The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 901: Facing the Laws

The rumbling vibrations and elemental shock waves that occurred on the surface of the earth were gradually no longer felt by the two of them who had dived into the depths of the underground magma. As they continued to dive deeper, they could no longer feel it.

Of course, not feeling the source of turbulence does not mean absolute safety.

The giant space fortress in the sky, its firepower is mainly aimed at the target, which is the silver rune matrix located below the depth of 20,000 meters.

Even if Thain and his two men dived faster and deeper, there was still some cutting-edge firepower directed towards their vests.

This also reflects from the side the powerful characteristics of the Wizarding World War platform.

During this period, the demigod-level earth dragon behind the two of Thain undoubtedly made a great contribution and blocked the concentrated shots of unknown energy elements for the two of Thain.

In peacetime, a huge size is undoubtedly the most powerful weapon on the battlefield. ‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎Only when suffering a covering blow like this, the effects of a huge size are revealed drag.

Fortunately, the location of Thain and the two of them is not the main strike area of ​​the space fortress.

And the frequent strikes gradually stopped after halfway through.

Therefore, although the threat from the sky kept the two of them busy for a while, as they successfully sneaked into the depths of the ground, this sense of threat gradually faded away.

The reduction of threats from the sky does not mean that the two of them are completely safe.

In fact, because the order given by the fifth-level magician Dark Fire is to penetrate the core of the Akale Plain, even sinking the continent.

So much so that after the frequent energy rays and the "Death Ray" that killed and injured two indigenous gods of the Gumo plane were launched, the entire Akale Plain, or the entire central continent of the Gumo plane, began to Frequent and violent geological turmoil!

As the giant space fortress artillery of the Holy Tower of Dark Fire gradually extinguished, the Gumo Plane erupted, the second wave of plane-wide volcanic eruptions since seven years ago.

The sacrificed Moknu High Priest and the Gulan Lizard God, their expectations of re-creating the glory of their tribe will probably not be realized.

This level of natural disaster in the plane is almost impossible to reverse even with the knowledge and power of Dark Fire.

Based on the experience after the last full-scale volcanic eruption, the volcanic dust of this eruption is wider and farther than the last time. In addition, the sequelae of the last volcanic eruption have not yet been resolved.

In the next Gumo Plane, perhaps for as long as twenty or thirty years, there will not be much sunlight. Through the thick fog and dust, it will shine on the land of Gumo Plane again.

If a plane loses its light for twenty or thirty years, one can imagine how much damage it will cause to the rules and environment of this world!

Countless species and groups will be eliminated from this low-level plane.

Only those species and creatures that truly adapt to the environment of the Gumo plane after the disaster are likely to continue to thrive in this low-level plane.

In fact, this also reflects the rich heritage and solid foundation of laws of the Gumo plane.

If it were a micro-plane with weaker laws and plane foundations, and such frequent geological turmoil and natural disasters, I'm afraid this world would have already entered the process of destruction.

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Powerful geological extrusion and lava erosion from all directions caused Thain and Lenna, who were at a depth of 20,000 meters underground, to face life and death crises several times.

Although the current situation has become extremely critical, ‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎ Sean is still clear in his mind, and he can’t help but think of the second-level witch Marilyn when he was in the Snow Spirit World. A divination prophecy given to him.

Could this be the "crisis" predicted by Marilyn?

Judging from the explanation in Marilyn's prophecy that danger contains opportunity, Thain and his wife are indeed facing more than just disaster.

The powerful geological turbulence and hot lava erosion were a bit too much for the strong physiques of Thain and Lenna, but it had to be admitted that under the influence of such a powerful plane force, their physiques and passiveness were greatly reduced. The level of evolution has been improved in this process.

Thain's physique has long reached the limit of a second-level creature. With his outstanding wisdom, after developing many body-refining methods, they all reached the bottleneck period.

Now that he has been promoted again, one can imagine what state he is moving towards.

And Lenna has just been promoted to the third level and entered a new level. Naturally, she has a wider room for improvement at this time.

With the tyrannical geological compression and turbulence of the earth's veins around him, a third-level heavenly knight from another system might be able to be ground into mincemeat.

But what a coincidence, Lenna happens to be a knight who masters earth fighting spirit!

Although Lenna is still far from reaching the level where demigod-level knights can touch the power of law, with Lenna's ability, she can completely rely on her strong body and pure fighting spirit to create an artificial environment to slow down the turbulence of the surrounding earth. A small space of power.

The space doesn't need to be big, just enough to accommodate her and Thain.

In fact, it is true that Lenna and Thain are hugging each other in an unsightly posture, mainly Lenna holding Thain.

Who made this fat woman so big?

Thain is confident enough in his tempered physique, but he is still not sure to face the impact of the power of earth veins.

If Lenna hadn't been there as a cushion to buffer him from too much power, I'm afraid Thain would have died here today.

The dangers that are always around us also contain great opportunities.

In addition to the tyrannical power of the earth's veins, which has tempered their bodies through torture, Lenna's fighting talent and earth-type fighting spirit may also be able to realize the pure joy in this natural geological change. The power of nature extends to mastering a new attack technique.

It may seem a bit mysterious to say this, but to put it another way, it is clearer and simpler.

From the perspective of level four magicians and above in the wizarding world, what constitutes the essence of the plane in the star realm is not only the tiniest particles, but also includes laws.

Laws are the cornerstone that runs through the star realm, and there are countless types of laws.

The power of laws mastered by knights and magicians above level 4 in the wizarding world is not natural. Many of them, especially the magicians, obtain the power of laws through observation and learning.

Only by learning the rules and being exposed to them can you truly master them one day!

Such powerful people in the wizarding world who have begun to come into contact with the laws are often called semi-god-level magicians.

When knights come into contact with the power of law, they are not as systematic and clear as magicians.

Many knights unconsciously touched and opened their own way to apply the law in endless battles.

Nowadays, the violent geological turmoil that is happening deep underground in the Gumo plane can be explained in another way. It can also be said that the power of the earth's law of the Gumo plane is being manifested in its most primitive way.

With this kind of geological turmoil, if an earth-type demigod-level elemental master were to come over, it would definitely be a rare and rare research material for thousands of years.

For knights like Lenna, they do not have the complex and high-end research methods of magicians. If they want to understand the laws of earth veins in depth, the best way is to experience it in person.

At this time, Lenna was experiencing the purest power of the earth's law!

On the other side, Thane's situation is similar. Although he doesn't have much applicability to the Earth Leyline Law, don't forget that the molten lava impacting from all directions contains a lot of the essence of the fire element.

This is truly a painful and joyful crisis experience.

However, if he had a choice, Thane would still prefer the gentler method of obtaining the truth in the laboratory.

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