The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 886: Wanton and Indiscriminate

Once the proud magic of Thane's apprenticeship, the Eye of the Sun has not been eliminated even though it has been around for hundreds of years.

It is still a powerful and fast-shooting signature magic.

The saturating Eye of the Sun magic left no room for the Moknu people across from Thain to escape.

The excess light element rays even caused huge damage to the Golo earthworms surrounding the battlefield.

During the plane war, the lives of these lower creatures are indeed the cheapest.

The dense Eye of the Sun beams caused countless scars on this Moknu man.

The opponent's silver blood was even more dazzling under the energy of Thane's light element.

The opponent's jet black armor did not play a very good role under the pouring out of Thain's elemental power.

In terms of personal strength, these indigenous creatures from the Gumo plane are far behind the gorillas in the wild orangutan world.

Good flexibility and agility did not allow this Mokenu man, who was still some distance away from Thain, to successfully get close enough to threaten Thain.

Because Thane's Eye of the Sun beam has not just one wave, but a dozen waves.

It has to be said that although Thain has not deliberately improved his light element magic strength in the past two hundred years, as his overall mental power, magic power and knowledge depth have improved.

The offensive magic that originally seemed to be less powerful is now in Thane's hands, and its overall power has increased several times.

In the apprenticeship stage, Thane's Eye of the Sun magic has been modified to produce six elemental eyes and release six waves.

But now that Thane has been promoted to the second level, he can easily condense hundreds of eyes of the sun, and rely on the thickness of his magic power to release dozens or hundreds of waves.

The reason why only a dozen waves were released in the end was because under Thain's indiscriminate and saturated Eye of the Sun beam, the Moknu man who finally got close to less than ten meters away from Thain lost his life. Combat ability.

A powerful magician whose second-level peak is about to touch the third-level life level has such a big gap unknowingly when fighting against such an ordinary second-level creature from an alien plane.

During the Wild Orangutan World War more than a hundred years ago, Thane believed that his strength had not reached such an exaggerated level.

However, after more than a hundred years of accumulation and breakthroughs in the field of elemental transformation, Thain has become difficult to defeat, at least in the second level.

Even Lenna couldn't compete with Thain even if she kept the distance.

Only when the two of them were sparring at close range, and Lenna's violent attacks forced Thain to have no time to release the powerful magic of chanting, could the fat woman overpower Thain.

But there are probably not many top-level second-level peak knights like Lenna in the wizarding world. How could Thain easily encounter this low-level alien plane?

When Thain flew over the Moknu man at a low altitude, he was looking up at Thain with pessimistic and desperate eyes.

The silver thorn had long since been scrapped by the rays of the Eye of the Sun, and he himself was even more scarred now.

Thain had seen this kind of pessimistic, despairing, and resentful look many times during many plane wars.

This is the attitude only the weak possess.

"Hmph." Thain snorted, and a piece of magic light swayed up again.

With the temporary badge of the Holy Tower of Dark Fire as a record, Thain, who was deep in the battlefield of Akale Plains, began his own road of plundering mission points.

No one would think that he has too many resources and magic coins. When Thain is in the breath gathering state‎‎‏‎‏‎‏‎​‏​‏‎‏‏, he maintains an ordinary second-level life level, which helps him to be confused. Found many alien creatures.

There are also level three creatures in the world of Gumo. Hunting the alien natives at such an exaggerated speed like Thain will inevitably cause the backlash and targeting of those strong aliens.

But unfortunately, the breath-containing means from Dragon Turtle Tourmaline, as well as Thane's continuous expansion in the field of elemental mysteries in recent years, have enabled him to hide his aura very well.

His experience as a dark demon apprentice in his youth, as well as the calm and rational mind commonly possessed by magicians, prevented Thane from performing recklessly on the battlefield just because he had peak strength beyond the second level.

Thain himself is not a person who likes to show off.

Making a fortune in silence and doing things in a low profile are his life mottos.

In fact, if it weren't for the fact that the true form of the light element is indeed more suitable for this battlefield, Thain would not have made himself so dazzling.

During this period, of course, there were also elite second-level creatures or more powerful third-level creatures from the Gumo world who came to cause trouble for Thain.

But when these guys faced the extremely powerful Thain and the iron triangle composed of Lenna, Natalya, and Yuri around him, they all lost without exception.

Even the best among them could not escape successfully.

What Thain and others are fighting are elites!

Plane war is different from usual competitions. Although Thain and Lenna both have the ability to challenge level three or even defeat level three, it does not mean that they have to fight independently on the battlefield.

Cooperating with each other to kill the opponent at a smaller cost is the real smart person.

Lenna does need a fierce battle to stimulate her cells to complete transformation, but there is no conflict with her cooperating with Thane and others to fight together.

Because they have seen too many battles with higher-level creatures, Thain and others are more humble than others think. When the situation in this war eases a little, Thain and Lenna can naturally find a worthy opponent to hone themselves.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, and a source-changing app used by old bookworms,]

Now, like other wizarding world combat armies, what they need to do is to kill the enemies in front of them as much as possible.

Even as more and more indigenous biological legions from the Gumo world surged up, Thain temporarily put aside the work of collecting specimens and trophies, and only focused on bringing death to the alien creatures in front of him.

Anyway, those corpses scattered all over the battlefield will not disappear out of thin air. They are recorded with the Holy Tower badge. After the battle is over, you can come back and count them one by one.

Thane may not like those cheap cannon fodder corpses of alien creatures that are not of high value.

Once the battle on the Akale Plains started, it became dark and dark, and there was no sign of ending in a short period of time.

With the strength of Thain and his team, they are definitely considered to be the small group of people standing at the top on this battlefield.

Unless the indigenous creatures in the Gumo world send two demigod-level strong men to encircle and suppress them, otherwise the general third-level creatures will end up being decomposed and swallowed by Thain, Lenna and others.

Of course, the strong strength of Thane and others does not mean that all wizarding world combat legions are so tough.

After all, the indigenous creatures in the Gumo world are more dominant in number, and as the war goes by, many first-level knights and magicians with relatively shallow backgrounds have exhausted their physical and mental strength. Even if they are protected by slave creatures, the casualties will be very small. The inevitable begins to set in.

Because this is a decisive battle with no retreat for the time being, the Dark Fire Holy Tower Combat Command has not arranged for rest or retreat.

On the plane battlefield, knights and magicians can always only rely on themselves. Do not place too much hope on others. This is irresponsible for your own life.

Because Thain, Natalya and others charged too hard, Thain gradually lost contact with the first-level magicians and other first-level knights under their command.

All they can do is wish them good luck.

The original task given to Thain and others by the Holy Tower of Dark Fire was not to protect the safety of these low-level knights and magicians. They were not nannies.

On the fifteenth day of the battle, a loud "bang" suddenly exploded above the clouds.

This has exceeded the power limit of a demigod-level creature.

It can be seen that as the decisive battle between the two sides began to break out in the Akalie Plain, some level four creatures finally couldn't bear it any longer.

The one who took the lead this time was the indigenous god of Gumo World.

Thain was far away from the place where the level 4 power exploded at this time. He vaguely saw a green claw of a ferocious beast emerging from the depths of the clouds and grabbing straight downwards.

There is one of the three thousand-man magician phalanx of the Dark Fire Holy Tower.

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