The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 860 Finale

This artifact, the heavy hammer, was finally sold for 780,000 magic coins.

Judging from the workmanship of this artifact, it does not look like the work of alchemists in the wizarding world. It should come from a certain alliance plane.

Including the buyer of the artifact, Thain guessed that it might also be a certain alliance god.

Because knights and magicians of level four or above in the wizarding world probably don't think much of this kind of "roughly made" equipment.

Those who use heavy hammers as weapons are usually knights, and every fourth-level knight, as long as his popularity is not too bad, should also know a few magicians of the same level.

Asking magicians to refine equipment is a common practice for most knights in the wizarding world.

Of course, there are sometimes outliers.

For example, the Thunder Knight who had a cooperative relationship with the Holy Tower of Jade Source found a god of forging from another world‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏ to help him create precious A world-class secret treasure.

Lu Lianman and others were envious of Thunder Knight's request for someone to build a world-class secret treasure. There were also many level 4 and above experts in the wizarding world who knew about it, and looked at the subsequent development with a joke-like attitude.

If world-class secret treasures were forged so easily, it would not be possible for them to enjoy a great reputation in the star realm.

What's more, the person who helped the Thunder Knight forge the equipment this time was not a magician from the wizarding world, but a god from another world.

Many people are gloating and waiting for the Thunder Knights to finally come up empty-handed.

With the amount of money Lei Ming invested before forging the weapons, as well as his swindling behavior of mortgaging his space fortress, once the final result is failure, Thunder Knight will undoubtedly be in an extremely serious debt crisis and the operation of the Knights Hall will be in trouble.

This is undoubtedly a huge gamble.

One step to heaven, one step to hell.

Many powerful people in the wizarding world believe that Lei Ming has one foot at the door of hell.

Only an impulsive and aggressive knight like him would do such a mindless thing.

A magician of the same level would never be able to make such a desperate move as Lei Ming, let alone place his hope on an "outsider".

This also shows the common personality differences between knights and magicians in the wizarding world.

After witnessing an artifact auction event in this auction hall, Thain took Irene to visit two other auction halls.

And by the way, Irene and I enjoyed the food provided by the auction.

The overall value of the transaction items presented in the other two auction halls was even greater than that of the place where the two of them stayed before.

It's not that the flower elf maid looked at Thain with colored glasses and specifically refused to take him to a higher-level auction venue.

But the items sold at the other two auction venues were indeed beyond the endurance limit of a second-level peak magician like him.

Not to mention a second-level magician, even if a third-level magician went there, most of the time he would stare at it with wide eyes.

For example, in the second auction hall, the finale that Thain was waiting for was actually a living, fourth-level creature branded as a slave.

Erin's idea before coming to the auction finally came true. She really saw a living Level 4 creature being pressed against the auction site and being bid on!

And what made Thain have to lament the mysterious fate is that this fourth-level creature, which was suppressed by the magic chain in all aspects, and even the soul was branded, was a wild orangutan‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​ ‏‏‎‎‏‏Orangutan!

Thain did not recognize this fourth-level gorilla god. He was not the gorilla god he had faced at the Jade Origin Holy Tower when he participated in the battle in the Wild Orangutan World Battlefield.

According to the introduction of the auction host, this is a fourth-level orangutan god who has mastered the power of earth laws.

Even the auction host seemed to be a level 4 or above strong man, because Thain saw that he effortlessly sliced ​​open the wrist of the orangutan god.

The blood of God, which contained a strong aura of earth element, flowed so cheaply on the tray next to the imprisoned orangutan god.

I don’t know if there is something wrong with the spirit of this orangutan god, or if it was imprisoned by the auction house through special means.

When the auction host opened its wrist and introduced the various treasures and abilities of the orangutan god like a pig waiting to be killed, the orangutan god actually remained silent from beginning to end. , with a dull expression.

This extremely powerful method made Thain, a little second-level magician, marvel in admiration.

But what made him even more curious was, which powerful person in the wizarding world could actually capture a level four orangutan god alive?

Capturing a level 4 creature alive and killing a level 4 creature are completely different things.

Not to mention, the wild orangutan family is indeed a notoriously violent species.

When faced with a desperate situation and unable to resist, they don't mind sacrificing their lives to drag one or two opponents into the water.

Bixi's brother, Jiaolong Moyan, suffered many serious injuries in this civilized war, and he had suffered enough from these wild orangutans.

In fact, Thain didn't know that his ancestor Cuilis also captured a level 4 orangutan god alive during the Wild Orangutan World War, and sent it back to the Wizarding World early to give it to the dominant level powers who were paying attention to the war from behind. Researchers do research.

Cuilisi was able to capture a level four orangutan god alive mainly because of the unexpected convenience.

If it were on a frontal battlefield, it would still be very difficult to catch a level 4 orangutan god who was bent on escaping.

But this does not prevent Trilis from demonstrating her strength.

Thain wondered what kind of powerful creature it was to be able to capture a level four ape god alive.

The answer is that a creature as powerful as his ancestor will do.

A living level 4 orangutan god is far more valuable than a dead level 4 orangutan god.

Because in addition to peeling off its skin and bones for experimental research, or directly taking away the most precious things such as its divine personality, divine blood, divine bones, etc., its fourth-level biological combat power can be used on the battlefield. Also a good helper.

Great value, giving it a very high price.

The starting price of 13 million magic coins made Thain have to raise his head to look up at such a high-end product that he could not currently touch.

This fourth-level ape god who was branded as a slave is actually more expensive than a medium-sized Wizarding World standard space fortress!

This was just the starting price. When the final price soared to 20 million magic coins, Thain closed his mouth and smiled bitterly and said that this was indeed not a game they could participate in.

"Let's go and have a look at the last auction hall." Thain pulled Eileen, who was also in a state of shock.

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The bidding atmosphere in the last auction hall was slightly calmer than the previous one.

However, the auction items here are indeed not something that Thain can get his hands on.

As the finale of this auction hall, it is a wedge-shaped wooden block that Thain cannot understand its origin.

According to the host, this thing is actually one-seventh of the broken parts of a world-class secret treasure.

The host gave a very detailed introduction. It seemed that the other party was also an alchemist, and an alchemist far more powerful than Thane.

In front of the auction site, the host directly made a simple analysis of the various properties of this wedge-shaped wooden block.

After seeing the incredible properties of this wedge-shaped wooden block, Thain suddenly remembered one thing in his mind - the two ribbons of tourmaline.

There is no doubt that this thing is definitely not something that Thain can come into contact with at this stage.

The final starting price of the wedge-shaped wooden block was not much different from the level 4 orangutan god that was previously imprisoned for auction.

Thain has always believed that Tourmaline is a little rich woman.

Now, he was even more convinced of this idea.

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