The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 906: A wisp of original dark fire

In addition to the accumulation of personal connections, another benefit of being the dean of Holy Tower College is the acquisition of knowledge and the growth of one's own abilities.

It is impossible for third-level and semi-god-level magicians in the wizarding world to work for free for those tower masters who are level 4 or above.

If they want this group of powerful third-level magicians to do their best to maintain the development of the holy tower for themselves, these tower owners must first pay equivalent benefits.

The most common benefit is to pay these third-level or semi-god-level magicians with laws.

The power of law is an important medium for level three creatures in the wizarding world to move towards level four.

The particularity of law objects makes treasures of this level always an extremely scarce resource in the wizarding civilization.

Even though the market of the Wizards Alliance is extremely huge, and there are different levels of law objects on the stage all year round. ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏

But judging from the wealth of a normal third-level or demigod-level magician, it would be unrealistic to rely entirely on purchases to support one's daily research.

Even the lowest level law objects, if the number reaches a certain level, can easily hollow out a demigod level magician.

Not to mention, in addition to the research on the power of basic laws, any other experimental research conducted by magicians in the wizarding world is not a waste of money?

Therefore, in addition to those original natural laws, one of the most popular methods of studying the power of laws in wizard civilization is for the owner of a holy tower to dedicate a trace of his own power of laws in the form of rules. for others to study.

This is why, the Jade Burning Fire Holy Tower of Sain Master Cuilis attracted mostly fire elementalists to join. The three demigod-level magicians who are the deans of the Holy Tower Academy are all fire elements. Because of the elementalist.

Lu Lianman's Blue Origin Holy Tower has relatively low qualifications. Otherwise, if it develops over a certain period of time, it should be able to attract demigod-level plant magicians to join in the future.

The Master of Dark Fire invited Thane to join the Dark Fire Holy Tower and serve as the dean.

Not only because the other party is optimistic about Thain, but also sees that Thain is about to be promoted to the third level at this time, and he also has the qualifications to serve as the dean of the Holy Tower Academy.

Another more important reason is that several deans of the Holy Tower of Dark Fire submitted their resignations to him half a year ago.

Although the Gumo plane war has basically ended, the power of these third-level or semi-god-level deans will not be used for the time being.

But when he returns to the wizarding world, Dark Fire will inevitably face questioning and investigation by a specialized team sent by the wizarding civilization.

By then, Dark Fire will be overwhelmed by dealing with this aspect of affairs, and there will be no extra time to worry about the operation of the Holy Tower.

To put it bluntly, because too many registered magicians in the Holy Tower have left in recent times, especially the high-level magicians, this fifth-level magician feels like he is a little sick and hastily seek medical treatment.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, and a source-changing app used by old bookworms,]

Hey, let a second-level magician serve as the dean, this tower master really dares to think!

However, it has to be said that the Master of Dark Fire really knows how to read people, and his eclectic approach to talent is something that other Holy Tower Masters cannot learn from.

During this period of time, Dark Fire has met and attracted many third-level magicians, but none of them can reach the level of Thain that makes Dark Fire's eyes shine.

The Fire of Darkness is worthy of being famous for many years, and I don’t know how many mountains of corpses, seas of blood and bloody storms it has experienced.

After just a preliminary interview with Thain, without even testing Thain's abilities, he could probably tell that Thain's personal strength in front of him was probably more powerful than the third-level magicians he had come into contact with in the past few days!

Also, if he wasn't powerful, how could Thane and two female knights help the Dark Fire escape from trouble due to some strange combination of circumstances?

The battle between Thain and others and the demigod-level earth dragon recorded in the temporary badge of the Holy Tower is enough to explain everything!

The Dark Fire Master's recruitment inquiry made Thain's mind a little confused for a while.

But after all, I am used to seeing big scenes, and after quickly contacting my recent situation, it is indeed not suitable to continue traveling to other alien planes.

For the current Thain, what he should do most is to stop, sort out his recent gains, and strive to advance to level three.

Under this premise, accepting the invitation of the Master of Dark Fire to go to the Holy Tower of Dark Fire to serve as the dean of the academy would not conflict with his recent plans.

Since Thane has determined to advance to level three and will most likely build his own Holy Tower in the future, why not take this opportunity to practice in the Dark Fire Holy Tower first?

After thinking about all this, Thain straightened out his thoughts and replied in a calm tone: "I'm sorry, as a member of the Holy Tower of Blue Origin, I cannot directly join your Dark Fire Holy Tower, Master."

Then, Thain changed his tone and continued: "However, since I am currently traveling, I can serve as the dean of your Holy Tower Academy as a foreign aid magician."

Thain's answer made Dark Fire nod his head clearly and said: "Oh, that's right. Did you just say that you are the disciple of the master of Jizhiyuan Holy Tower?"

"What good luck. When I joined the normal Holy Tower organization, I didn't have such a blessing as you. Instead, I was mostly ostracized and hostile." Dark Fire Master Jie Jie sneered.

His unique character is probably inseparable from certain experiences in his youth.

"It's a pity. If you don't have a mentor, I wouldn't mind accepting you as a disciple." Dark Fire said, touching his chin.

Thain mentioned his backer of the Holy Tower of Origin of Blue Origin early on, and he was also a little worried that this unruly fifth-level magician would not act according to common sense.

Based on Thain's understanding of black magicians, it was not unusual for the other party to directly kidnap several demigod-level magicians and force them to serve as the dean of his Holy Tower Academy.

Fortunately, the Master of Dark Fire is not such a person. He is not a pure black magician.

For those extremely sensitive line-stepping behaviors, he knows how to measure things better than anyone else, and of course it is impossible for him to make forced purchases and sales.

After agreeing to the Dark Fire Master to serve as the dean of the other party's Holy Tower Academy, Thane took advantage of the victory and directly mentioned to the other party his remuneration as the dean.

Thain doesn't want magic coins, nor does he want some precious resources that he can't use.

Instead, he opened his mouth and directly asked the Dark Fire Master for a ray of "original dark fire".

Thain's request for reward made the Dark Fire Master stunned for a moment before letting out a chuckle.

"You're a smart little guy. When Kait and the others were the principals of our Holy Tower Academy, they asked me for the source of the Dark Fire, but I didn't even give it to them. You know how to pick the time."

I don't know if it was approval or ridicule, but the Dark Fire Master sneered a few times.

But in the end, he shook his head and said: "Who made you fall in love with me? Anyway, I have no intention of becoming a disciple. I will give you a ray of dark fire. Since you and I are destined, it can also be regarded as letting this magic be passed down." Spread it forward.”

"As promised in advance, I will only give you a wisp of the most primitive and pure fire of darkness. As for the specific cultivation method, unless you are willing to betray your master and join my disciple, I cannot give it to you!"

"Including that ray of dark fire, if you accidentally waste it, I will not give you a second ray."

"What kind of research you can achieve in the end depends on your own destiny." Dark Fire said.

"Thank you, Master!" Thain said excitedly.

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