The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 887 Level 4 Means

The three indigenous gods of the Gumo plane each have their own signatures and strengths.

The Gulan Lizard God is the totem god of all Gulan Lizard people. It is the oldest fourth-level creature in the Gumo world.

In addition to its huge size, its ability to withstand blows is also extremely good.

Although in essence, this guy is a giant green-scaled lizard man with wings.

But when the opponent appeared on the battlefield and showed his power among the clouds, this guy looked quite like those giant dragons in the wizarding world.

After being promoted to the second level, the Gulan Lizardman will have an extra pair of flesh wings, and after being promoted to the third level, he can understand the transformation form of the giant lizard.

The giant dragon species in the Beren Empire in the wizarding world has been privately slandered by some people as a giant lizard with wings.

I have to say that this kind of statement still has some basis.

Because it's really similar.

Compared with the third-level Gulan Lizard, it can only transform into a flying green lizard with a size of tens or hundreds of meters.

The thousand-meter-long body possessed by the Gulan Lizard God is undoubtedly even more amazing.

This is the power method of a truly strong person above level four.

And with the increase of the power of Gulan Lizard God's own laws, the ferocious beast's claw that it pressed down from the clouds has almost increased to hundreds of meters in size.

Thain was obviously far away, but he could vaguely see the details of the scales on the claws of the Gulan Lizard God.

The power of the fourth level is definitely beyond the imagination of ordinary low-level creatures.

If the claws of the Gulan Lizard God are really caught, even if the thousand-man magician phalanx holds up a large elemental shield, the final loss will definitely be quite staggering.

God Gulan Lizard took action, and the other two indigenous gods from the Gumo plane naturally appeared on the battlefield one after another.

Because in the early stage of the plane war, the Gulan Lizard God and the Moknu High Priest of the Gumo plane suffered a big loss at the hands of the tower owner of the Holy Tower of Dark Fire.

Among them, the Mokenu High Priest, who had poor physical combat ability and relatively weak physique, almost fell into the hands of the master of the Holy Tower of Dark Fire.

As the war has progressed to this point, the three indigenous gods of the Gumo plane are almost inseparable on the battlefield, relying on each other.

The Gulan Lizard God has outstanding hand-to-hand combat capabilities, plus thick skin and thick flesh, and its attack power is not weak. It can be said to be both offensive and defensive. It has always been the backbone of the Gumo Plane in resisting the Lord of the Dark Fire Holy Tower.

The combat level of the Moknu High Priest is not high, but it possesses some weird special abilities.

There are some abilities that even the tower master of the Dark Fire Holy Tower cannot figure out.

Among the three fourth-level indigenous gods in the Gumo plane, he is the most threatening existence to the owner of the Dark Fire Holy Tower.

As for the fourth-level Golo Earthworm King, this guy's vitality and life-saving ability are a step higher than the Gulan Lizard God.

Not only is it difficult to kill, but after being seriously injured, it can quickly penetrate deep into the ground and use the rich underground resources of rare ores and geothermal energy to speed up recovery from injuries.

The war in Gumo's plane has reached the current situation, largely because of the battle between level four and above strong men, which has reached a very strange situation‎‎‏‎‏‎‏‎​‏​‏‎‏‏ Different balance.

There is no doubt about the strength of the Lord of the Dark Fire Holy Tower. If only there was one less fourth-level creature, and if the complementary attributes of the other party were not so consistent, this war would not have dragged on until now.

The Gulan Lizard God suddenly appeared directly above the main battlefield, and as soon as he took action, he set his sights on the magician army in the wizarding world.

There is also movement in the wizarding world.

In other words, he has been waiting for the other party for a long time.

The bottom legion's combat has always been the advantage of the wizard civilization.

Despite the small number of wizard civilization legions, they still show great advantages overall.

This can be seen from the fact that the fourth-level Gulan Lizard God couldn't restrain himself and took action first.

A beam of hot energy suddenly penetrated the dark misty clouds and shot straight towards the claw of the Gulan Lizard God.

This energy beam does not come from the tower owner of the Holy Tower of Dark Fire, but only from the opponent's space fortress.

So far in the battle, in fact, even these level four and above strong men have suffered heavy losses.

In particular, it is not an exaggeration to say that the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry.

The strength of the tower master of the Dark Fire Holy Tower is really too strong, and it is already stronger than their imagination.

If they hadn't been fighting one against three, if they hadn't been able to enjoy the bonus effects of the rules of the mother plane, the three of them would have been defeated long ago.

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The charged attack of the Gulan Lizard God was broken by an energy beam from the Space Fortress, followed by a denser and larger number of energy beams that suddenly shot towards the direction of the Gulan Lizard God.

Painful groans and angry roars came from above the dark clouds and mist.

At the same time, another silver meteor light waterfall appeared from the sky on the other side of the battlefield.

This time it was the High Priest of the Mokenu people who took action.

These indigenous gods from the Gu Mo plane all behave like thieves.

They chose the main armies of the Wizarding World in different directions to attack.

Also, after such a long war, the high-level experts among these indigenous creatures have roughly figured out that the Holy Tower of Dark Fire cannot bear the death of a large number of magician legions.

Rather than repelling it, it is more appropriate to say that it is forcing back the Holy Tower of Dark Fire.

If the Holy Tower of Dark Fire does not ‎‎‏‎‏‎‏‎​‏​‏‎‏‏ and wants to suffer a lot of losses from its own knights and magician legions, it is most appropriate to withdraw from this hedgehog-like Gumo plane. s Choice.

By coincidence, the Mokenu High Priest appeared on the battlefield very close to where Thain and others were, and on the right side of the battlefield.

Thain looked up at the sky, and could only vaguely see a hazy black giant shadow, and the silver meteor energy attack released from the ancient staff in its hand.

The Mokonu High Priest is obviously relatively close to Thain, but it is not as realistic as the Gulan Lizard God that makes Thain see it more realistically.

It was a stroke of luck, because Thain rushed forward and had already escaped from the magician square of the Dark Fire Holy Tower.

Therefore, the prepared sneak attack by the Mokenu High Priest did not cover the battlefield where Thain was located.

But silver meteors were flying all over the sky, lighting up the entire plain battlefield. Such a grand event was indeed not something that could be seen under normal circumstances.

Affected by the attack by the Mokenu High Priest, the Gorodi earthworms on the nearby battlefield also fell into a brief frenzy.

They are extremely resistant to light elements, including the meteor attack method of the Moknu High Priest.

(Background introduction: Before being invaded by the wizard civilization army, the three major indigenous biological groups in the Gumo plane also maintained a wonderful balance.

The Mokonu are the natural enemies of the Golou Earthworm, and the Golou Earthworm has stronger vitality than the Gulan Lizard. The Gulan Lizard has been steadily suppressing the Mokenu in the surface confrontation.

It is precisely because of this that the Gumo plane did not unite to give birth to a dominant biological group, but there were three. )

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