in the Holy Tower of Dark Fire, all the pressure was now on Thain.

The fifth-level magician Dark Fire has a very similar temperament to Thane. This is a powerful magician who barely pays attention to the affairs of the Holy Tower and has always been a hands-off shopkeeper.

When Thain was at the Holy Tower of Blue Origin, he even refused to serve as a tutor in the academy. Now that the workload of the entire Holy Tower is placed on his head, Thain finally understood what Dean Archimedes and others were like back then. of hard work.

The first thing that Thane needs to do at this time is to handle the resignations submitted by many registered magicians in the Holy Tower of Dark Fire.

I don’t know whether it is Thain’s luck or not. There are three deans and seven deputy deans in the Holy Tower of Dark Fire. Among them, two principals and five deputy deans have already submitted their resignations to Master Dark Fire, and Approved by the Master of Darkfire.

But at least one dean and two deputy deans were left behind.

These three deans who have not left all possess the strength of third-level great magicians. They are also the only remaining third-level great magicians in the Holy Tower of Dark Fire.

When asked why he didn't leave.

The chief dean said that he planned to work for a while longer because the Dark Fire Master was kind to him, so he could not leave at this critical moment.

As for the other two vice-deans, they were much more frank. They directly stated that it was because the salary paid by the dean at the Holy Tower of Dark Fire was relatively high, and they had no intention of leaving for the time being without finding a new home.

The stay of a principal and two vice-deans greatly relieved a lot of the burden on Thain's shoulders.

At least Thain won't turn a blind eye when faced with many matters in the Holy Tower.

The principal named Kester helped Thain a lot during this period. He was a third-level magician with short yellow hair and liked to wear white magic robes.

According to the deanship contract signed by Thane and the Master of Dark Fire, Thain's title at Holy Tower Academy is also the principal.

The other two deputy deans named Bob and Weems are not as versatile as Dean Kester.

As deputy deans, they have a single function.

The former has been responsible for the recruitment of magicians above the Holy Tower level.

The latter usually maintains the promotion of various public facilities and teaching work in the Holy Tower.

Due to the departure of many deans, especially the resignation of the two principal deans, both Bob and Weems had to temporarily take on more Holy Tower responsibilities.

As for Thain, who recently took over the work of Santa Clara, he is mainly engaged in the largest business of Santa Clara.

"Hello, Magician Harris, I heard that you are the 1172nd graduate of the Holy Tower of Dark Fire, and you were promoted to the first level 31 years ago?" In a public classroom of Holy Tower College, Thane held a hand in his hand Crystal bottle, flipping through the information in it, and asked the black-haired male magician in front of him.

"Yes...yes." This extremely young first-level magician replied.

The familiar classroom environment made this first-level magician feel like he had returned to his youthful days when he was learning magic and delving into the secrets of truth more than thirty years ago here.

"Then why did you leave the Holy Tower this time?"

"You know, you still have a 69-year contract with Santa."

"If you leave the Holy Tower without any reason, you have to pay a penalty of 138 magic coins." Thain asked the person in front of him.

One hundred and thirty-eight magic coins are nothing to Thane.

But for Magician Harris, who had just been promoted to the first level for thirty years and had only participated in one plane war, it was a huge amount of money that was enough to drain his net worth.

You know, during the ancient war on the Mo Plane that just ended, this young first-level magician only earned 187 magic coins.

Many of them have been spent on purchasing magical materials needed for their own experiments.

When it comes to dealing with the issue of this group of registered magicians who have left the Holy Tower one after another, Thain and Kester, the other principal, have a tacit understanding of the responsibility of one being the bad guy and the other the good guy.

When Thain arrived for the first time, he didn’t know anyone he knew in the Holy Tower of Dark Fire, and naturally there was no human connection.

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The role he plays is to be the white face.

Of course, not everyone can show their innocence.

Those selected by Thane and trying to retain them were all magicians who had contractual relationships with the Holy Tower, who had not been promoted to the first level for a long time, or who had difficulties of their own.

Of those powerful second- and third-level magicians with full wings, Thain didn’t leave any of them behind!

First of all, these powerful magicians are not short of liquidated damages, and it is not what the tower owner wants to see if they really break up with them.

Secondly, even if these powerful magicians are forced to stay, the other party will have resentment in their hearts, which will not be conducive to Thain's future management of the academy, so it is better to get out as soon as possible.

Keeping as many junior first-level magicians as possible is also a consideration for Thain for the future development of the Holy Tower.

At least there must be enough first-level magicians to do the teaching work at Holy Tower Academy, right?

About five minutes later, Harris, a first-level magician with a hint of embarrassment on his face, walked out of the public classroom.

The first-level magician sighed and flew towards the upper level of the Holy Tower where his laboratory was located.

Thain followed closely behind Harris and also walked out of the classroom. With a calm expression, he marked Harris's name in the crystal ball.

"Next...Jenny the Magician?" Thane said softly.

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