The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 902 Escape

Due to the lava erosion and geological extrusion in the underground world, Thain and Lenna temporarily entered a more mysterious state, and they were unaware of the flow rate of time in the outside world and the development of the war.

But the war on the surface world did not stop because of the absence of the two men.

Due to the successive deaths of the two indigenous gods, the indigenous biological legions of the Gumo plane broke out with extremely strong resistance during a period of time.

But this fierce fighting mentality that is not afraid of death can go away just as quickly as it comes.

After all, there are still only a few people in the star realm who are truly fearless of life and death.

The vast majority are still extremely mediocre ordinary creatures.

After wiping out the most elite core force of the indigenous biological army, and without middle- and upper-level command, a great collapse swept across the entire battlefield. ‏​‏‏‏Among the indigenous legions.

If the fourth-level Golo earthworm king had not fled the battlefield so early, the morale of the indigenous biological legions of the Gumo plane would not have collapsed so quickly.

But it was precisely because of the escape of the Earthworm King Golou that the indigenous Earthworm Legion, which occupied more than half of this battlefield, fled.

Only then did the indigenous army, which originally seemed to have a lot of fighting strength, turn into a bunch of chickens and dogs under the sweeping pursuit of the wizard civilization army.

The war in Gumo's plane ended so quickly that it exceeded everyone's imagination.

You know, it has only been a year since Thane and his team arrived at this low-level battlefield.

Of course, the great victory brought about by the quick end of the war did not cover up the sadness that the Holy Tower of Dark Fire suffered a heavy loss.

In this battle, the number of registered magicians lost by the Holy Tower of Dark Fire was slightly more than the total number lost during the previous more than ten years of war.

What is even more unacceptable to all the magicians participating in the war is that more than half of these elite magician legions who died in the battle were indiscriminate "accidental injuries" from the giant space fortress in the sky.

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Although the fifth-level magician Dark Fire has his own reasons for taking action.

But it can be expected that so many magicians of level one or above in the wizarding world have died on the battlefield. When they return to the wizarding world in the future, the wizarding civilization will definitely send special personnel to interrogate the Dark Fire Master, and even provide short-term supervision.

Even if Darkfire can finally get rid of the suspicion of maliciously murdering the legions of magicians at the bottom of the wizarding world, his reputation will definitely be ruined.

All low-level magicians in the wizarding world, when they join a holy tower, hope to obtain the knowledge and indispensable resources they are interested in in the holy tower.

This is a two-way selection process.

In the fair and just environment of the wizarding world, even ordinary first-level magicians are equal to those high-ranking holy tower owners.

No one wants to join a cold and cruel holy tower that may abandon them at any time.

Fortunately, the Dark Fire stopped in time after escaping from the trap, and used its own magic power to prop up a vast elemental shield, blocking the subsequent energy rays that fell indiscriminately from the sky.

Otherwise, the loss of magicians in the Dark Fire Holy Tower may have doubled again!

The melee that took place on the Akale Plain lasted for two months after the death of the two indigenous gods.

The main reason is that they spent a lot of time chasing down millions of defeated troops. Especially those earthworm legions, each of them has good hole-digging skills.

It is not easy for the Wizard Civilization Combat Corps to dig out these bugs that have burrowed deep into the ground one by one.

It is worth mentioning that since the end of this decisive battle, the momentum of both the wizard civilization army and the indigenous biological army of the Gumo plane has dropped significantly.

Many magicians have lost the desire to continue fighting.

On the contrary, the more than 100,000 knights hired here were not greatly affected.

It is the duty of soldiers to obey orders, and the knights in the wizarding world implement this principle very well.

Although many knights were injured by the indiscriminate energy rays of the space fortress, most of these knights were in the middle and periphery of the battlefield, not in the dense area covered by the firepower of the space fortress.

And those knights are not registered knights of the Holy Tower of Dark Fire, so there is no particularly obvious sense of betrayal and decadence.

At least in terms of war mentality, these knights in the wizarding world are more upright than the smarter magicians.

This is also one of the major advantages and disadvantages of the knights and magicians in the wizarding world.

This complementarity has also made the knights and magicians increasingly inseparable from each other in the foreign wars of wizard civilization over the years, and each has its own role.

After being "missing" for about three months, Thain and Lenna finally returned to the surface through a cooling crater somewhere.

The dim star magic robe that Thain was proud of two hundred years ago was finally scrapped after this battle. This magic robe involves too many precious raw materials. Even if Thain can raise a new batch of materials, it will be difficult to repair the tattered robe.

Instead of wasting time on mending, Thain might as well just re-refining a magic robe.

What was broken at the same time as the magic robe was the temporary badge of the Holy Tower worn on the magic robe.

So after Thain and the two escaped from the trap, it was not until they returned to the main base of the fortress to report that the Holy Tower of Dark Fire removed the two from the missing list and gave them new Holy Tower badges.

The massive number of mission points in the badge made Thain, a second-level magician who was accustomed to seeing big scenes, a bit stunned.

Judging from the mission points recorded in the holy tower badge, even the demigod-level magicians who participated in the Gumo plane war may not be higher than Thain.

Converted into magic coins, in this low-level plane war, Shain said he had received 20,000 magic coins.

This does not include the rare material specimens collected by Thane.

You know, more than a hundred years ago, after the entire Wild Orangutan World War ended, Thane only accounted for more than 30,000 magic coins. During this period, the war profits in the Sand World were the majority.

Now, after just over a year in the Gumo plane battlefield, he has earned 20,000 yuan.

This speed of making money would make Lu Lianman's heart flutter after seeing it.

Perhaps seeing the shock in Thain's expression, the magician from the fortress command center added after replacing Thain's temporary badge on the holy tower: "Your mission points were specially approved by the tower owner himself."

"The tower master also said that he wants to meet you after this war is over." This extremely young first-level magician said respectfully to Thain.

Although Thain is still at the second level at this time, his aura and the energy fluctuations emanating around him are no different from a third level great magician.

The relatively tattered magic robe could not hide Thain's outstanding temperament and sharp eyes.

In fact, after Thane escaped from the underground, he also heard about the Master of Dark Fire's work in the previous war, including the crisis he experienced in the underground world, which was also indirectly caused by the tower master.

But from the bottom of his heart, Thain did not complain about the decision made by the tower owner at that time. Instead, he believed that this was indeed the most correct approach at the time.

If Thain were in the position of Master of Dark Fire, he would not hesitate to order the space fortress to fire.

To a certain extent, Thane and the Dark Fire Tower Master have certain similarities.

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